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My Thoughts On Attica (It Requires A Buff)


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Greetings everyone.


So i saw the attica and i had to immediatelly try it out, since i'm a crossbow lover myself.


So far i've placed 3 formas on it and it still doesn't deal enough damage.


What's wrong with the attica:

Very slow fire rate.

Low magazine along with an unfair reload time.

Low crit damage/low crit chance

Low status chance
Innate punch throught doesn't work very well.


2 possible fixes that would greatly improve the Attica:

Buff the crit damage and crit chance (something like 2.5x|30%)

Buff the status chance (Something like 20% or MAXIMUM 25%)




Buff GREATLY the attack speed

Buff the Magazine capacity and increase the reload speed.


What are your thoughts on it guys?

Edited by Mrevasivepants
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real cross bow are naturally like that, deal with it 

Okay i think its time you realize we put our mental energies into our swords and that causes enemies to vaporize into vapor. That's not a valid excuse here, also yea i kinda wish it did get buffed since it feels like i gotta put mods just to get it to stop being such a pain in the &#! to use. also god damn that reload every time i cringe and ask myself why im using this gun

Edited by Aver
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real cross bow are naturally like that, deal with it 

First of all, it's not really a crossbow but more of a replica of a Chu-Ko-Nu (Repeater crossbow).


Second, if it was a real chu-ko-nu, the rate of fire wouldnt be that poor, and a crossbow HURTS, like it REALLY HURTS, it penetrates more than a gun can at the right distance.

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real cross bow are naturally like that, deal with it 

You pull out the 'realism' card for a game with a tentacle gun, Davy Jones if he were a frame, and a stomp that can slow down time. Where's the realism in any of this?


@OP: I agree the Attica needs a buff in some form. Not damage per se, but something in the form of:


- Increased critical/status chance

- Increased magazine size

- Increased projectile velocity

- Decreased reload time


I'd happily give up the innate penetration if it meant two of these buffs were implemented as a way to balance out the crossbow.

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Areed OP.


Already have a topic on this but both Attica and Ballistica could greatly benefit from having Thunderbolt availible to them and actually it feels logical since Attica in particular shoots a pretty big arrow (check it out by shooting into a sheet of glass).


It's damage is rather weak compared to other weapons, be it bows or even many secondaries, for example Marelok.


Ammo: Attica>25%

Reload time: Marelok<1s (faster)

Damage per shot: Marelok>60

Crit chance: Attica> by 5%

Status chance: Marelok>3x

Fire rate: Marelock>by 0.2

I dunno about their range differences but I doubt it matters considering the Attica's projectile is not hitscan but an arrow with flight-time moving on a (thankfully sharp) ballistic path.


As far as I can tell yes, killing an opponent with Attica means he will fly away, damaging those that his corpse hits. This alone cannot justify that mediocre statistics the Attica has.


It's overall DPS is plain miserable, and it's even "bugged":

Reloading most weapons above 3 quarters of the "circle" ensures you have reloaded, even the reload progress gets disrupted/cancelled, you have reloaded. Most weapons, as Attica doesn't have this "concession" (and apparently newer weapons tend to not have it). It wouldn't be that much of a problem as logicall you have to fully reload a weapon to... reload it properly but since effectively every other weapon behaves like this... it just feels wrong to punish this weapon with it's already rather weak stats. Simply breaks the fluidity that you have to make sure that you are not staggered, not rolling, not hit, not stunned, not... touched by a fly... or you have to repeat the whole reload time again which on it's own among the longest.


Yes, most of these things can be solved by applying certain mods but you need to use mods just to make the weapon equal other weapons... meaning you lost mod slot and capacity already so you cannot possibly make it as powerful as the others.


It's sole and only advantage among the bow/sniper weapons that it uses the rifle ammo pool. Sorry, but that could only be enough if we had a 30 ammo magazine and a relatively nonexistent reload time (wow, such a big magazine would look just a tad bulky atop the Attica :D ).


PS.: Just checked, the Snipetron VANDAL has a base damage of 125 per hit, and obviously it's way slower than the Marelok... oh, and uses sniper ammo. Sooo... what I somehow feel that the weapons overall need a revisit and rebalance. Seriously.

