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Another Reason Loki Master Race


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Must buff that prova some how it hurt,still.


im sorry but why r u using fleeting, streamline and the essence helmet? youre wasting a mod slot

15 from helm 60 from mod...75 :]
I`m not waste my slot.

Not sure about that guy.

Edited by LanCeAlot
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Must buff that prova some how it hurt,still.


15 from helm 60 from mod...75 :]

I`m not waste my slot.

Not sure about that guy.

30 from Streamline + 60 Fleeting + 15 helmet = 105...You can deequip that Streamline ^^

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Learn to Proki my friend.

Proki is the only true master race build, everything else is just mindless spam.

Fleeting Expertise and Disarm is a part of Proki-ing though, but then again, a true Proki needs no box for he has the powers of fast.

Edited by Sixty5
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just to point out as a frequent Loki user myself:

Disarm just helps team.

A lone Loki do not need disarm, or box (or fleeting as it lowers duration, a very un-Loki thing imo ;) )

Edited by smithf
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