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Coming Soon: Devstream #26


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Rhino Prime has increased speed over his unprimed counterpart. Can we expect to see similar improvements on other Primes?


Do we have an ETA on the universal ability mods, and can we expect to see any current "generic" Warframe abilities (e.g. Super Jump) moved into them?


 Please don't let this die guys lets insist on the other primes getting a boost!

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Not to worth listen the streams because in forums you can read shorter versions and the chat window is just annoying and lucky guys can given answers. Better to do some project what you want to see and publish in right time. 


Also DE needs more community - communicator to answer fast questions and share them and improve the relation between fans and devs.


Other just don't rant and arguing with them because they are all humans who work for us "sometimes" wrongly but with good attitude. 

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what is the best part of crushing people's dreams

what is the best part of creating new things for the players to dream about.

has the melee 2.0 team given up the ability to sleep and dream for more coding and fixing time?

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Performance issues related question:


There are a lot of performance issues in this game like: fps fluctutation, freezes, lag related fps drops, fps/lags long runs (50wave defense, survival, 30+ min), lags, S#&$ty hosts, L1 enemies(lag related), penta grenades not flying because of lag and soooo on. 


When can we expect fixes (not only for the void (Laser issue))?




Old player problem: 


1) Lot of ppl don't play anymore because there is literally nothing to do when you reach a certain point. What about adding something farming related? Building a statue for a certain ammount of ressources (20million nano spores (for ghost clan) => build a statue or a badge or whatever). It should be something which is not required for gameplay so you can make some ridicilous requirements. see this


2) What about adding bulk pakages for dedicated player? Something like "buy 1000 Forma for 2000plat" or same with catalyst. 

Edited by buriburi
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Serious question


Ever since the 2nd phase of the Tethra event, Grineer difficulty across all Grineer levels has been, well it's been ridiculous. Not only is their dmg output a lot higher, but the hordes of shield lancers, scorpions, and general things that knock you over and over again onto the ground have been spammed endlessly by them especially in Survival. I literally will watch my perfectly durable Ash or Volt get knocked down once ( this is on lower tier nodes), and then I'll watch them get thrown around like it's classic pong, only with shield lancers and a warframe. Did I mention about 3200 napalm and bombard rockets blow up on you as you're being used for a game of pong, ultimately killing you cause you CANT, DO, ANYTHING. P.s Yes I have maxed out my knockdown resistance, and on the 20% chance I do get knocked down, I'm usually screwed at that point.  


Wiill this be fixed? At least the pong problem? or is this "working as intended".   If it's the second choice, then I'm boycotting Grineer missions. 


Edit: I realize there's a handful of people that ask for a harder game, on occasion I'm one of them, but there's a difference between presenting a friendly challenge, which a good/experienced player should be able overcome with what he has at his disposal AT ANY POINT in the proposed situation, with the given mechanics, the skills he has learned and the utensils that he has acquired, as opposed to  simply piling on the same thing to the point where it's so overbearing that nothing you could possibly use to help will actually help, and that it eventually discourages wanting to play, cause it's just that frustrating. Bottom line, spamming enemies that can keep you from doing anything while overpowered deadly enemies beat down on you isn't really that great. Idk if there's others that I agree, but I feel this should be fixed.

Edited by S1kTh
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hrmm...well, at least i'll be able to watch it on yt. the one week I cant watch it live and it sounds sooo good...  :(:(


edit: just thought of a question: with respect to new content, is there anything in the works for another big/giant sized boss? maybe something for the corpus that's comparable to the lephantis or even bigger? I honestly think with the new melee system (what is it at this point? melee v100.00? lmao) bigger bosses will be epic to have battles with.

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Are there any plans to add a weapon test range or something similar to the dojo or the planned new menu/lobby system?


Additional context: I would like to have a small area where I can set up very specific encounters (enemy type + enemy level) in order to test guns and their currently installed mods.

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My question(s) are:

    How will Melee 2.0 affect the good ol' Alert only melee weapons? (Pangolian sword, Plasma Sword, Jaw Sword, Dark Sword and dagger, Etc)?

Will it make them worth building for using rather than just using them for the mastery? maybe like they were before damage 2.0?



Also will we ever see dual Dark swords? (just curious)

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Warframe as a game seems too easy. I have only played 2 weeks and even playing Teir 3 Towers or Nightmare Missions it isn't impossible. Actually, it is the only missions that pose ANY kind of challenge (And my Warframes are 2 weeks old).


My question would be.

Are there any plans for increasing Creature AI?


1) Cooperation (Flanking, Combos of abilities, flash bangs then charging as a group, etc)

2) Creatures doing Melee Combos (Melee 2.0 Monsters I assume)

3) Melee Creatures reaching you on high platforms (It is possible to be 100% safe from Infested currently)


Also, wanting a harder game doesn't mean "more health and damage on enemies". It means "More strategic and skill-based challenge". Making Tier 4 Towers with monsters that have 20x the health of current Teir 3 towers isn't harder, its just less forgiving.

Edited by Flatlander
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Most likely already asked but my first question is about the new water frame. What element is the new water frame using? Will we see water being added or will they be an existing element. Regarding melee 2.0, asking again.. will we ever see more responsive controls?

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You have stated that the art team does not want to let us change the look for prime warframes and is looking at stopping Prime Custimization. While i understand the want to not allow Immortal-Skin use on a Prime, i feel i should be able to equip whatever helmet i wish. In addition, i am a founder, there is no point for me to play regular excalibur when i have Cali-Prime, will this change prevent me from using Hayden's Excal skin? Will we be unable to use Sayandana's? Will my Frost prime have to get a divorce with his Squall Helmet?

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My usual questions.


Q1. Why did you nerf the Lato and Aklato so much over the months? Especialy why did you nerfed the Vandal and Prime version aswell?


Q2. While Steve gave SOME explanation on the nature of Warframes in the livestream 25 and how the devs think about it, he did not adress the number of possible warframes of the same type.


Are Warframes one of a kind character, who just for the sake of gameplay can appear in multiple numbers at the same place, or do they represent character classes with each containing a different individual?


This has nothing to do with pigeon holing, but is a just question on the most fundamental level regarding the story telling in Warframe and what ever it contradicts itself.


Q2.B. If Valkyr is a class of Warframe, why would the Tenno replicate the original escaped Tenno's appearance like that, including all the clumsily "implanted" devices by the Corpus?


Q3. Will melee 2.0 include the ability to keep a weapon charged without the time limit? I always find it annoying when my charge releases too early because the enemy just happend to step 1 meter away all of a sudden.


Q4. What exactly qualifies a weapon as clantech and what qualifies it as freely aquirable via the market (in blueprint form)?


Q5. Why are there suddently so many weapons developed by Corpus and Grineer that aren't used by them? If you want to expand lore why do you break it so much with that?


Q6. If Ember's tankiness from the old Overheat was such a problem because of her meant role, why is it okay for Valkyr to be essentialy just a half hearted tank with an Iron Skin 1.0b version?


Q7. Any chance someone is finaly forced to sit down and clean up the market *cough* 150 plat for Skana *cough* so prices make any damn sense and people might be more willing to pay you money for something?


Q8. Why do you throw lore into the Warframe descriptions, where they shouldn't be unless they are directly related to said frame, instead of just creating LORE entry in the codex to read those story bits?


Q.9. Why is interception on Earth still not fixed? All you needed to do was set it back to the pre-event setting. New players are still massacred by masses of Eviscrators, Heavies and Leaders.


Q.10. Can you at least move the two interception missions to optional nodes rather than have them be roadblocks?

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