Edited by K_Shiro
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  • 2 weeks later...

real cross bow are naturally like that, deal with it

This guy needs a history lesson,

-Crossbows are design to peneratrate hardplate which in warframe attica should have better puncture than paris prime

-Crossbow bolts fly faster than Arrows

-Crossbows are designed for short/mid range

Now to the topic

Has anyone noticed that when you shoot the bolt arcs/lobs? crossbows shouldn't behave that way even for a repeater crossbow addtionally the bolt fly's a lil bit slow combined with slow reload i'd say, this weapon couldn't keep up with a ninja.

Edited by LionPride
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I think it either needs to travel extremely fast or extremely straight (I think straight would be better, but faster would be a stronger buff). Also buff the innate punch-through so that it can naturally hit through Grineer shields (Even though you should have Shred on it, the extra punch will help set it apart from other weapons)


Make the reload a tad bit faster or increase the magazine by a hefty amount. Or, as an alternative option, bump up its base damage.


Don't want to have to wait until Attica Prime to have a good crossbow.

Edited by Draciusen
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First of all, it's not really a crossbow but more of a replica of a Chu-Ko-Nu (Repeater crossbow).


Second, if it was a real chu-ko-nu, the rate of fire wouldnt be that poor, and a crossbow HURTS, like it REALLY HURTS, it penetrates more than a gun can at the right distance.


A real Chu Ko Nu shoots about one bolt about every 2 seconds.  And is a very weak crossbow since it must be drawn (rapidly) by the user with the strength of only one arm.





Is not the same thing as this:

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First of all, it's not really a crossbow but more of a replica of a Chu-Ko-Nu (Repeater crossbow).


Second, if it was a real chu-ko-nu, the rate of fire wouldnt be that poor, and a crossbow HURTS, like it REALLY HURTS, it penetrates more than a gun can at the right distance.


Not so much that it penetrates in as much as it tears the target up pretty well (based on tests performed on ballistic gel).

and actually it feels logical since Attica in particular shoots a pretty big arrow (check it out by shooting into a sheet of glass).

Same as boltor, actually, I think.

It's sole and only advantage among the bow/sniper weapons that it uses the rifle ammo pool. Sorry, but that could only be enough if we had a 30 ammo magazine and a relatively nonexistent reload time (wow, such a big magazine would look just a tad bulky atop the Attica :D ).

And where does boltor put its ammo?

It's damage is rather weak compared to other weapons, be it bows or even many secondaries, for example Marelok.

Of course will the god-king of pistols be better.


Better vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo13R_fSvnI

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It's not fun to use, that's the main problem.


This is a big part of the Attica's issues. Even if it were to receive a damage/reload/whatever buff (which it does need), it'd still be very awkward to use. A bolt speed/trajectory tweak would help that. Currently, it sits firmly in Miter tier: mediocre-to-poor weapon that is awkward to use. I'm just glad that it doesn't use Sniper ammo.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Ah, that's a nice construction. :)


But still, as we can all see: a very weak crossbow. What people think when they hear "crossbow" is the video I linked, a huge steel-prod monstrosity that requires a winch to draw. And absolutely DOES deserve a reputation for being fiercely powerful. But the Attica is not that machine.

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I apreciate your comments guys, and about those that are like: "Attica is suppose to be a real crossbow", shall we not forget that this is a game, to the addition that this is likely in a far away future, where everything is upgraded and in fact as we can see throught the grineers, mechanized.


So yes, the reality point the attica has is to keep the formate of an actual crossbow(or cho-ko-nu if you want to be more precise), so now it's the imagination time to kick in and make it either as fast as it should properly be or as strong as a ballista to compensate its slowness.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The speed of Attica is fine IMO.  What it needs is a change in magazine:reload from 8:3  to 12:2,  and a slight increase in its punch through value.

I really like this idea, since, even with max fast hands, its still 2.2 reload, and thats 7(4) mod cap that you have to use just to get 2.2.


With its low damage (232 with 105% serration and 25% punture bonus) against level 9 grineer, once grinner hit level 13, it takes 2 shots then. Napalmers of the same level take 11 shots, 83 damage on the body. I dont expect it to be useful later game, in T3 MD. Bit only doing 48 damage to a level 30 Grinner Heavy gunner, when I've put 3 forma in it, and level 30. Using splitshot, serration, punture increase, crit increase (50% with max Pointstrike), then what ever was left onto reload. body crits were only doing like 70's, and head crits were only about 140. Compared to a boltor with the same applications, would be doing a LOT more damage, with fewer requirments.


The slow arrow speed, and the less then favorable arc makes its long range near void less they are standing still. The damage, I am fine with, but please, more bolts / clip, or atleast a faster reload. I want to like this weapon, but It's really hard to.

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