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Isn't It Time To Raise The Mod Slot Amount On Frames And Weapons?


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Lol, true. But still, even on my "perfectly built beauty" i only had to use 2 forma. And now i have 4 points left over with all of my mods maxed out. XD.


That may be true on melee weapons now that they have stance mods, but it certainly isn't on ranged weapons. Rifles and secondaries need a minimum of 5 polarities to truly hit perfection. Some builds need 6.

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a slot on guns that functions like the stances/auras that can only fit zoom, -recoil, and other...less desirable mods. makes sense i guess. i really don't see adding more than one additional slot though, and only to primary and secondary weapons.

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a slot on guns that functions like the stances/auras that can only fit zoom, -recoil, and other...less desirable mods. makes sense i guess. i really don't see adding more than one additional slot though, and only to primary and secondary weapons.


I could get on board with this.

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You can max out your frame with all mod slots full and have like 30 free points or so (or even more depending on setup)

Formas are your friend.

Without an aura mod you can afford t spend 6 points/slot


With one its 7-8 or 8-9 with steel charge


That should cover most builds for frames


Primary and secondary can be a squeeze sometimes

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Lol, true. But still, even on my "perfectly built beauty" i only had to use 2 forma. And now i have 4 points left over with all of my mods maxed out. XD.

You can't max a soma or boltor prime out with just 2 forma.

And those two are two of the few weapons that come with more than one polarised slot.

Edited by (PS4)atpbx
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I've posted this in other threads, but I'll post it again here too.


I think if they want to stick with their current mod system, here's what is probably the easiest solution to make more mods useful.


1. Everything gets two more mod slots.


2. Everything (yes, everything, from the Lato to the Boltor Prime) gets more polarities, so only 2-4 slots don't have one.


3. Polarities become fixed (forma no longer changes or adds them) and the type and location are very carefully considered for balance purposes when the devs assign them to slots. Perhaps it also becomes impossible to put mods in slots with non-matching polarities.


4. A different use is found for forma.

Edited by DocHolliday13
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Shehriazad YES,we know that we need God like bosses,when they will be created we should be able to beat them.Before that not only the mods but any notice for update should not happen(with all respect to DE team).We REALLY need SERIOUS bosses.Imagine what would happen if we gather all bosses of the game in a defense mission stage with one Tenno and an Ogris.

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I've posted this in other threads, but I'll post it again here too.


I think if they want to stick with their current mod system, here's what is probably the easiest solution to make more mods useful.


1. Everything gets two more mod slots.


2. Everything (yes, everything, from the Lato to the Boltor Prime) gets more polarities, so only 2-4 slots don't have one.


3. Polarities become fixed (forma no longer changes or adds them) and the type and location are very carefully considered for balance purposes when the devs assign them to slots. Perhaps it also becomes impossible to put mods in slots with non-matching polarities.


4. A different use is found for forma.

As much as i hate to say it


That would be a good way to balance utility mods


Or give some very powerful weapons absolutely horrible utility so even though theyre on top theyll need the extra mods to keep from having something like a 10 second load time (exaggeration)

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I'd be in favor of adding at least one more slot to Frames and weapons.  Right now, I have to switch mods around based on what I know I'm going to be facing and usually have to sacrifice something to make it happen, even with taters and auras.  There still isn't a viable loadout system in place; you can have three variations, but you can only use mods that aren't being used by something else.  If you tend to bring different weapons into a mission based on enemy or mission type, you get to hunt for your own mods and waste a lot of time.


But as for mod slots, I agree with what a lot have already said - make them available for only certain mods.  A support slot could even have polarity to it, subject to being changed by forma, but still limited to a limited set of mods, just like Auras or Stances.  Or to dissuade cries of OP, make a slot just for one mods with the Tactic polarity only that cannot be changed with Forma and apply this to frames and weapons.  Now, i can take Master Thief along with me while I take a sniper rifle or bow with is corresponding Mutation mod and Trick Mag for whatever akimbo pistols I may choose to bring along.


