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Why Are People Comlplaining About Hydroid's Name?


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A hydroid is a stage in a Cnidarias but when it also means "being of water"


In chemestry, hydroids are also one of the several different types of the "hydro" molecules (OH,H2O, H7O3). Ember, Volt, Frost, Zephyr, they're all small, mostly meaningless particules or units, so what's the problem?


I mean, atleast he isn't named after a pile of burnt dust.

Edited by Xamuswing
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It sounds stupid... that's the problem ;)  Like it is some giant robot from an anime.  Yeah, android as similar roots as Hydroid, but due to the use of android, droid pretty much means robot in terms of common use.  I'd have preferred they go with something like Hydros, which sounds a lot more like a name.

Edited by Axterix13
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To me it sounds like a bad Digimon name, you know the one that nobody likes because it is goofy and gimmicky. Or maybe a new gen pokemon.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how much meaning is behind a name, if it sounds bad enough then it just simply sounds bad.

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A hydroid is a stage in a Cnidarias but when it also means "being of water"


In chemestry, hydroids are also one of the several different types of the "hydro" molecules (OH,H2O, H7O3). Ember, Volt, Frost, Zephyr, they're all small, mostly meaningless particules or units, so what's the problem?


I mean, atleast he isn't named after a pile of burnt dust.

And Ash sounds cool. like the Ashes of our comrades. not "Hydroid I choose you"

Edited by Senketsu_
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Poseidon, Nautilus. It's not necesarily a bad name but lookat the other warframes. None of them have anything that suggest cyberneticcs, They all have some sort of mythological conotation or a vague word that describes their element.

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The ending 'droid' reminds me of my five-years-old self, who would name her robot toys with all kinds of syllables followed by 'droid', because it "sounds badass". Because of these specific memories, Hydros' name sounds childish to me (I call the new guy Hydros all the time and everyone understands just fine whom I mean).

That's just me, though.

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Becasue it sounds stupid. it sounds like im talking about a robot, or a pokemon/digimon.

Unless you work in medicine or biology, and then his name just sounds like "from water."


I'd argue that the latin root "from water" for the water frame is better than "The King of the Fairies"

Edited by Gelkor
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They named it that cause it is different from other games or series with the name Poseidon, or Nautilus like in league. They made it a name you will remember, even if it is stupid you wont tie to another game. Sure it sounds like a pokemon or a digimon, but its not. There isn't anything in either of those named that way. They did something unique, like that of this game, which is unique. You don't like it? Fine. That's your opinion, but you will remember it. You wont confuse it for anything else, which is probably what they were going for. 

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