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Why People Hate Melee 2.0


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In Melee 1.0 when I fought using a weapon it had a combo animation without being called a combo. It had some flow to it.
And I'm sorry but with the current STILL BLOODY SCREWED UP drop rates for stances its 275 plat for the nikana and then god knows how much for the stance mod itself if you go for the pretty much only sane solution: trade.

It is NOT entertaining if I have to get a weapon through some annoying long process and then carry a useless piece of steel around while I hunt for a mod that is supposed to make it better.
Even with a mod installed in Machete Wraith I dont bother with combos because its insane to count the amount of time I have pressed a button or pause for a second while under heavy fire and pray that the game accepts the pause time as allowed and lands a slightly stronger attack.

Melee 2.0 is still just mashing E but we are now deprived of the stylish and sweet looking charge attacks that had some really nice animations.
Not to mention other, lets be honest, $&*&*#(%& solutions that this system introduced.

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I think why every one (including me) is so mad is because during the time they spent making this every one got all hyped up. They started showing off these amazing combos and every one went wild. But then it gets dropped on us and bam no combos yet. You must grind and get all the fist and machete mods before you can get the one little thing you want a COMBO.

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Quickpost, Melee 2.0 is fun, but based on some observation in chatframe, the following are major isssues



Melee Mode Select - Its not apparent enough that w have to hold F to obtain melee mode


Stance Mods - were promised t o be given free in Devstream 25 but ended up having to be farmed

                        - Ridiculous drop rate

                       - Unrealistic asking prices in trading

                       - Most are rare /uncommon making them that much harder to find

                       -SOme of them do not even fit in the stance slot [Only confirmed for fracturing wind]


Glaive -Difficult to throw in new melee mode

            - Dissapears from time to time

            - Slight increase in charge time is inconvenient


Energy Channel - Not apparent enought hat has to be held down to be used

                             -needs alock so that we can click it once and have it last some time as oppposed to permanently holding it


Melee Energy Efficiency - Most people have no idea what it is

                                           - Does not seem to drain energy even when spamming energy channel


Hit Counter -Almost impossible to maintain over long durations even in T3 Surv [Most players only get to 2x dmg] 



Thats all I can remember 


Godspeed :D


Edit :People don't hate the new melee,  they're just annoyed by it (as explained by Anunymau5), but it sounded like an appropriate title at the time, and I thought having that title would encourage better discussion > Sorry for that :/ :D




Only the Stance mods and the Glaive issues are major problems, especially the Stance mods being RNG-locked which is a massive pain. The rest of your list are not actually problems, just lack of knowledge.


- Melee swapping is mentioned in the Codex, in fact like most things about Melee 2.0. It's only not apparent to players who don't bother to read it.




- Energy Channel is also mentioned in the Codex as holding down the Melee Channel key.




- Melee Channel Efficiency is obviously the amount of energy you use for Melee Channeling. Also, you only consume energy while channeling if your strikes actually hit your enemy. Now the latter fact is not mentioned in the Codex and so can be excused for being not apparent, but it should actually become apparent in gameplay that energy drains only when you hit an enemy.


It's not been F for me. For whatever reason it wasn't bound to any key when I started the first mission and I tried every button until I looked into my bindings and found out that I had to bind it myself.



It's Hold F in order to draw out your melee weapon. Yes, there is a separate key binding to get the Melee weapon fast (I bound mine to G), but holding F is the default.


I mean, they mention everything in the Codex under Training > Melee 2.0:





It is NOT entertaining if I have to get a weapon through some annoying long process and then carry a useless piece of steel around while I hunt for a mod that is supposed to make it better.



You know that each and every weapon has received some major buffs even without stance mods? So if you were able to use Melee before, you should still be able to use Melee 2.0 now, but even better. Hell, if you have your Primary or Secondary drawn your melee acts the same as Melee 1.0, but without charged attacks.


Also, even without Stance mods the ability to Melee Channel and Parry (which blocks EVERYTHING) are stuff I'd never even dream of being able to do in Melee 1.0. My Dual Ethers don't have Stance Mods yet, but they can kill rather fast in Sword Alone mode while I'm hunting for Prosecutors in Ceres.

Edited by LGear
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I've trained in martial arts for over 15 years and once have I heard any instructor say anything about having to put a mod on your weapons to use more attacks.  Must be a space thing.

How many times have you heard to be sure to equip your fireball ability before sparring?

Seriously, one of the silliest things I've read on the forums in a long time; it's a *VIDEO GAME* thing not a "space thing" and reality has no bearing here.


