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Voice-Chatting, Why Is It Unpopular?


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Any and every game I've ever played with the option to voice chat to everyone on the server...has never ended well when I had it on. I'll be honest, the very first thing I did when I started up the game was go into my options menu and disable voice chat. (Among other changes, it's just the first sweep that I always prefer to get out of the way before doing anythings.)


Sorry, guys, but from my experience, it's not worth it. Much better when it's a Ventrilo/TS/Mumble or Skyping with friends, so that only the people who actually care to have an intelligent conversation will go out of their way to do it. Then again, that experience comes from communities smaller than this one, where I have access to rooms that are filled only with the most intelligent of those who bothered...


...yeah, voice chat isn't worth it anyway. I understand this isn't a PvP environment, but no, sorry. I'm not against voice chat in games or anything, but I can't be bothered to deal with it myself. Just personal preference.

I can respect that.

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I turned it off after the first few times I heard it used because the quality was so garbage. Mind you, I don't mind built in voice chat (although I'd rather not speak when playing with randoms, personal preference) as long as it's done right (sound quality and extensive channel / volume customisation* being the most important things to me) - PS2 had a decent built in voice chat f.e.


* like being able to quickly and conveniently mute people in random squads without having to turn everything off.


Most large / serious clans / alliances probably have a third party voice chat available anyway? Even if you don't have a dedicated server for it you can always just make a permanent group (group chat? not sure what the correct term is) for it on Skype. I used this in lieu of a website with people I played with in another game and it worked great.


I'm assuming that the reason Warframe has voice chat built in at all is because it has to have it for the PS4 players, but yeah.

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Ive been deaf since birth (genetics)


Im grateful we can type messages to chat otherwise I wouldnt be able to fully enjoy this game


Now if only primetime/livestreams were captioned :(

(Wrap-up summaries afterwards are a great help)

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Whenever I voice chat, people just reply back with text. That's when I start flipping tables. 




... I just disable the damn thing and setup a skype convo with my friends. EZ PZ



P.S, Even when I hear people voice chat, it's usually obnoxious jerks telling everyone what to do... and I'm like, "F%& this guy!" Then proceed to extraction asap.

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Voice chat is full of too muc h annoying crap. Someone doing racist jokes, eating their chips, doing weird noises, listening crap music, got a annoying voice, doesn't speak english etc.


This, and a lot of people have crappy mics. The in-game voice system isn't that great either which adds to the crappiness.

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I mainly don't use it because of the quality, every time anyone tries to communicate over voice chat I have absolutely no idea what they're trying to convey. I tend to just hear static with a few words leaking through, I have a rather high quality mic and I'm sure I'd sound just as atrocious over the built in VoIP.


Secondly, if I'm gaming I'm in either a Skype or TS3 speaking to friends and clan mates. I doubt my friends want to hear me asking random Excalibur Player #5 to Radial Blind a room. On top of that, I doubt that Excal wants to hear me make a random joke to my friends because I didn't let up off the push to talk button fast enough. 

Edited by Disinmas
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I'll tell you why


You tell someone "Please stick together so that i can use desecrate more efficiently and we'll get more LS"


Then some random kid starts screaming and swearing with a voice like a Devolving velociraptor getting molested by kraken.


Thats why its not used that often.

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I use mine all the time. THough i tend to mute the convo if im rolling around in my Cal-Prime. Too much random hate from the kids, and i hear enough about what my mom is doing on CoD. Don't care to hear it on warframe.


VoiP seems to be a bit tepremental at the moment. Im hoping once they fix whatever causes the game to be THE BIGGEST BANDWITH HOG I HAVE EVER SEEN they can work on that.

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I use it all the time, although I don't always have a lot to talk about.  Most of the time, when teammates talk back, I don't actually run into the problems people have been mentioning in this thread.  It's really useful, and way more convenient than pausing midgame to type up a text message.

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