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Fight Against Eclipse, Fight For Freedom!


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"Fight for us and...oh...who are we kidding...it's Nano Spores and Control Modules...seriously...those guys really want that??"

“Fight for us so you never have to see that pink thing on the right again!<3”

hum i'm not sure, am i get the wrong idea? or these just jokes? well, i think that isn't fun at all

I found them funny. To some degree.



But i chosen my side on a whim, not because i have some liking of one alliance over other.

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Who cares what the tax rate is? What do you need credits for? Let me guess, you want to attack a Dark Sector. So, let me get this straight... you want to essentially steal resources and credits from the people who opened up the Dark Sector for play, and use said credits and resources to turn around and lock the node for a few days, during which the rest of us have to fight annoying clones of you that drop nothing worth having for nonexistent battle pay? Sounds like you're a &#036;&amp;*^.


Look, the credit tax is taken out of the mission reward, right? You know, the mission that you were able to do because someone built a solar rail. So, essentially, running a Dark Sector is a privilege that was unlocked for you by someone else, and you're mad at them for doing all the work for you? I really don't get it. Walk me through why you want to deploy a solar rail and maybe I'll understand why you're literally cheating me out of a lucrative mission node by changing it to a conflict mission type.

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Who cares what the tax rate is? What do you need credits for? Let me guess, you want to attack a Dark Sector. So, let me get this straight... you want to essentially steal resources and credits from the people who opened up the Dark Sector for play, and use said credits and resources to turn around and lock the node for a few days, during which the rest of us have to fight annoying clones of you that drop nothing worth having for nonexistent battle pay? Sounds like you're a &#036;&amp;*^.


Look, the credit tax is taken out of the mission reward, right? You know, the mission that you were able to do because someone built a solar rail. So, essentially, running a Dark Sector is a privilege that was unlocked for you by someone else, and you're mad at them for doing all the work for you? I really don't get it. Walk me through why you want to deploy a solar rail and maybe I'll understand why you're literally cheating me out of a lucrative mission node by changing it to a conflict mission type.


Someone has a high opinion of theirselves, that or just angry about the whole conflict thing [which I do agree to some point but what did you expect would happen]

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Who cares what the tax rate is? What do you need credits for? Let me guess, you want to attack a Dark Sector. So, let me get this straight... you want to essentially steal resources and credits from the people who opened up the Dark Sector for play, and use said credits and resources to turn around and lock the node for a few days, during which the rest of us have to fight annoying clones of you that drop nothing worth having for nonexistent battle pay? Sounds like you're a &#036;&amp;*^.


Look, the credit tax is taken out of the mission reward, right? You know, the mission that you were able to do because someone built a solar rail. So, essentially, running a Dark Sector is a privilege that was unlocked for you by someone else, and you're mad at them for doing all the work for you? I really don't get it. Walk me through why you want to deploy a solar rail and maybe I'll understand why you're literally cheating me out of a lucrative mission node by changing it to a conflict mission type.

The missions are there because they are there, not because some alliance build a solar rail. No one asked them to build one, and if they didn't, someone else would. And the dark sector will always be periodically contested since everyone want a piece of it, either for fame, taxes or sense of accomplishment.  It would be foolish to think that you can use words and reasoning to keep every alliance from invading the place. 

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I hear all eclipse members get Tenno cookies and greedy milk as battle pay for defending their rails.

I can confirm this




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I wonder how long they'll be able to keep that up though. From what I've heard, maintaining solar rails is incredibly costly. The taxes exist so that alliances/clans can make resources that they'll need to maintain the rails.


I mean, why are there taxes imposed by one's own government?

I don't think DE wouldn't think of this before the update, clans putting 0% tax rates for this reason

Edited by Z3ROWOLFHD
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A specific Forum needs to be built for Dark Sector related concerns, drama, etc.

'nuff said there...




Mainly because:





It, as mentioned by many others, would spam the General. This is only the beginning.


Meanwhile I'll just sit down and enjoy the show:




Using the images via quoting because I didn't want to shamelessly steal and repost what's in the topic already.

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Eclipse is trying to Monopolize so that we don't get those crazy Clan/Alliances that charge 75% Tax on your stuff. While I can't promise we'll keep it at 0%(Due to having to Repair and maintain Rails) I can assure that we will keep taxes low and reasonable. I hope in time people come to understand our reasoning.

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“Fight for us so you never have to see that pink thing on the right again!<3”

Seeing that made me immediately run 5 missions for Eclipse on that rail. Anything that helps to wipe creepy horse-****ers off the map sounds very good to me.


And I'm throwing my full support behind Eclipse. If nobody invaded a solar rail, there would be no need for tax. Maintenance costs only happen when the rails get damaged. I'll gladly fight in the invasions for zero battle pay if it means that I get more resources in the future once the rails are actually operating again.

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Eclipse is trying to Monopolize so that we don't get those crazy Clan/Alliances that charge 75% Tax on your stuff. While I can't promise we'll keep it at 0%(Due to having to Repair and maintain Rails) I can assure that we will keep taxes low and reasonable. I hope in time people come to understand our reasoning.

the way the system is set up its unsustainable without jacking up the taxes, because repairs costs like 50 times more than a new rail

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When has a monopoly ever been beneficial?


^^^Trickle Down Economics...


Its happening right now in game.


Alliances will charge a tax and then turn around and give it to the community...


Those who run the dark sector are going to benefit regardless of tax....


