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A Request To The Moderators; Intelligence Control.


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Your idea seems too radical/ideological to happen. This is the internet we are talking about so your expectations shouldn't be so high. Sure I would enjoy just talking with mature intellectuals but not everyone has to be or is that way. Not everyone is as sophisticated as we want them to be so why bother? It's not like this detracts from the mechanics of the game so just calm down. If such stuff as this affronts you, then kindly remove yourself from the forums as it is not worth your or anybodies time to deal with it.  Trolls succeed if they actually get to you and from your post it seems like that is whats happening. Just ignore what you don't like and move on. Also for poor topics, well.... all I have to say is that not everyone has the same mindset as you. What may seem reasonable to them may not be to you and vice-versa. The point of the forums is to voice people's opinions and ideas. That is why your view of whether a topic is stupid or not should not shape the forums.

P.S. Sorry for sounding a bit harsh, I'm just saying that you should just ignore the things you dislike and not be so judgmental of posts you think are a waste of time.


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I also advocate the castration of lower intelligent individuals to prevent their hideous genetics from contaminating our next generation.

Kinda hard to kill ignorance, besides stupidity is a hard thing to get rid of, just like how intelligence is hard to find. Balance much? 

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Advance apologies, I can be arrogant when surrounded by what I perceive as idiocy, and I'm been described by family and peers as quite modest.  I hardly expect this idea to continue for long, but for a game in Beta so desperately needing constructive feedback and player retention (as a positive community has shown to aid), I believe some attention may prove beneficial, however half-baked my ideas inherently are.


Despite low post count, I've been around since the days of closed beta, before the Boltor even received its skeleton model; and I must say that around that time, this game was rife with optimism.  The forums was a breathing, writhing mass, with Warframe and weapon concepts abound, fan fictions flooding parts of the forums, the feedback strictly constructive, and a more friendly atmosphere to be found overall.  I cannot remember a flaming war ever to be had, nor were there many whiny threads rife with entitlement/blatant flaming nor grammar so juvenile that it made readers cringe.


Nowadays, such is no longer true; slightly bored with the game, I left some time before Update 8, the big Clan Update, hit.  Drawn by a peer, I returned some time mid-Update 12, and after seeing parts of the community, am at a loss as to what could have caused such degradation in the sorts of interactions that happened back in Closed Beta and the sorts of things I see now.  While parts of the community are still very optimistic and reminiscent of the old days, it seems other parts of the forums are rife with blatant entitlement/insulting or simple nonconstructive childishness; with a greater population, it seems Warframe has also attracted the intelligently dull.


My request to the Moderators is to play a greater part in deleting threads that offer nothing to the game/community, are filled with childish entitlement, simply lash out at people with differing opinions, and the like as well as to implement a temporary banning policy for people who repeatedly and habitually post with lower-than average intelligence and contribute nothing/lack etiquette along with a extra extension period for those who flame about being banned afterwards (as it seems the lesson has not been learnt), during which time the player may play in-game but not post in the forums.  Additional policies like a timed-reset strike system may also be implemented to add leeway.  While such a program may already exist to an extent, my intent is then to call for a further tightening of rules.


Evidence for such behavior can be found in the various PS4 versus PC threads that have been cropping up as of late (the first thread I was about to take evidence from was already closed, much respect to the moderators for that; as a result, I am suddenly very short on examples).



"Why is it so unfair between PC and ps4 we didn't receive the proto skin nor did we get the new weapon as it always tends too be the case the devs only care about the October and founders we buy just as much platinum as they do so why are we overlooked just wondering "

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/205246-why-is-it-so-unfair/ OP


"No.  In fact, get out. Full douchebaggery intended."

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/218621-no-more-warframe-more-powers-and-habilities/ #3


" "de pls rede this bcuz I abvissly kno hao to maek a gud gaem" "

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/218597-des-please-read-this/ #13



While I take sides with the PC community, I am not advocating the stomping out of opinion; in fact, I encourage that only the blatant offenders receive the axe of banning, rather than every single person who breaks any rule: ex. Posting in the wrong Section, Double posting, etc.  Instead, I advocate positive and constructive conversation, or at least conversation that doesn't simply lash at people.  While borderline in my opinion, even something as benign as this is acceptable simply because it isn't ad hominem:

"my freind said that leik veterans were mad about it, want to here if people actually were"

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/218709-how-mad-were-people-about-pvp/ OP


However much of the community such a rule is able to trim is hopefully small (and given time, we may yet see them return to us with a much more friendly mien), any sort of similar action will help make criticism more constructive and the community a slightly better place, which is exactly what DE needs.  As I said, as a game still in beta, the last thing DE needs is to have constructive threads hidden in any way by entitlement threads or to have critical but controversial threads derailed by those claiming "u obioussly dnt know anything about gaems".  A positive community can also help with player retention, given the abnormally high difficulty greeting new players; a mature and supportive community has proven to get new players up on their feet more effectively than simple rant forums like those found on some Nexon games either by helping directly, settling him/her into a healthy clan, or simply creating a friendly atmosphere.

