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Fight Against Eclipse, Fight For Freedom!


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It's pointless to argue with someone who is mad.


But Eclipse has 7 rails, and every rail is attacked, and they need money. 20% is not a big deal. If you don't like it, okay, that's fine, but don't call Eclipse greedy liars. You don't call your government greedy liars. Or do you?

Big deal is their LIES, get it now?  Check the map, most other clans honored their word and set 0 or low taxes. Eclipse set the taxes high only to pay for more battles to get more sectors - that's greed.

And this is exactly what this thread was about when it stared and this is exactly what is happening - huge alliance taking over and setting the taxes high, despite all their promises.   


Everyone should take notice and never support Eclipse. 

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Doesnt matter. Everyone gets attacked, everyone needs to pay. Eclipse had said many times that they would set 0% tax, then they said 20% was a mistake, then they said it was only to repair the Jupiter rail. Then they just set the tax 20% everywhere. No other clan or alliance set the tax as high. Either keep your word or say fair and square "Our tax will be 20%" 

Eclipse should be kicked out of the sector for their lies and overblown taxes. Players shouldn't pay for the repairs or Eclipse pride to keep the name on so many nodes.

So they're Canada.


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Big deal is their LIES, get it now?  Check the map, most other clans honored their word and set 0 or low taxes. Eclipse set the taxes high only to pay for more battles to get more sectors - that's greed.

And this is exactly what this thread was about when it stared and this is exactly what is happening - huge alliance taking over and setting the taxes high, despite all their promises.   


Everyone should take notice and never support Eclipse. 

And did those other clans get attacked and found themselves in a sudden need of 15 million credits to repair their rails? Is there any reason to assume that they would have increased the tax rate if their rails hadn't been attacked?

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there are many times the attacking alliance against eclipse, have their coffers ran dry mid way through the conflict. its extremely hard to maintain a rail with 0% tax with no other source of revenue to fund the battles.

The 0% tax started because no one knew what the hell will happened when there is a conflict. Now as people learn more of the process, things get adjusted accordingly.

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And did those other clans get attacked and found themselves in a sudden need of 15 million credits to repair their rails? Is there any reason to assume that they would have increased the tax rate if their rails hadn't been attacked?

Yes they did, there is even a clan - not alliance - on Venus who were at ~70% yet they set the tax to  0 as promised. Again its irrelevant. Cant pay - leave, others will build the rail, players shouldn't pay for Eclipse repairs and Eclipse desire to keep the name on EVERY node, when they appeared to be outright liars.  


And if you want to compare alliance with a state, then Eclipse is exactly evil empire who uses overblown taxes fuel more wars, while lying to the people.

Edited by Monolake
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Yes they did, there is even a clan - not alliance - on Venus who were at ~70% yet they set the tax to  0 as promised. Again its irrelevant. Cant pay - leave, others will build the rail, players shouldn't pay for Eclipse repairs and Eclipse desire to keep the name on EVERY node, when they appeared to be outright liars.  

Someone is mad.

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Wait, so I'm not familiar with the dark sectors.

So can someone explain a bit more in detail or link me somewhere that does it?

Lets see if I get this all in one shot.


Dark Sectors when Controlled by an alliance provide a node at which players can play mission that is either a defense or survival against infested enemies with bonuses to resource drop rates, general experience, and specific weapon experiences. (10-40%).

The controlling alliance has the ability to tax players that run those missions.

When another alliance invades the Dark Sector that is controlled the node mission is locked for 48hrs unless one of the rails is defeated prior to the 48hr timer ending. During the 48 hr period players can run a sabotage mission or either alliance. Each Alliance can offer battle pay (credits) for running the mission on their side (Highly variable) Once the period is over the Alliance with the strongest rail will control that Dark Sector (not confirmed this one)


Each Rail has a set about of runs to be destroyed. Every 1% of repair on a rail costs the alliance that controls the dark sector 15m credits. Alliances offering Battle Pay is preset for a set amount of runs so 10k battle pay for 100 missions would cost the alliance 1m credits. Once 100 missions are run the battle pay will drop to 0 until it is set again.


Hope that covered it all.

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Doesnt matter. Everyone gets attacked, everyone needs to pay. Eclipse had said many times that they would set 0% tax, then they said 20% was a mistake, then they said it was only to repair the Jupiter rail. Then they just set the tax 20% everywhere. No other clan or alliance set the tax as high. Either keep your word or say fair and square "Our tax will be 20%" 

Eclipse should be kicked out of the sector for their lies and overblown taxes. Players shouldn't pay for the repairs or Eclipse pride to keep the name on so many nodes.