Auras help to be able to fill out a frame's mod selection, but it's not always enough.  Polarity can actually make some of the slots less useful, depending on whether the frame is offensive, defensive or supportive in nature; I used Forma on my Excalibur Prime and I probably will use Forma on some of my other frames to better fit the mods that help me most.  One more slot, even if limited, would help.  There are ten slots, but if you use all of your frame's abilities (not everyone does, myself included), you only have 6 slots to work with, plus whatever benefits your Aura gives you. Thankfully, you don't have to have an ability in the corner slots, but you have increased cost to use those slots, which is manageable with some tatered builds.  Freeing up one slot that would otherwise be used for something non-essential would go a long way.


Without anything to increase the mod pool for non-melee weapons, Forma becomes even more important, especially if you want to pack in some of the mods that have more ranks or higher costs (thinking specifically of Split Chamber/Barrel Diffusion/Hell's Chamber and Serration/Hornet Strike). Some of the existing mods could be converted into the boomstick equivalent of Stance mods (Hawk Eye, the ammo Mutation mods), while a few new ones could be made, with some specific to weapon type, just as with melee weapons (bow, rifle, sniper, pistol, smg, dual pistol, etc.).


With more content to play with, tougher mobs and bosses, more weapons and mods to experiment with and an overhaul of the melee system (which I still don't care for), why not take a look at adding to the frames again (thanks DE, for listening to Region chat complaining about the first version of the aura system when you first replaced Artifacts) or giving our guns some extra breathing room?  I don't think anyone's asking for "click mouse to win", just something to give us a more options in the wake of everything else that's been added to the game.


Or maybe a resource that works like a Negative Forma to reduce a mod's cost?  That'd be fun too, I suppose.  Combine Forma and an Argon Crystal; it it would decay after so long and only work on already maxed mods.  It would help keep costs manageable but I think the amount of mod slots available to players, especially as more mods get put into the game, will still be something that will be discussed by players.

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Just my 2 cents, but it can easily be disregarded. Have the skill mods removed and instead just let the warframes have the skills instead. I find it weird how the warframes need to have a skill card to work....

Some mod specifics to weapons I understand, but you have so many warframes, that the amount of skill mods.

If people are worried, then just give the skills a certain restriction in usage.

I don't know, what that restriction would be, but this game is in its own way, broken. We can use skills as many times and as much as we want, so long as we have the energy.

- Short on energy? use energy siphon auras, and/or energy restoring gears.

- Ammo is pretty much the same thing with the ammo mutation mods and the ammo restoring gears.

- This can be said with health as well.


I don't know. Perhaps we should raise mod slots, or perhaps the mod slots should also be arranged according to it's utility. Despite having customization, it is severely limited in that it is only in mod cards. Only real/semi-real customization is in appearance....

Edited by VoidWraith
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Just my 2 cents, but it can easily be disregarded. Have the skill mods removed and instead just let the warframes have the skills instead. I find it weird how the warframes need to have a skill card to work....

I agree with that. Warframe skills shouldn't be mods and occupy slots. They should be integral parts of warframes (along with their stats: health, shield, energy etc) and level up with warframe's rank. So unranked frame would have all its 4 skills unranked; frame with 10 rank would have all its 4 skills at 1 rank; 20 rank frame would have all its 4 skills at 2 rank; and maxed 30 rank frame would have all its 4 skills maxed (3 rank).

Because it's very stupid when warframes should remove some of their not so powerful or effective (or just broken) abilities to replace them by mods that increase power of rest skills. As result there are many one-trick-frames who run just with 1 or 2 abilities (and often one of them is ult) especially if they use corrupted mods. It's bad design.


Removing abilities from mods would give us 4 free slots. 2 of them could be universal. Other 2 could be only for utility mods.


PS: I would like if devs considered my suggestion...