Seriously, why do people keep saying the devs promised free stances with every weapon? Watch the stream again, they refer to having unmodded weapons as being the "basic stance" or something to that effect.

The RNG is annoying but people need to calm down, it hasn't even been a weekend yet; if you play this game bee-lining it for one hard to get item you're never going to enjoy it; and once you get that item you're going to get a whopping 30 seconds of satisfaction before it becomes trivial to you anyways.

Just play to have a good time and when you start to get bored stop playing... it's not rocket science.

Another thing... Why are people blaming DE for the trading market? PLAYERS are defining the prices not DE.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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The stance part is really the whole point, and pretty much singlehandedly justifies the anger of the community.


Oh and the 275 plat costing katana with a ridicioulsly high resource cost in the dojo research, which all an attempt to tempt you into buying it

I researched it with out farming and got a argon crystal on the first void mission I went on speak for your self

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DE, we've been waiting and waiting for this. You promised us that we'd get these stances.

We have all these trash resources that we collected from killing the untold trillions of dumb AI hordes you threw at us. Let us at least craft these mods instead of throwing scraps to us, petty peasants and laugh from on high while we grind our nails, teeth and faces off trying to get the goodies you promised to deliver.


DE, you owe each and every one of your players an apology for this farce that we have gotten in return for our devotion and support.

no they don't we owe them they worked there butts off  and all you have to say is that


wow you are ungrateful  

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I hate melee 2.0

Its a ridiculous system instead the glorious new style of fighting.

They just eh...honestly, combos need to go, charge attacks need to come back, channeling needs to be reworked into something different,

Maybe slo-mo? Or activating some weapon bonus coming from a mod? You activate channeling and your weapon ONLY THEN is able to lets say set enemies on fire.

Oh and channeling not using ability energy would be great, a different resource if you must, like, with each kill you fill up a bar for melee energy.

I dont know, so many better ideas than we currently have in the game but DE picked the S#&$TIEST ones

explain how slow mo would work in a multiplayer game not to mention it would be worthless 

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All I wanted was to initiate the kickass kill move animations...sadly i won't get to experience it due to the execution nature of this animation,the way they showed the killmoves during live stream looked so frakking amazing!


Just wish there was an easier way to prompt it like maybe when an enemy is about to die you get to randomly initiate a kill move and you are than given a chance to kill the enemy in style like those cinematic finishers you get in skyrim or assassins creed.


Would also be great to recieve a buff in stamina,attack speed,stamina recharge rate or increased melee damage etc. when unequipping primary and secondary weapons only having your melee weapon equiped cuse the only benefit on unequipping your primary and secondary is only focusing the exp on your melee weapon.


as for the grinding on the stance mods,maybe there should have been one free stance mod for the skana as the players start out,otherwise I am fine farming the rest of the stance mod giving me a purpose to level my weaponry.

Edited by Clarencezer
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no they don't we owe them they worked there butts off  and all you have to say is that


wow you are ungrateful  


DE is a company making a commercial product. And they lied, for in a past Livestream they told us that there would be no grind involved for Melee 2.0 mods. Then the stance thing came around and surprise, suddenly grind was back in in full force.


Yeah, people got right to be &!$$ed off.

Edited by Caernarvon
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DE is a company making a commercial product. And they lied, for in a past Livestream they told us that there would be no grind involved for Melee 2.0 mods. Then the stance thing came around and surprise, suddenly grind was back in in full force.


Yeah, people got right to be &!$$ed off.

It's good to see people being able to see the truth rather than brown nosing everywhere.


"We will reduce RNG" Says the Devs in past streams


Now we have the most ridiculous RNG update ever, this game has been steering away from its original state and purpose for a while now. I wonder when will it completely derail. 

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What I would like to see in the future with these stances is more variety.


Yeah, each stance has two or so combos, but why can't we have some air combos? Why can't we have a combo canceler by pressing [sprint+direction] and have a recovery? Or some special combos which start from the slide or wall attack? There is room for more things here, and it would be nice to see melee expand. 


Aside from that, I'm also yet to see any real solution to RNG even proposed. Everything in this game drops from mobs, how do you expect to get it otherwise? Platinum? Yeah, let's the make the game even more boring. 


What we all probably need is a massive expansion into a new system and raise on level caps, that's gonna get us busy for a while. 

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I love the new melee, the fact that you have to chain combos and ashs teleport is basically a godsend for this matter. Someones' really far away? doesn't matter. 


What I do find a little bit weird is the combo's damage. I recently got Crossing Snakes for my Dual Ichor and maxed it and was trying to use the combo. I hit some dude dead in the face (level 30-ish grineer commando) with the finisher; only to find it did surprisingly little damage, the knockback was nice though but it did about 50 impact (i tried again with energy channeling and it did about 600+, but i was doing 1000-2000 with all the strikes before the actual finisher.


