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Please Do Not Use The Following Modifiers In Combos:


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Why? The controls in Warframe are not tight enough for a pause to be reliable in a combo. Some weapons/stances have it easy. Some have it hard. Depends on how long the animations are. About 50% of the time you don't wait long enough, and 45% of the time you wait too long and it thinks you stopped attacking.


Improve the queuing system (use only the last input before the current animation ends, and discard any other inputs made in the interim), and don't use pauses. Only time pauses really work is if there's a natural pause in the animation, which I haven't really seen in Warframe.




Why? Because the fact that enemies can jog to stay out of your range almost indefinitely means that many players will be holding forward while attacking in order to close distance between each attack in the animation so the enemy doesn't just saunter off.


Where they exist, please replace them with something more sensible. Back would be better, as rarely would players use the backwards command while attacking. 



Neither of these are good inputs for Warframe's system, and it would be infinitely easier to stop using them than it would to rebuild the melee system to take advantage of them. Though regardless, a better command-queuing system would be very beneficial.

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i don't like any of these 'additions' to combos. Sprinting, moving forwards, moving backwards, and pausing are all unreliable.


i'd rather have Channeling, Blocking, and holding Melee be used more, as they are reliable to do.


and / or perhaps even a 'combo key' to get more advanced combo's. just preferably things not tied to movement or attacking or not attacking.

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All you have to do to get the pause combo started is wait until the end of the previous swing. Adding or subtracting Fury helps, because the faster the attack speed, the shorter the pause. So you can change how long you need to wait until you get it just the way you want.


And there are already stances that have combos that use forwards and backwards.

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Disagree in general. Modifiers are part of how the combo is done. If the combo is for chasing or engaging then use forward on it. If the combo is for dealing lots of damage to a stationary target, put a back tap on it to balance it so people can't just run around spamming it.


Dunno what OP is talking about with controls not being tight enough... sometimes I have trouble doing combo attacks just in mid air because there's no feedback, but I don't have a problem when I'm actually hitting stuff. Not that most things even live long enough to take a combo. :P

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and i was thinkin it was a bit too simple...



Erm... this actually.

I've had no trouble whatsoever with [Pause] mechanics, it's actually one of the easiest to pull off imho, and I feel there needs to be more actions any more complicated combos we may get in the future.

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Channel should toggle with Caps. Block should go back to where it was. Let us use L-Click, R-Click, and (default melee [E I think? F is better]) as different swings, and build combos from those. Maybe throw activate (Tab I think? E is better] in as an attack if there's no contextual action up too.

Then we have 3-4 swings to free combo, and DE could still make specific, special chains of attacks for stances. That's what I was hoping for from Melee 2.0, you know, a REAL melee system.

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+1 to using a controller, I tried it with the keyboard and it's not as easy. Still, it's mostly muscle memory, melee 2.0 is still new to us all so i don't mind not mastering my stance combos

The hardest is probably for machetes since you have to pause after 5 normal attacks to use the combo move

Edited by Staggeringking2
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+1 to using a controller, I tried it with the keyboard and it's not as easy. Still, it's mostly muscle memory, melee 2.0 is still new to us all so i don't mind not mastering my stance combos

The hardest is probably for machetes since you have to pause after 5 normal attacks to use the combo move

If it was a [Pause] after 5 attacks, that would still be bearable. This one is a [Charge] after 5 attacks, and the attack itself is pathetic.

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Boardroom suggestion:

How about R?

that sounds good. however, i habitually reload. like, every few seconds, i press Reload. it's a habit i picked up from years and years of playing shooters. always being reloaded was important.


so for me personally, that could really backfire :s

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All you have to do to get the pause combo started is wait until the end of the previous swing. Adding or subtracting Fury helps, because the faster the attack speed, the shorter the pause. So you can change how long you need to wait until you get it just the way you want.


And there are already stances that have combos that use forwards and backwards.

This works for some stances. Stances like Clashing Forest (Staves) have the animations set up in such a way that it's extremely difficult to pause after the second swing. You almost always wait too short and just continue the base combo, or you pause too long and restart the combo entirely. Even with a maxed Spoiled Strike, pulling it off is purely a matter of luck.


And even the ones that are doable consistently, pausing still feels awkward, and it breaks the flow. It's really uncomfortable to have to slow myself down in order to do the combos, when in most cases, just mashing the button is superior. I mean, take my Clashing Forest example: the pause combo is ridiculously hard to pull off consistently, but when you do, the only real thought is 'why would I even want to do this instead of the normal combo?'



Also, I suggested backwards because I know that it's something they're capable of. All they would have to do is change an input somewhere and it's all better.


Though it does bring up another example of the sloppy input system. It doesn't check that inputs are entered simultaneously. Combos with back+e or block+e can be performed by just holding down back/block for the entire combo, and when it gets to the right point in the combo, it recognizes it as the correct input. 


As such, with Crossing Snakes, for example, if you hold forward in an attemt to keep with your enemy while attacking, the second attack will trigger its forward+e combo, despite not inputting them simultaneously. This gets annoying. Especially considering you generally hold forward to get in melee range in the first place, and even if you let go of it, the game still sometimes recognizes it as forward+e.

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I could pull off pause combo almost everytime. It's the hold combo that's I'm having problem. The one use extra key like right mouse or movement key, you can just hold the key as soon as you started the combo.

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Not sure how the hold gives people problems. It's exactly the same as a regular attack except you hold the button. There's no weird timing or anything. Just do a normal attack and don't let go until the animation for the hold attack starts.


How can you have the reflexes to hit a window that's a few milliseconds long, and not be able to just hold down a button? I'm not trying to be insulting or anything. I just don't understand how someone can just not be able to hold down a button for half a second. 


Really, a two+ button system would be much better than a one-button system, and there's no real reason not to have two buttons other than stubborn pride.

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I can handle pauses no problem. It is the holds, especially in Berserker equipped crit weapons, that are nigh impossible for me to perform consistently.

I pull off pause with Berserker too consistently. It's annoying to fall off a walkway because you were facing a bit to one side or the other when you activated Swirling Tiger's teleport move.

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