Edited by AntLion
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I agree with that. Warframe skills shouldn't be mods and occupy slots. They should be integral parts of warframes (along with their stats: health, shield, energy etc) and level up with warframe's rank. So unranked frame would have all its 4 skills unranked; frame with 10 rank would have all its 4 skills at 1 rank; 20 rank frame would have all its 4 skills at 2 rank; and maxed 30 rank frame would have all its 4 skills maxed (3 rank).

Because it's very stupid when warframes should remove some of their not so powerful or effective (or just broken) abilities to replace them by mods that increase power of rest skills. As result there are many one-trick-frames who run just with 1 or 2 abilities (and often one of them is ult) especially if they use corrupted mods. It's bad design.


Removing abilities from mods would give us 4 free slots. 2 of them could be universal. Other 2 could be only for utility mods.


PS: I would like if devs considered my suggestion...


The suggestion of making abilities integral instead of mods has come up before, and I 100% support it. Exactly as you said too, with the leveling up bit.

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The suggestion of making abilities integral instead of mods has come up before, and I 100% support it. Exactly as you said too, with the leveling up bit.

There is one problem with that suggestion though (even though I dislike having to mod the BASIC SKILL KIT OF A CHAR). DE said that at some point "generic" skills that can be used across all the frames might be put into the game.... so yea...removing the skill mods might prove difficult...even more so since some people actually Forma'd skillslots away (there is a few frames with terrible abilities, or just 1 key ability)...

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There is one problem with that suggestion though (even though I dislike having to mod the BASIC SKILL KIT OF A CHAR). DE said that at some point "generic" skills that can be used across all the frames might be put into the game.... so yea...removing the skill mods might prove difficult...even more so since some people actually Forma'd skillslots away (there is a few frames with terrible abilities, or just 1 key ability)...


I appreciate them wanting to keep open their options, but it's been a freakin' year, and they've made how many new warframes, but no 'generic' powers have been created.


As for people who have forma-ed skill slots, online games change, it is their nature.

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1. Too many "utility" and weak mods that no one bothers to use as they would be too much of a trade-off

2. With melee 2.0 almost all melee weapons share the same build...the exception being the few weapons that have a viable crit chance.

3. Across ALL weapon types AND on Warframes there is now a big selection of mods that could really help making frames a bit different from eachother...but are heavily underutilized because of aforementioned problems...the trade-off is too huge.



1. Useless to you, not to everyone.

2. Not everyone agrees with the "max the damage" approach, its not like you need that for 90% of what you do.

3. An extra slot or three will make no difference, if we had 20 slots there would still be the "optimum build" that the min-maxers use.


So no, we don't need more slots. In fact it would lead to less variety as everyone could fit the same basic "best" ones and then add a couple for "flavour".

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1. Useless to you, not to everyone.

2. Not everyone agrees with the "max the damage" approach, its not like you need that for 90% of what you do.

3. An extra slot or three will make no difference, if we had 20 slots there would still be the "optimum build" that the min-maxers use.


So no, we don't need more slots. In fact it would lead to less variety as everyone could fit the same basic "best" ones and then add a couple for "flavour".

Almost anyone who uses sub par mods instead of minmax mods generally sucks.....

Suure...lets replace redirection with single resist

Lets also replace Vigor with maglev

Also who needs increased ability power...lets use loot detector instead.

Also you're going way over the top to try to make a point...20 slots? Of course that would destroy build variety...because that's too many.

But if you add 2 extra slots...that can only fit really sub par/fun mods that don't have a huge effect on the build...but would indeed allow you to be a bit more unique without crippling yourself...then that would do nothing but increase variety.




Edited by Shehriazad
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  • 1 month later...

Yes, because one cannot rely on Forma alone which requires leveling up said warframe again and again to use power slots w/o the increase in rank number. they only have 6 slots for other things which is a shame.


If Forma only required one re level or no re level for existing polarities, then this would not be so bad.

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Yes, because one cannot rely on Forma alone which requires leveling up said warframe again and again to use power slots w/o the increase in rank number. they only have 6 slots for other things which is a shame.


If Forma only required one re level or no re level for existing polarities, then this would not be so bad.


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