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Can We Have Old Hek Back On Earth?


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Basically, what if useless hek came back as a silly body double (With body doubles)

He'd have a darvo-ish personality and stuff.


No? Yes? Shut up and go back to playing Puddles the Pirate that you bought because you were lazy?


Oh yeah, and he'd still drop Oberon stuff and Neurodes.

Edited by MorteTacere
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Probably a good place for Lech Krill to go actually.

The progression of Vor -> Krill -> Vor + Krill

makes more sense than Vor -> Vor + Krill -> Krill alone



And yes I bought Hydroid, AND his avatar pack. :P

Edited by VKhaun
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I wouldn't mind fighting a full body slightly botched clone of the current Vay Hek that was somehow even more mad than the original. Especially if his communications were discombobulated.


It's the Grineer after all. Cloning is a thing, and Vay Hek is already insane to begin with.

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It'll be funny if they made a story where a fake hek (Original looking double) gets into a fight with new robo-hek and are both trying to become the diplomats of earth. Maybe when they add factions they could do this, have people fight for robo-hek or support double-hek.


And to make it more interesting it is later revealed that double-hek is a double agent working with the Lotus.

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We do need a stable place for Oberon, him dropping on chance of a very rare type of mob.... just wat.


I wouldn't classify Leaders as very rare. You can encounter like two of them on an Invasion mission, and most missions have a good chance of spawning at least 1. In less than two days of not even looking for it I have all the Oberon components + duplicates, which is kinda a shame considering I already have Oberon.

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I wouldn't mind fighting a full body slightly botched clone of the current Vay Hek that was somehow even more mad than the original. Especially if his communications were discombobulated.


It's the Grineer after all. Cloning is a thing, and Vay Hek is already insane to begin with.

That would be amazing!

Mort Tacere

But Kril is a bit too difficult for new players.

If he was on earth his level would be scaled accordinly.

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To be honest, I've gotten all of his components twice in the past two days.

The elites of all factions drop his components.

^This.  He's the easiest frame in the game to get.  Run a handful of survival missions and you'll be drowning in oberon.

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I'd think it'd be interesting if the fight on Earth is against a hologram or something of Hek that is being created by the Propaganda Drones. 


Maybe have the model flicker a bit as he takes, showing its a fake? It'd also explain how he summons clones of him.


And when we win you can either have a cutscene showing a damaged Propaganda Drone flying away, presumably back to the real Hek.

Edited by Sasquatch180
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But Kril is a bit too difficult for new players.

first time i faced hek my whole squad ran out of ammo because he sponged up everything, we stunlocked him to death with jumpattacks, took nearly 20 mins


it would make sense to keep him on earth though, tenno go afte him, he survives barely and gets his augments to get revenge

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I'm thinking that Hek will be moved back to earth the moment this little event is over - after all, we don't actually kill him in mission. Still, could made EVERYTHING MUCH more interesting by making the Prosecutors a SLIGHTLY different look and have them replace him as the boss on Earth.

Edited by Morec0
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I still don't see why the new Hek can't be on earth.


You can't just play a game, duh. You have to labour in the Content Mines first. Next you'll be telling me you don't want to have to beat up the car 100 times between each fight in Street Fighter.

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