Man 20% of your virtual money is so ridiculous isn't it? I could understand what you're saying but Eclipse is constantly defending their rails. 0% Tax won't work for them and nor would it work for anybody! 0% is never going to happen in the game from anybody as long as nodes are constantly being attack, that goes for every Alliance.

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Every 1% of repair on a rail costs the alliance that controls the dark sector 15m


wasnt that 15m from 1% to 100%. not per 1%.

from my understanding it's 15 million per 1% repair. so something like sinai, jupiter, is gonna cost a hefty sum to repair


and tbh, I really don't do any mission for the credits. I do it for the mods, affinity, and sometimes resources. Eclipse has some nodes with credit taxes, fine by me, and none of their rails have resource taxes. at this point in the game, I couldn't care less I about extra resources, so that wouldn't bother me either. but I think the greed comes in when an alliance sets the resource tax up. credits pay to repair the rail, while resources contribute to the alliance vaults and make that alliance better


and 0% taxes really is unsustainable. I'm glad to see more alliances pledging minimal taxes rather than 0% taxes. it's more realistic, and if you want to keep up 0% taxes, you're just fooling yourself. let's see how long some of those rails last

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Man 20% of your virtual money is so ridiculous isn't it? I could understand what you're saying but Eclipse is constantly defending their rails. 0% Tax won't work for them and nor would it work for anybody! 0% is never going to happen in the game from anybody as long as nodes are constantly being attack, that goes for every Alliance.


Don't care about credits personally (and dont belong to any clans involved in wars either). Care about indecency. And you should too.

 Don't support greedy liars.  There are many 0% nodes, check the map. Some other clans keep their word, unlike Eclipse.

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Eclipse is alright when the alternative is Red Stone. That said, I hope they should stay confined to Europa for a while. Humility is a virtue.


Mind telling an uninformed player what's so bad about Red Stone?

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Well i cant speak for the leadership of Eclipe, but from my personel view and what i read in Alliance we basically moved away from "0% and no/low Battlepay" to "15-20% tax and 10-20K Battlepay".

Many on the Forums have acually requested that and i also igree thats the ony way for the long run, under current conditions.

We are in a testphase, and we are of course the first in testing so much since we got 7 rails , we killed the first Enemy rail, and were also the first having to pay for repairs, and the repair costs are not a joke.


Call us greedy if you want, but what we do is adapting, and we shifted the focus, to get cash to the people which are supporting our Rails.

And keep in mind that the tax ONLY reduces the Credits which DROP, the Mission pay is not affected, and you still got 0% Tax on resources.


Beware shameless of merchandiseing:

If your in need of Orokin Cells, on Ceres Semeni, i had at least one Orokin Cell in every 10 min run.

Edited by ThaWolfX
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Doesnt matter. Everyone gets attacked, everyone needs to pay. Eclipse had said many times that they would set 0% tax, then they said 20% was a mistake, then they said it was only to repair the Jupiter rail. Then they just set the tax 20% everywhere. No other clan or alliance set the tax as high. Either keep your word or say fair and square "Our tax will be 20%" 

Eclipse should be kicked out of the sector for their lies and overblown taxes. Players shouldn't pay for the repairs or Eclipse pride to keep the name on so many nodes.

Lets now.

 1. You mad.

 2. Everyone gets attacked,everyone needs to pay - Eclipse is paying better.

 3. Eclipse had high hopes to keep the taxes 0% - greedy lil twats like you and their 5 man clans contested ever single Dark Sector - resulting in losses in credits and HP on rails. This attacks were not made of good of heart - couse the tax was already 0%. Or were you trying to set some sort of Rail that instead of taxing credits - was gona give some to the players ?

 4. 20% is too high ? So you go to Dark Sectors to grind credits and not resorces and exp ? Good to know. Also 20% tax is asked so better battle pay is payed - to the players willing to defend. Also 20% are payed couse Eclips members are trying very hard to clear some of the most important Rails and make them available to everyone before the next greedy &#! player like you and his 5 man clan can jam the dark sector for 48 hours.


 P.S. Anyone thinking that there is gona be a Rail whit 0% tax after a week - is freaking high as hell and should stop doing drugs.

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lies lies lies. Eclipse should stop with the lies.


First the 20% was a " bug".

Now all the nodes have 19-20%

Battlepay they abuse and are just scamming people - 90% of the runs u get 0 credits.


Stop hogging it all then u don't have to worry about  repairing all the rails. That is YOUR problem for hogging up that many.

You steal 20% - since ur not offering stable battlepay.

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Lets now.

 1. You mad.

 2. Everyone gets attacked,everyone needs to pay - Eclipse is paying better.

 3. Eclipse had high hopes to keep the taxes 0% - greedy lil twats like you and their 5 man clans contested ever single Dark Sector - resulting in losses in credits and HP on rails. This attacks were not made of good of heart - couse the tax was already 0%. Or were you trying to set some sort of Rail that instead of taxing credits - was gona give some to the players ?

