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The Nova Dilemma


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Whats one of the main reasons we even play Warframe? 


To slaughter hundreds of enemies in various ways and feel awesome about it.


And it's really hard to do that when you have some jerk spamming 4 in every room we enter, nuking EVERY THING.


"But, thats basically free affinity for you!"


I couldn't care less about affinity. Pretty much weapon i use is level 30. And if it's not, i'll level it myself instead of relying on someone to nuke every enemy in the room.


Now, i don't mind Nova when shes actually played by a considerate player who doesn't spam MPrime all the time, but they seem so rare...


Man, this Nova situation is  one of the few things in Warframe that truly rustles my jimmies.

Edited by LegendOfAB
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On top of this, she also trivializes ALL other warframes abilities, including non-nuker frames:


-Wanna use Banshee or Rhino of a damage boost? Why bother, Nova's M Prime not only multiplies damage by double that of Rhino Roar, but doesn't require any silly aiming like Sonar does.

-Need a CC frame? Nova's M Prime slows down all enemies in 25m to a crawl, they may as well have just been frozen in place completely

-Just want to use a frame for damage in general? Nova's M Prime deals a hefty amount of damage over a ludicrous range on top of all of the aforementioned bonuses.


See what I mean. If they removed the slow-down effect entirely, reduced the damage bonus from x2 to x1.5, and made it affected by duration mods, then M Prime would be a lot more balanced IMO, as it wouldn't overshadow every other team buff, CC, and damage skill, and Nova would actually have a weakness in her lack of good CC.

Don't forget that Bullet Attractor costs 75 energy, is less effective than MPrime(except for the bubble) and only hits one enemy. Why bother to use bullet attractor when you can just mprime?

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Don't forget that Bullet Attractor costs 75 energy, is less effective than MPrime(except for the bubble) and only hits one enemy. Why bother to use bullet attractor when you can just mprime?


That one too. Pretty much all other damage boosts are inferior in terms of damage multiplication and/or range. The only one that's still arguably useful is Sonar since the damage multiplier is actually much greater, but seeing as most mobs don't have too much health anyway, x2 is more than sufficient unless you're fighting really high level enemies. And again, Sonar actually requires you to aim.

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Whats one of the main reasons we even play Warframe? 


To slaughter hundreds of enemies in various ways and feel awesome about it.


And it's really hard to do that when you have some jerk spamming 4 in every room we enter, nuking EVERY THING.


"But, thats basically free affinity for you!"


I couldn't care less about affinity. Pretty much weapon i use is level 30. And if it's not, i'll level it myself instead of relying on someone to nuke every enemy in the room.


Now, i don't mind Nova when shes actually played by a considerate player who doesn't spam MPrime all the time, but they seem so rare...


Man, this Nova situation is one the few things in Warframe that truly rustles my jimmies.


your weapons are almost all at 30 ? We definitively don't play the same game, we have all weapons at 30 and formaed 5 or 6 times with all the mods maxed; I could understand in this way that you're pissed off by Nova MPrime, but seriously, there's a higher level of playing where Nova is a frail but near essential utility frame.


nerf her and you'll just retrieve her for the possibility to play these high level situation (barely starting at 40 waves+/40 min +).


There's also a lot of players that are willing to play or try to play "the impossible", and that's infinite scaling. This type of game can only be entered with the best CC/Damage possible, and Nova is in no way OP when you get into that type of game.


And we are fighting REALLY high level of enemies...

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Ahh, Nova. So much angst.


I haven't seen too many Novas lately. When I do seem them, I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time reviving them. They can be a huge asset in MD, survival, and defense missions, but they're a liability if they simply run off to die in some lonely corner of the map--which is what I normally see.


The problem isn't so much Novas monopolizing spawns as Novas that run off to do it, leaving teammates out of the xp bonanza. This isn't a 'frame problem. It's a player problem. She seems to encourage a certain dysfunctional playstyle, which is unfortunate since she's very team-oriented and a huge force multiplier if played correctly.

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I really don't get this hate about a warframe, it's not like your stuck with one frame, you can play with any frame you like. It's not like you don't have any option to abort if you don't want a specific frame in the mission. It's not like in every mission you play is with a Nova. 


But what you should not tolerate is bad attitude, I can give you one example right here in this thread, a player don't like what he sees decide to teleport, abusing a frame skill that wasn't meant to do. Or how about this, a player rush, and take the elevator by himself (yep Vanguard Rhino). Or players that need a lift to some alert, gets invited and telling the taxi driver to go quick even though was still looking for others to help out, inconsiderate prick. Or how about this, a Mag Prime spamming pull every time someone tries to kill a mob.