Those who run the contested territories for the highest paying clan benefit from the quick and easy credits.


A monopoly would give everyone the BEST pay..because there is little overhead needed to pay for constant bombardment...


0% tax is worse...






Think on that.

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I think Eclipse is fully within their rights to put taxes on the rails, if it means that they can better defend them and keep the Dark Sectors open. I would be okay with paying up to a 50% tax, and maybe even higher, because you get SO MUCH from playing in the Dark Sector.

People need to grow up and stop trying to say they want 0% Tax solar rails. Every Alliance that says they will do that will not own the rail for long.

Taxes are necessary.

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^^^Trickle Down Economics...


Its happening right now in game.


Alliances will charge a tax and then turn around and give it to the community...


Those who run the dark sector are going to benefit regardless of tax....


Those who run the contested territories for the highest paying clan benefit from the quick and easy credits.


A monopoly would give everyone the BEST pay..because there is little overhead needed to pay for constant bombardment...


0% tax is worse...






Think on that.



Trickle down Economics has proven to be bullS#&$. Monopolies by their very nature ensure that once one has control or an unassailable position they can do whatever takes their fancy, it's in their nature. People have used monopolies for centuries to impose tax, tariffs and supply controls over certain areas and products.


If one Alliance possesses and unassailable monopoly ie: They earn so much money they can effectively bankroll endless battle pay from exorbitant tax hikes, then they're almost untouchable as given certain mods, such as stances, are supposed to be shifted towards Dark Sectors only, the only way to secure them is to play the Dark Sector, and given the nature of RNG you'll be grinding for that a lot. Thus everyone will always go to the Dark Sectors, as supply is constrained. 


You don't even have to have a monopoly, you can have an Oligopoly. Get 3 of the biggest alliances to come to an agreement, that they won't contest each other's areas, charge similar lvls of tax and send members to defend eachothers' rails from other attacks, you have the same conditions. Establishment of control over high traffic lucrative areas benefits the alliances in that informal agreement, no one else. 


Think about it, and read a book on how these kind of things work (I'd recommend anything on Keynesian economics). Once these kind of entities get control they're not exactly wont to be altruistic.

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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How are three Alliances working together different from one large Alliance with a council of leaders? Those three clans could still do whatever they want, but therein is a potential for backstabbing and espionage. More-so than one Alliance. 

Just food for thought.

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How are three Alliances working together different from one large Alliance with a council of leaders? Those three clans could still do whatever they want, but therein is a potential for backstabbing and espionage. More-so than one Alliance. 

Just food for thought.


They can, but why would they if it's beneficial for them to retain control of the Dark Sectors? Anyone with half a brain will quickly realise that a single Alliance (unless it's 4 moon clans with a 1000 members each) isn't going to have the numbers and finance to maintain all Solar Rails on a dozen different nodes, which I hear is 15 million credits for repairs a piece, If it wants to maintain a monopoly over a series of nodes.


Doesn't have to be 3, it can be 2 if you want. This isn't machiavellian politics and a struggle for power, it's economic self interest. It's so exorbitant to repair that 0% taxes are unlikely to be a thing for long, ensuring a monopoly in that light probably isn't a good thing. I'm glad that the Clans are fighting it out. Eventually things will stabilize with certain clans and alliances controlling certain nodes, not controlling half the star map.


PS: I don't think Lords of the East is doing this out of altruism either, they just wan to get their dirty mits on the Dark Sector and tax it, but being too greedy, they'll get knocked out soon enough by either Eclipse or another Alliance.

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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Are we seriously discussing Reganomics in warframe? I do believe America has already proven that doesn't work. Soley because the Wealthy like their money more than they like other people.


Here, this is whats going to happen:


Clans are going to promise (and lie) about 0% tax.


Clans are going to realize these rails have an upkeep, and change 0% tax to small tax. (Hello Eclipse~)


Next time the rail is contested....the battle pay wont increase. It'll stay as miserable as it is now. Why? Greed.


Its no secret that clans such was War bros has little to no honor when it comes to this game. So why would they pay well when they can keep it for themselves? Why payoff like they promise when they could just use their members to lower the other rail down and wait two days?

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Are we seriously discussing Reganomics in warframe? I do believe America has already proven that doesn't work. Soley because the Wealthy like their money more than they like other people.


Here, this is whats going to happen:


Clans are going to promise (and lie) about 0% tax.


Clans are going to realize these rails have an upkeep, and change 0% tax to small tax. (Hello Eclipse~)


Next time the rail is contested....the battle pay wont increase. It'll stay as miserable as it is now. Why? Greed.


Its no secret that clans such was War bros has little to no honor when it comes to this game. So why would they pay well when they can keep it for themselves?

That would be true if there was a -lot- you can do with credits as a clan. There isn't. It's market blueprints and credit sinks in building dojo's which is hardly an issue with established clans. Long story short what the hell can you realistically do with MILLIONS of credits with nothing to spend them on? Oh right give them away to help keep the node held as well as repair them.

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That would be true if there was a -lot- you can do with credits as a clan. There isn't. It's market blueprints and credit sinks in building dojo's which is hardly an issue with established clans. Long story short what the hell can you realistically do with MILLIONS of credits with nothing to spend them on? Oh right give them away to help keep the node held as well as repair them.

You could easily say the exact same thing of the Rich people in todays society.


They dont NEED all that money, they could get by just fine without a lot of it, but you're a fool if you think they'll willingly give it up.


Its all about Greed and showing off.

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