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Eclipse Challenged By Angry Joe Army


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It's about to get real.


In case you don't know, Angry Joe is a youtuber and game reviewer. He's got quite the following. All I can say is, if he actually does rally his subscriber base to play Warframe, is:


1. Congrats to DE for getting a lot more players and more free publicity. ;D (I was one of the one advocating that their community try Warframe a while back)

2. Prepare your butter holes Eclipse, and ready up to empty your wallets more than you ever have before.


Again, this is only if Joe himself actually invests in this and it isn't just some community members from his forums.

But in any case....Should be fun to watch.




They've got personality. ;D




Edited by SolidSp33d
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Some people... xD What's wrong about low taxes and good places to farm? This challenging is bad for everyone in the game. And it's not even fun to play the same boring mission over and over. So why do you have to do this???

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As a member of Eclipse, I'll be on their side. Should be fun.


It's not Joe himself, since I've not seen him announce anything and he doesn't guide everything his fans do. But still, this Dark Sector experience has been lively.

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Usually, Angry Joe makes an announcement beforehand something like this goes down.

Did I miss something?


It's not that hard for some random person to have taken the clan name Angry Joe Show Army and "represent them" so to speak. 

Edited by theharddrinkingapplejack
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I'm pretty sure a lot of people don't even know who he is. Like, if op has to explain "in case you don't know", then yeah. To a lot of people, that is just some random clan, and even though their message is sarcasm, to a lot of people who don't know, it's not. 


Can't see Eclipse lose this one.

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