 4. 20% is too high ? So you go to Dark Sectors to grind credits and not resorces and exp ? Good to know. Also 20% tax is asked so better battle pay is payed - to the players willing to defend. Also 20% are payed couse Eclips members are trying very hard to clear some of the most important Rails and make them available to everyone before the next greedy &#! player like you and his 5 man clan can jam the dark sector for 48 hours.


 P.S. Anyone thinking that there is gona be a Rail whit 0% tax after a week - is freaking high as hell and should stop doing drugs.

U MAD doesn't cut it when you are caught ought-right lying on numerous occasions, bro

Тax people to pay for more wars to keep control of the sectors to tax people more to take over more sectors. How about NO. 


I can deploy a rail every day with my 3-active people clan and set 0% taxes. And I can leave if Im out of money and let other 0% clan take it.

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Lies lies lies. Eclipse should stop with the lies.


First the 20% was a " bug".

Now all the nodes have 19-20%

Battlepay they abuse and are just scamming people - 90% of the runs you get 0 credits.


Stop hogging it all, then you don't have to worry about  repairing all the rails. That is YOUR problem for hogging up that many.

You steal 20% - since you're not offering stable battlepay.


Ever considered that they have to get the money from somewhere? Running the rails for free while being contested likely drained their reserves, so they had to raise the tax in a bid to gain enough money to maintain them.


The simple truth is that Eclipse is not the aggressor here. All of their contested rails have them as the defenders.

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Lets now.

 1. You mad.

 2. Everyone gets attacked,everyone needs to pay - Eclipse is paying better.

 3. Eclipse had high hopes to keep the taxes 0% - greedy lil twats like you and their 5 man clans contested ever single Dark Sector - resulting in losses in credits and HP on rails. This attacks were not made of good of heart - couse the tax was already 0%. Or were you trying to set some sort of Rail that instead of taxing credits - was gona give some to the players ?

 4. 20% is too high ? So you go to Dark Sectors to grind credits and not resorces and exp ? Good to know. Also 20% tax is asked so better battle pay is payed - to the players willing to defend. Also 20% are payed couse Eclips members are trying very hard to clear some of the most important Rails and make them available to everyone before the next greedy &#! player like you and his 5 man clan can jam the dark sector for 48 hours.


 P.S. Anyone thinking that there is gona be a Rail whit 0% tax after a week - is freaking high as hell and should stop doing drugs.

meh 20% is a bit high IMHO but considering the vast amount of rails that have to be defended it may be needed. Personally, I think the repair cost vast amount of runs needed is insane to destroy a rail compared to the creation of said rail. I believe Rebecca said somewhere they are going to be tweeking the new content a little.


Oh and yes I do use the dark sector mission for a fast credit farm.

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Battlepay they abuse and are just scamming people - 90% of the runs u get 0 credits.



Battlepays are set as some amount of money for some amount of runs. When this amount of money runs out, battlepay is set to 0 and you can't queue it up, you need to set it manually every time.

So when you are "scammed" it's not because Eclipse want to scam you, it's just because this system with setting battlepays is imperfect.

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U MAD doesn't cut it when you are caught ought-right lying on numerous occasions, bro

Тax people to pay for more wars to keep control of the sectors to tax people more to take over more sectors. How about NO. 


I can deploy a rail every day with my 3-active people clan and set 0% taxes. And I can leave if Im out of money and let other 0% clan take it.

Yup im sure you can - plenty of dem derp lil clans have already done it. Im sure i will see your clan doing it soon - just to F*** dem "greedy Eclips guys" and in the process screw vast majority of the playerbase that want to kill infested.


 And no you cant deploy a Rail whit a clan of 3 ppl and expect to actully win - what you can expect is to lock the freaking Sector. Best part is when one of em epic ppl like you decide to fight a rail controled by a person that have the same mindset as you do. So we get two rails opposing each other whitout any battle pay and whitout any members to grind the enemy rail down and unlock the node. So yup two ghost rails sitting there controlled by two twats who want to claim moral high ground buy attacking 0% tax rail and replace it whit 0% tax rail..... good stuff. 


 And yes im mad. Im mad couse from the moment the first rail was deployed i wanted to farm some infested hardcore - and yet so far due to work related stuff i have been able to get exactly two Dark Sector games - rest of the time there is 48 hour twat cooldown going on.


 Like i said i will wait a week and stuff your BS dreams of 0% tax rails down your face when even the lowest of rails have at least 10-20% tax.

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I fight against Eclipse so that my Alliance can gain control and tax those who fight against us.


Also how long until most of Eclipse's Rails get obliterated?


Long time!

Edited by Sedant
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