Bottom line is the player.


Anyway, every time I play a mission and there's a Nova, I relax and enjoy my mission. Love shooting at the mob and see them go BOOM! Besides, with all these complaints about grinding, doing repetitive tasks, you should love Nova because she makes your work easier.

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Bottom line is the player.


Anyway, every time I play a mission and there's a Nova, I relax and enjoy my mission. Love shooting at the mob and see them go BOOM! Besides, with all these complaints about grinding, doing repetitive tasks, you should love Nova because she makes your work easier.

There are two reasons to play the game. One is to acquire new weapons and tools and the second is to use them. If someone else prevents me from the latter, I get annoyed. I am not exaggerating when I say that usually after playing a mission with a Nova, I stop playing for the night. It frustrates me that much. And aborting a mission is kinda bad manner because it can force a host migration if you were the host so it's not as viable as you'd think.

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and choole2 (dat name...) continues to shows incredible amounts of stupidity mixed with an unfounded smartass attitude.


although i admit that i disagree with the max kill = win concept, but nova DOES "steal" kills and makes the game boring.


This. People forget that a large part of the reason people play this game is to kill virtual enemies. Who wants to play with a player who's stealing kills by nuking everything on the map? Those players are no different than shot blockers.

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There's no kill stealing in this game. If it was your kill, you would have killed it.


More practically, it's all shared xp so you're not missing out on that, IF the group stays together. And that's where the real problem lies.  

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There are two reasons to play the game. One is to acquire new weapons and tools and the second is to use them. If someone else prevents me from the latter, I get annoyed. I am not exaggerating when I say that usually after playing a mission with a Nova, I stop playing for the night. It frustrates me that much. And aborting a mission is kinda bad manner because it can force a host migration if you were the host so it's not as viable as you'd think.

When you get this annoyed from playing games, I recommend taking a break, really.

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Nova bores the life out of me...

Playing Nova bores me to death... Having a Nova in the group bores me...


Conclusion - Boring people play Nova.






As for the kill stealing dilemma. I've said it before and I'll say it some more...

Until they remove that "statistics" page after the level ends this game will not be fully co-op.

Only show me what I done, I don't care what the others done!

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Sh*tty *ss players abuse a warframe. Warframe gets all the blame.

I love nova. I hate 75% of the players that use her.

Nova is currently my most used frame but I don't use her in any way for easy gameplay. I love Nova's design. Wormhole is my favorit ability. I prever using antimatter drop over mp. Mp is just a panick button.

Aye. It all comes down to the player but you can't reallly blame too much on the player as they're using the frame as intended by design. I personally don't see the big whoop there is with Nova; there are other frames that also have number 4 skills that are AoE and kill everything around them--example, the two newest frames; Zephyr and Davy Jones, er, Hydroid. Both are power, can sweep a room full of enemies and kill everything, they also have decent range. So why no hate for those frames?


There's a time and place to use M.P. but I using it all the time is a downer, I agree. You know what you do when you run into a player who spams that skill? You leave the party and start your own lobby. Put those players in their place. If they choose to be the kind of person who kills your enjoyment of the game, just leave their party. If everyone adopted this attitude, those players would have no to play with. Kind of sad when you think about it.

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When you get this annoyed from playing games, I recommend taking a break, really.

Did you fail to read what I wrote? In the sentence before I said that it frustrates me, I said that I stop playing for the night. I do take a break. The fact that I feel it necessary because someone else like to stomp all over my enjoyment of the game isn't ok.

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Nova's problem is not her damage, it's the faulted energy system allowing her to spam it constantly.

Constant obliteration of the whole room nullifies difficulty and makes the game boring since all you have to do is walk around collecting 1337 l00t.

I have no problem with nova being a nuker as long as she takes skill to use, not pressfour2win


Edit:don't google search futa

I'm late on this but I just noticed your edit. I just wanted to say I salute you for your courage and willingness to explore the unknown.







Now everyone else go search it with SafeSearch off.

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If you don't like powerfull frame's powers means also that you don't like the game when it get tougher.


After playing this game for a while, I really think that there's 2 kind of players in Warframe and that their respective vision cannot match...

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This thread should likely be closed immediately, if not asap. The lack in player responsibilities and communication is, in a sense, devolving those upset by Nova players into abusive, harassing haters. This thread is showing, if any, very little effort towards the devs in helping balance Nova's abilities to be "fair" with other 4-skills and a strong amount of non-productive disliking vs liking.