I and presumably many players have quit games like League of Legends and Tera simply because of the absolutely toxic general atmosphere to be found in their community; whereas Warframe's bad parts are still in "pockets," the pockets in those games are the supportive ones, and while still a far cry from the community of today, it would pain to see Warframe turn into a shark tank anywhere other than in a handful of clans.


What the moderators did in deleting hate threads after the 2-3 hour delaying of Update 13 was a good thing; while some complain that all that were left were "white knight" threads, I think most can agree that such rage posts did nothing to contribute to the community nor to the game.  However, more can be done, and perhaps while morbid, that means weeding out the undesirables, wherever they may pop up.


TLDR: The forums are a place for educated discussion; those who are incapable of this should not be a part of it until they are.


I welcome criticism, and acknowledge that this is rather radical of an idea.  Still, given feelings of the perpetuity and invulnerability shared by people on the internet, it seems the only way to better a community is to trim the undesirable pieces.

I wish this would happen, seeing as my thread was deleted within an hour because it was immediately filled with troll and idiots who did nothing but tell me I'm the stupid one. All I did was give constructive criticism about the whole PC vs PS4 problem.

Sadly this community is becoming much like Call of Duty and the like, ignorant and filled with rage

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I can feel the fedoras of this thread, a massive ripple through the force.


The thing about forums is, they are meant to be open for all forms of discussion. If you find something that is being discussed unintelligent it doesn't really matter, you can move on and read another thread or use the features already in (such as reporting). The most absurd part of all of this, is that it is literally eugenics but with forum posts, and no less despicable.

The difficult thing about having an open place for discussion is there will always be ideas and things that you don't like or are purely toxic. I know I am repeating my self, but I feel it needs to be stated again so people will really listen to it. There is no shortage of trolls and other people who do things "idiotic" on the internet, but to have arbitrary guidelines of what is or is not "educated discussion" is more toxic than all the trolls combined. Saying short replies are not constructive as well, is specious at best and willfully dishonest at worst. Just because someone doesn't write a book every time they disagree/agree with something doesn't change how constructive it is.

"Do bears wear hats?"
I guess that no was nonconstructive, under your ideals.


tl;dr this is the worst idea I have ever heard, literally on par with eugenics.

Edited by beatnikhero
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I have a question for the moderators: what qualifies a post for being a good target of the report button?  What about the clear waste of space posts that got attached to this topic early on?

Usually if the post doesn't really contribute to the discussion, is trolling or stuff like that. Reporting -every- single case of these sorts of posts isn't really necessary though, usually a single report and a "There are a lot of off-topic/derailing/non-contributing posts, could you take a look and possibly clean up the thread?" message can get the job done.


Also sorry for the late reply.

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You know now that I think about... this topic has nothing to do with the game itself, and is all about the forums. Shouldn't this be in forum feedback, or off topic? Just a thought since were all trying to be forum Etiquette-ish here.

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You know now that I think about... this topic has nothing to do with the game itself, and is all about the forums. Shouldn't this be in forum feedback, or off topic? Just a thought since were all trying to be forum Etiquette-ish here.

Good point. I'll move this over.


Also tidied the thread a bit.

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there will always be bad threads and trolls in the forums as new people signs up.....it cannot be avoided.


thats why we got moderators.


i think you should try and be a moderator since you sound to know which are the bad or good post so much. or just help press the report button,

but these things doesnt really matter.

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I agree OP, but I'm not so optimistic anymore. The game is F2P. Granted, it's not as popular as League of Legends, but simply being a F2P game tends to attract more of the degenerates.


However, games that cost money up front, as well as subscription games still have degenerates, so the problem never really goes away no matter what you do. As a game rises in player numbers, the outspoken trolls and crybabies become louder and louder.


Still though, in a perfect world..

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I agree with some of the sentiments in this thread. Mostly about the quality and tone of feedback given nowadays. That's why I stepped in to look after the Art & Animation Feedback forums. I make sure things stay polite, on-topic and efficient.
Sure, I'm not exactly liked for what I do, but I feel the Feedback Forum is better for it.
If threads don't follow the guidelines I've set up, I ask people to change them, change them myself, or lock them. Maybe that's the sort of no-nonsense policy you're looking for?

Edited by Noogums
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Eleminitaning these people is not the answer, we must be open and not begin a virtual holicoust in lame brained. But instead we must learn to cope. On my Moar Gore thread I had to use two different personalities. A rediclous obnoxious personality with accompanying dialect to draw in thoes people and in the replies used more eurodite personality to debate the merits of my post. Sure not all people may be as amidexterous as me and can abase their intellect and maturity but you can't change the fact that they are here to stay.

But I do agree we have been a bit too lenient and gave too much latitude to these people. Take the DE please name the new frame cuthlu thread for example, that should have been shut down imeditly or at least moved to the feedback section. Though that is a difficult call, hydroid was not yet released but there was nothing to consider it concept because it was so frivolous.

The there is rediclous bumping. Take this thread and count the bumps https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/198691-boss-concept-new-infested-boss-the-decrepit-and-the-infested-stalker-the-afflict/?hl=foxfx#entry2309532 . I will personally say I think repeditve bumping in a concept is ok so long as it is an update and provides constructive content. If it is a single bump with no contribution that is fine. But repetitive bumping with no contribution warrants action from a moderator.

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