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Eclipse Clan


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That is fault of the system the ones you should be talking to about this is DE not blame Eclipse when the battle pay is the first to finnish is the first to be served.


It would be nice if it showed current battle pay in mission, so if it changes, you can see the amount before extracting. *pokes DE*

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The major problem I can see here is that Eclipse is slowly bumping their taxes up, but the average Warframe player appears to be unable to see past Battle Pay - Eclipse continues to front marginally better battle pay during conflicts and stays in power as a result, but ultimately they keep bumping up their taxes on the rails.


I don't see a problem with this, it means that they can support larger battle pay when their rails come into conflict and that ultimately this allows them to keep their rails in certain nodes.. It's amazingly strategically advantageous, and parallel with exactly what every single first world government is doing, but at the end of the day, it's quite upsetting to see that a fair few people fight for whatever credit reward is better AT THAT GIVEN TIME, neglecting to think about the tax imposed on the dark sector node FOLLOWING THE CONFLICT.

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Sooo....anyone else think the fact that the Eclipse clan has been able to build roughly 5-10 rails already seem a little unfair?  I think there needs to be a cooldown timer after deploying a rail...Because you have the Disreguard Lotus Acquire Plat alliance that took 3 rails, and the Eclipse alliance, which pretty much has one on every planet.  


This doesn't feel very fair to me and my Clan, who couldn't deploy their solar rail due to this outlandish takeover of the Solar System.



Don't get me wrong, we're all fighting them and they're undoubtedly going down, but it's annoying that they can put up so many at once?  DE forced us to wait 3 days to be able to deploy rails, and then we are all trying to spam those buttons as quickly as possible to contest people's Rails.  Doesn't seem right.



I don't know, kinda bugs me that I stayed up until 11:22 every single night to be able to at least TRY to deploy a rail, only to get this "Cannot deploy Rail" thing because someone else instaclicked it, magically faster than me.  That, and the monopoly of multiple clans, taking away from the fun that we all have.



A clan should only be able to hold one solar rail in my opinion.   That makes it a little more fun for everyone, because then perhaps you'd at least have a chance to deploy one of yours, keep it, and play on it!  Instead of one big takeover of the universe.


Don't get me wrong, they have 0% taxes.  that's great!  But it bugs me that they just kinda pushed all the other clans out of the rail system instantly.


Any thoughts?

I agree that the system could use some tweaking here and there. Too few Dark Sectors with too many clans competing for them. A few more Dark Sectors, a little less time for conflicts, make the grace period a little longer; it needs a little work, but only a little work. The reason Eclipse is where it is is because they used the system right while everyone else used it wrong. They taxed while the rest of you were crusading for tax free. While you were all losing rails you had no money to defend, they were raking in the dosh. Their size certainly didn't hurt, but they're hardly the only big alliance out there. And we're not all fighting them, as you say. Why would I fight against someone who pays me so generously and asks so little in return? They're winning because they have common sense. Granted they're so entrenched by this point that nobody really CAN oppose them, but the clans have nobody to blame for that but their own ineptitude. And I wish people would stop saying they have a monopoly on Dark Sectors; they don't even own half of them. Look closely at the word; monopoly. MONOpoly, MONO, meaning "one". So long as a single Dark Sector remains out of their control they don't have a monopoly. And if you want to know how to oppose them I suggest asking someone who plays Eve, I'm sure they could fill you in on the basics, though I'm sure I can hazard a guess. Instead of everyone trying to oppose them on their own why not make a concerted effort to make alliances? And don't try to kick them out of their Dark Sectors, they'll outspend to an impossible degree. Instead take them from the smaller, weaker clans with smaller treasuries. Sure its not as glorious as taking the fight to the Evil Empire itself, but it's something. The point I'm getting at is that nothing is decided yet, all it takes is some effort.

Edited by ImperiusAiE
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I,ve heard the taxes are on credit drops, not the bonus at the end. So they're functionally invisible anyhow.


You've heard wrong then. The end mission credits get taxed by the rate the alliance/clan set.


A 5-wave run on Sechura, Pluto gives me 46k credits with a booster. Eclipse bumped their tax rates to 25% last night, so for every 5 runs I do, I'd be giving away 11,500 credits to them.


Assuming I do 10 runs, that's 115,000 credits Eclipse made off me, none of which I might get back in battlepay when they come under conflict. Why? Because:

A) I'd rather do one DS run that is not taxed and get 46k credits, then do 10 runs for 50k (5k BP per run on contested node seems to be the Eclipse standard).




B) In the case of exceptionally high battlepay (Battlepay Prime, as they refer to it), it's near impossible to snag it. When they issue battlepays as high as this, they usually set the tickets to an abnormally low amount. 20. 30. 40. Even if I complete a run in 2 minutes, there's a very high chance the battlepay has run out by the time I extract.



So from my viewpoint, I am not in favor of these ever increasing tax rates because they take more away from me than I might get back in battlepay.

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A simple solution to this problem would be for those who join missions at the time of battle pay being 50k to be counted as having filled a numbered slot. The coding is, if the battle pay is set to, say, 50k, and 20 players jump in while there are enough funds in the bank account (which is checked beforehand and not able to be modified once anyone starts a mission on that node), then Tickets 1-20 are counted as already filled. Those who join while numbers 1-20 are in mission or have already completed the mission will automatically be given some type of notification that lets them know their pay will be zero for the mission. It can be a popup window or the payment screen is automatically adjusted to 0 credits for the side. If a person disconnects, then that slot is, quite naturally, automatically freed and someone else is queued into that slot.

It will be the responsibility of the alliance head/heads to see to it that they have put in the exact amount of money for a set number of players into the vault.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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If it says say, 20K when you join the mission. A.k.a, accept the contract. Then you should get 20k. Getting nothing when the mission finishes is fraud. It clearly states 'this is your reward' then it is snatched away before your face.


It. Is. Unacceptable. Stop this from happening.

This is inherent in the battle pay system. Ever lost a Orokin Reactor/Catalyst because the node resolved while you were doing you fifth run? Rewards are assigned upon completion, as designed by DE. Stop barking up the wrong tree.

Edited by Kyte
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Sounds like you are in denial on the definition of fraud.






Personal Gain: Deceived players further the conflict on the behalf of Eclipse while not receiving the advertised payment.


That gave me a laugh. Sounds like you're in denial about playing a game,

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  • 5 weeks later...

Nah, I like the fact that you can send out bunches and bunches of rails.

It is really nice.


Also, please don't target a single alliance with it; I am not even part of an alliance and that bothers me.

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but honestly it's part of the beauty of the game, if you have the ambition to spend the resources to have a huge influence you can do that


because it really just comes down to if you wanna be the best you have to beat the best


I mean it's not totally biased because i'm a member, (but it is pretty cool being part of the big bad empire tho :p)


and im not tooooooo sure that we're "definetly going down" 


but either way it's just something to have fun with!

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I think that people don't really appreciate the solar rail for what hey are, a means of war. The reason DE has no advantage to restrict the number of rails a big alliance has, is because then they can get all the the rails, start a dictatorship, and put down ridiculous taxes. The other alliances or clans can rise up and fight back. And there in lies the game. Otherwise, there's no point, there just player controlled nodes that.... sit there. 

I'm not saying it sin't frustrating to loose your rails over and not be able to keep one but... all is fair in love and war.

The eclipse is an alliance FYI

Beat to you the me punch !..... wait what? You are beat my punch... still not right. I haz lost the English.

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