Is it just me? Is anyone else having this problem?

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It's good to see people being able to see the truth rather than brown nosing everywhere.


"We will reduce RNG" Says the Devs in past streams


Now we have the most ridiculous RNG update ever, this game has been steering away from its original state and purpose for a while now. I wonder when will it completely derail. 


I think this is my problem. Stances? Ya know, the prospect of farming till RNG decides to give me a stance mod, the whole point of Melee 2.0, makes me not care about it. at all. Quick attack still works, and my guns still work better, so all this update ends up being is a couple days of farming content then... another long break while waiting for U14

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What I would like to see in the future with these stances is more variety.


Yeah, each stance has two or so combos, but why can't we have some air combos? Why can't we have a combo canceler by pressing [sprint+direction] and have a recovery? Or some special combos which start from the slide or wall attack? There is room for more things here, and it would be nice to see melee expand. 


Aside from that, I'm also yet to see any real solution to RNG even proposed. Everything in this game drops from mobs, how do you expect to get it otherwise? Platinum? Yeah, let's the make the game even more boring. 


What we all probably need is a massive expansion into a new system and raise on level caps, that's gonna get us busy for a while. 


Here, read the thread and read what I replied to that guy. The same aplies here. There are plenty of ways to get rid of ABUSIVE RNG, DE just don't care about.



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Melee overhaul ... yet I still can't AIM my melee. Same old issues, can't melee an enemy if I'm standing on a staircase and he's below me. Finishing touches not finishing anything and completely missing a still enemy laying on the ground. And best for last, all the new stance mods have to be farmed ! 1200 hours played in this game before melee gets improved and man I was eagerly waiting on it. Until they announced the new moves were gonna be mods I was excited. Mods for melee moves ? Maybe next you can overhaul the parkour, so we can farm for mods to allow us to jump and do a barrel-roll.


FFS DE you done goofed :/.

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Would also be great to recieve a buff in stamina,attack speed,stamina recharge rate or increased melee damage etc. when unequipping primary and secondary weapons only having your melee weapon equiped cuse the only benefit on unequipping your primary and secondary is only focusing the exp on your melee weapon.



Buff in Stamina: Marathon

Buff in Attack Speed: Fury, Berserker

Buff in Stamina Recharge: Quick Rest, Second Wind(not Stamina recharge, but you get some back with a melee kill)

Buff in Increased Melee Damage: Pressure Point, Killing Blow, Elemental damage, Heavy Trauma, Jagged Edge, Sundering Strike, Rending Strike, Focus Energy, Berserker, and probably more I'm not thinking of.


The methods to boost damage and have more stamina/get it back quicker exist. Use them.

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It's Hold F in order to draw out your melee weapon. Yes, there is a separate key binding to get the Melee weapon fast (I bound mine to G), but holding F is the default.


I mean, they mention everything in the Codex under Training > Melee 2.0:


Thanks for assuming that after playing the game for more than a year I'm still that stupid not to read the Update notes, the Wikia, the ingame advice or whatever. Your white-knighting is not needed, no offence but I'm a greedy elitist bastard myself eversince Gradivus.


"hold F to switch to Melee-mode" is just the worst bullsh*t they could come up with right after NOT binding Melee Attack to the left mouse button when in Melee-Mode or having seperate bindings for melee-mode altogether.


I've bound my weapon-swap on Mousewheel Up/Down because that's the standard in 99% of all First/Third person games that feature carrying multiple weapons. Now show me how is one to hold the mousewheel up/down for a brief period of time to trigger the switch to Melee-mode?


I'd be astonished if someone is actually able to do that with his/her mousewheel. Whoever came up with the idea of "hold to switch" obviously didn't think this through or hasn't played any regular Shooter game yet. So the only thing I could do was binding the "switch to melee mode"-key to my Wheel-click... Yeah thanks for wasting 3 buttons of my mouse just to switch between 3 goddamn weapons. It's already like I've bound every weapon to it's own disctinct key... Which is pretty ridiculous.


Also I've bound my Quick Melee button to the Thumb-button on my mouse because for occassional sweeps it's okay to do so... But when you've to do it all the time or be precise with it to trigger combos it wears on the thumb pretty fast. On top of that I still have the feeling that when I push the left mouse button hard enough in rage it will eventually attack, but no, it's just for melee channeling, which should be anything but the Left mouse button and toggle-able too, another thing I find pretty inconvenient.