This player's post I can see SOME agreement with:


If DE would just introduce some sort of system that would make the the 4th abilities less spammable


A similar solution the devs can do can be to have the MPrime uncastable(power in use) until either the debuff is worn off(unaffected by duration, still slowed down) or all affected are dead and gone, similar to the Rhino Stomp's limits. This  can push that "nuke'em'all" scaling down a decent amount and go well with other CC measure earlier in levels. Also, it can then enforce more responsibility to the caster in focusing on timing much more.



Ahh, Nova. So much angst.


I haven't seen too many Novas lately. When I do seem them, I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time reviving them. They can be a huge asset in MD, survival, and defense missions, but they're a liability if they simply run off to die in some lonely corner of the map--which is what I normally see.


The problem isn't so much Novas monopolizing spawns as Novas that run off to do it, leaving teammates out of the xp bonanza. This isn't a 'frame problem. It's a player problem. She seems to encourage a certain dysfunctional playstyle, which is unfortunate since she's very team-oriented and a huge force multiplier if played correctly.

This post feels a bit productive and can reinforce that bottom line I am saying: It's a player problem that requires some correction.



Bottom line is the player.


Anyway, every time I play a mission and there's a Nova, I relax and enjoy my mission. Love shooting at the mob and see them go BOOM! Besides, with all these complaints about grinding, doing repetitive tasks, you should love Nova because she makes your work easier.

This post too, although that magic word "should"... Some people feel more rewarded with more effort, and that's understandable, but (looking at the entire thread now) seeing that a bad handful of players would enforce their play-style on others... just why kill a game by doing that? Why?


I'm asking players like these, and the OP who admitted to switching a Nova into a set of stairs:

If Nova wants to be hallway hero I'll just Switch Teleport her into a wall, and go on my merry way. 



Any player harassing others out of hate of them, or shear trolling/rudeness should be reported and, if haven't learned anything from being reported, be banned from Warframe! You speak of one Warframe type abusing their skills to get kills, yet you do the same/worse (your doings slows down mission objective progress/completion)... pot calls the kettle black much? Does this means that the devs have to change Switch Teleport to not work on frames due to bad apples not being responsible and troll other players, hindering completion of the mission objective? Maybe they should!


"but I'm responsible! why should I be punished for someone else's doings?"


Some player's can't be responsible at any age, so why be given good things...

"Switch Teleport is an ability I adore. Not only is it the perfect ability for dealing with annoying teammates, but it's also a great mobility tool when combined with Decoy. There's alot this thing can do from saving team mates, killing team mates, trapping team mates, moving yourself to places no other frame can reach, ect ect."




If any dev is seeing this right now... DERebecca, DE_Steve, [DE]Megan, [DE]Glen, Ethyr, ANY DEV... some of your Loki players are teaching themselves and others to be irresponsible with Switch Teleport and perhaps a skill tweak is needed in order to prevent player grief and harassment, please.


Hey guys.

Let's break up the serious talk for a moment with a joke.

Are you ready for this? Okay... Watch this...

What does Nova say as she hits a golf ball?



Joking around isn't productive toward your hate-fueled goal, OP. Please be a bit more mature about what you made this thread for: A request from the devs for balancing Nova.


Ultimately, this thread has left me in a sour mindset due to very little productivity shown on the thread(those I missed in saying that your input is productive in order to keep this post short, I apologize) and I do hope it gets closed.

Edited by WarGrylls
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If you don't like powerfull frame's powers means also that you don't like the game when it get tougher.


After playing this game for a while, I really think that there's 2 kind of players in Warframe and that their respective vision cannot match...

You seem to forget that the toughest enemies that you fight are determined by the powers themselves, not the other way around. The highest level enemies you fight normally are around Lvl 35, anything more than that is due the the infinite scaling from survival/defense. How far you make it in those game modes is based on how powerful you are. As such, the toughest enemies automatically are the hardest ones you can fight. If Nova's Mprime being nerfed actually made a huge difference, people would grow to accept the new level of enemies to be the hardest level that you could fight. Furthermore, my solutions to MPrime do not take away from its utility at high levels and one of them improves it. I think that it is very possible for hardcore players and casual players to share a vision of how nova should work.

Edited by Ourobor
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Just my two cents here; yes Nova is incredibly useful if you're just rushing a Void Exterminate or something to get rewards, but y'know I like actually playing the game and not just watching everything blow up the second I enter the room.

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[Whisper]I have a build where I just use Null Star.[/whisper]

There are other skills than just Molecular Prime. It's not fair to classify something based on the dumb dumbs that play the frame. I love Nova, and if I play her then I will be like "Hey, I won't spam MP. I'll just use it when I need it" Unless the team mates tell me otherwise.


I hate Nova "players" who just spam too but I'm not going to stop using her based on idiots. Just as I use Loki even though I've seen a lot of Jerks play him...

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