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Has There Been Discussion Of A Time-Wielding Frame?

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I'm just curious after using Quantum powers in DC Universe online and playing with the Calendar Classes in Dragonfable.

Some obvious powers would be freezing an enemy entirely, possibly with an accelerated aging DOT, a CC AOE time slow lockdown, and a group accelerated heal/ shield restoration. What about anyone else? Suggestions? Thoughts? Art assets?

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The usual problem that's brought up is how it would affect other players.


When done right...


Let me translate my own concept into english and let me post it to show how it can affect other players with benefits - or not.

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I would say it can work like trinitys blessing. Once casted the whole group gets that buff.

It sounds OP, but we have a frame that can make the team invincible already so...

It's gonna be ridiculously annoying for the players who are just standing and become frozen in time though. Worse than Vauban spamming Bounce.

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A Time based power can be implemented in multiplayer games easily.


For example,


Foresight (100 energy power)

Description : When this power is unleashed, you (and only you) can predict enemy movement and firing direction.


In game mechanics : when this power is cast, you will see green lines coming out from the front of each enemy in range. They will move along this green lines (ala on rails). The red dashes along the green lines designate their firing direction, on which they will shoot in that direction, once they arrive at that portion of the green line.


So, this allows the player to 'predict' enemy movement and shooting direction without implementing 'bullet time' and other gimmicks.

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A frame that throws clocks at enemies?

Well, that's just too funny to ignore.


would be funny to have like a projectile you shoot at an enemie that makes tham age quickly before turning them into a pile of bones/dust

That's the idea of the first one. We do have enough gore elements to play with it.


A frame similar to Faceless Void would be cool

I'm glad I looked that up... It seems like that sort of thing would carry over.

There is already a pile of threads on a time-based frame.

Hence why the topic starts by asking, essentially, "Has this been done?"


I would say it can work like trinitys blessing. Once casted the whole group gets that buff.

It sounds OP, but we have a frame that can make the team invincible already so...

Yeah, I'm definitely seeing this as more of a support frame rather than an offensive beast.


I finished translating my concept. (Was quite a hassle)




Feel free to comment.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do that. I'll head over right away.

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A Time based power can be implemented in multiplayer games easily.


For example,


Foresight (100 energy power)

Description : When this power is unleashed, you (and only you) can predict enemy movement and firing direction.


In game mechanics : when this power is cast, you will see green lines coming out from the front of each enemy in range. They will move along this green lines (ala on rails). The red dashes along the green lines designate their firing direction, on which they will shoot in that direction, once they arrive at that portion of the green line.


So, this allows the player to 'predict' enemy movement and shooting direction without implementing 'bullet time' and other gimmicks.

Sounds like a much better way to incorporate the same idea. Clearly, Grineer are heavily into using cover, so tracking their path and strafing that area with Ballistica's burst fire would be awesome.

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