So I basically gave up using Melee-mode because of the crippled control scheme that's against every natural rule of any game I've ever played in my life and there's been a lot ever since I started playing in the last millenium. The melee mode might have some nice features yes, but I find the controls too awkward to adapt to them as they feel like a decision/addition they've made like 5 minutes before they shipped U13 while they were already nearly falling asleep because of overtime. No wonder Scott struggled with the controls on the last Dev-Stream if they were the same as they are now.


Also I haven't dropped a single stance yet and there are like 30? of them to make the Melee mode different from the button-mashing that it's been before U13 and some people already argued about the fact that even with stances it's not that much of a difference, which defeats the whole purpose. The mere thought of the grindwall Melee 2.0 has been put behind has turned me into becoming "Meh" on the whole Melee 2.0 thing and looking forward to U14 in 8 weeks or whatever.


I might sound like I'm angry, but that's because I am about such an embarrassing oversight like Keybindings. Still don't hate Melee 2.0, how could I... Haven't really gotten into it yet because of how awkward it's controls are. And without stances there's like not much difference to be noticed.

Edited by MeduSalem
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1] Thanks for assuming that after playing the game for more than a year I'm still that stupid not to read the Update notes, the Wikia, the ingame advice or whatever. Your white-knighting is not needed, no offence but I'm a greedy elitist bastard myself eversince Gradivus.


2] I've bound my weapon-swap on Mousewheel Up/Down because that's the standard in 99% of all First/Third person games that feature carrying multiple weapons. Now show me how is one to hold the mousewheel up/down for a brief period of time to trigger the switch to Melee-mode?


3] Also I've bound my Quick Melee button to the Thumb-button on my mouse because for occassional sweeps it's okay to do so... But when you've to do it all the time or be precise with it to trigger combos it wears on the thumb pretty fast. On top of that I still have the feeling that when I push the left mouse button hard enough in rage it will eventually attack, but no, it's just for melee channeling, which should be anything but the Left mouse button and toggle-able too, another thing I find pretty inconvenient.


1. Well, your wording on your initial post certainly sounded like confusion at not finding a feature that was already mentioned in lots of sources.


2. In my experience, weapon switching was primarily done via the number keys (FPS vet since the original Doom), and that was for weapons that carried MULTIPLE WEAPONS, like a dozen weapons for a single character. And for games that already have said keys bound to powers, they bound switch weapon to a different button and had a hot swap button. It's relatively recent (like a decade) that mousewheel switching became the norm for power switching.


3. I've had my Melee Key on RMB since I started playing Warframe, mimicking the control scheme of games like Relic's Space Marine to make for more fluid melee combat, and so that I don't have to mash a keyboard button for combat. I then have Aim on my mouse thumb button, which becomes Parry in melee mode. So far, I've been doing Melee 2.0 quite fluently.


Do agree that they should give the option for the LMB to become the Attack Button. Hell, they can already allow separate remapping for Melee Parry and Aim despite having the same default buttons, Melee Channel should be given the same opportunity.  

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I wish you didn't have to switch to your melee weapon. I know you probably can't make it work due to not enough buttons on controllers and probably not enough keys on the average keyboard and mouse (to allow for smooth gameplay anyway) but I still don't like it. All Melee 2.0 has done is separate gunplay and swordplay even more, with almost no cross-over between the two if you want to take full advantage of either. You either melee or you shoot (and maybe use a gimped version of melee). For something that's supposedly inspired by DMC, it sure feels like the exact opposite of that.


Also channeling is annoying, please make it a toggle (option to turn it into a toggle anyway, like how you can pick crouch toggle and sprint toggle etc). And let us rebind attack to lmb.

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I just think you should still be able to parry without having your close combat equipped.

AALLLSSSSOOOO A DEFINITE MUST DO: give us grapples that we can use against basic soldiers. Holding "e" should trigger it. Scythes can grab them by the balls and flip them. With swords, you can grab there head and drive your sword through their stomach. Fist weapons you can do either a choke slam or suplex (WWE xD). Whips can wrap their legs and they can pick Em up then throw them down. Hammers can be swung upwards and absolutely blast the guy like a rag doll. Dual swords can chop off the heads (like the sneak attack, except from the front). Any other weapons, you can fill in the blanks. :) I feel like this would really take melee 2.0 to the next level. And these grapples can only be triggerable when your melee is equipped. Obviously it should still be a risk. What I mean by this it's not one shot on high levels and if the animation is long, and you do it with a mob around you, you can still die. You can vary the grapples for different stances.

Tl;dr : Add grapples for all melee triggerable by holding "e".

Edited by iAm2b4Got10
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