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Dual Ethers Vs. Nami Skyla (It's A Reskin)


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Nami Skyla = reskinned stat boosted Dual Ethers.

Same exact stat distribution/lean, except Nami Skyla's are boosted, rendering Dual Ethers obsolete.


Y u do dis DE. Give the Name Skyla its own niche.

Edited by Instinction
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0.1 difference in speed hardly qualifies it as an alternative to the Dual Ethers when all the rest of its damage stats are boosted across the board.


Not the point I was getting at anyways. It's that the Nami Skylas are the Dual Ethers. Just reskinned and stat boosted.

I'd rather the Dual Ethers maintained their own role, and the Nami Skylas get something unique to itself.

Edited by Instinction
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0.1 difference in speed hardly qualifies it as an alternative to the Dual Ethers when all the rest of its damage stats are boosted across the board.


Not the point I was getting at anyways. It's that the Nami Skylas are the Dual Ethers. Just reskinned and stat boosted.

I'd rather the Dual Ethers maintained their own role, and the Nami Skylas get something unique to itself.

The Dual Ethers lost their role when Damage 2.0 destroyed armour-ignoring damage types (and guaranteed stagger on every hit). The dual heat swords were superior in every way once that happened.

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Well the Nami Skyla has less attack speed, but other than that it should be better since it is a research weapon.

 Do you know how awesome this game would be if it got out of the vertical progression mentality? You are forcing people to use certain weapon combinations because of vertical progression. I LOVED the vulkar, the look, the 4 shot magazine... but than I heard it sub par to the vectis(which i also like but not as much as the vulkar) ... if everything was evenly balanced we would have a lot more diversity in load outs... same with frames...

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The Dual Ethers lost their role when Damage 2.0 destroyed armour-ignoring damage types (and guaranteed stagger on every hit). The dual heat swords were superior in every way once that happened.

To be fair, Melee 2.0 reintroduces guaranteed stagger.



 Do you know how awesome this game would be if it got out of the vertical progression mentality? You are forcing people to use certain weapon combinations because of vertical progression. I LOVED the vulkar, the look, the 4 shot magazine... but than I heard it sub par to the vectis(which i also like but not as much as the vulkar) ... if everything was evenly balanced we would have a lot more diversity in load outs... same with frames...

If everything was on the same power level, there would be no reason to try new weapons of higher mastery ranks.


If everything is on unequal power levels, there's a reason for progression but some weapons will inevitably be view as bad (though, with enough forma...)


I think I'd rather deal with the latter than the former since the latter makes it feel like you're actually getting better throughout the game.


As for Dual Ethers - I do think this was a silly move and DE should've just reintroduced them into the game instead of making a blatant copy of them and hoping nobody would notice. To be fair, seeing as they are likely here to stay, it is a research weapon and I think it should be slightly better than Ether Daggers, similar to Dera/Supra vs. Tetra.

Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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To be fair ,Melee 2.0 reintroduces guaranteed stagger.



If everything was on the same power level, there would be no reason to try new weapons of higher mastery ranks.


If everything is on unequal power levels, there's a reason for progression but some weapons will inevitably be view as bad (though, with enough forma...)


I think I'd rather deal with the latter than the former since the latter makes it feel like you're actually getting better throughout the game.


Exactly, I love the progression. You can still use the "worse" weapon. sure, you wont do as much damage, but you'll be enjoying your weapon and still doing enough damage with it.

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You're missing the point. It's a reskin. Period. one with boosted stats that make the Dual Ethers not worth using anymore.

Because it's a research weapon and is meant to be stronger and more worth using.

Still not seeing the point.

And "reskin" implies that it is the EXACT SAME THING but looks different.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Adding: Can't buy Supra with plat, so it remains weaker than non-research weapons.


I don't see the point of "can't buy it with play, so this." Save the "money grubbing" conspiracy for another day.


And granted I should say "supposed" to be stronger (depending on the rank anyway). Balance across the board with weapons is all over the bloody place. And we all now things needs fixing, particularly older weapons that have fallen behind but haven't bee revisited yet.

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Did DE ever actually say why they stopped making weapon skins with minor stat changes? Because this really, really seems like it should be one.


True... The only melee weapon with skins (lots of them) is the Scindo.... and ... does anyone actually use that thing as their main?

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Dfferent models, different textures and different stats.


If it is not to much trouble, google the definition of reskin.


"Reskin" is just game jargon for anything that acts the same way as another thing but looks different. It's a misnomer, but it's what people use.


Power Creep.


Nami Skyla is the new King of Slide Attacks.


Have you seen the Glaive's slide attack?

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"Reskin" is just game jargon for anything that acts the same way as another thing but looks different. It's a misnomer, but it's what people use.


This. Everyone understood the context, let's get over the technicalities and focus on the issue.

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"Reskin" is just game jargon for anything that acts the same way as another thing but looks different. It's a misnomer, but it's what people use.

'Reskin' is used by people who pick up a nasty bad habit due others using it. It's not a reskin. It's not a remodel. It's a completely new model and weapon.

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