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The problem with Diablo 3's AH was that the drops int he game were geared for the AH. Items pertaining to your class would drop less for you and more for others. Likewise, Items other classes needed would drop more for you but less for them. It was pretty crooked in that regard, not to mention that it was easily exploitable by hackers and Chinese and Russian AH kingpins who monopolized the AH by jacking up prices to astronomical levels.


AHs have worked in other games. The idea of the Auction House isn't inherently bad. But it can easily be implemented poorly, and given DE's track record with releasing buggy and unfinished patches, I don't think WF is the right game for an auction house. Besides, a lot of the game's weapons are either clan tech or bought from the market. There are quite a few mods and Prime parts that are traded regularly, to be sure. But I don't think there's enough of a catalog yet to warrant a full AH.

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I don't think an AH is a good idea.  But something like what Vindictus has.  A market.  Access the market, it tells you the most recent high-low and the average.  Then you post your item and decide the price.  Make it so you can only post as many items as it is now with trades tied to MR.  When it sells it's automatically deposited to your account.  That way you can just post your items for a set amount of time or have a maximum number of items up as long as you wanna keep it there.  Also it would be nice to have the ability to remove the item if you wanted.  So basically just a market to post your items instead of monitoring the trade chat.

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I am just annoyed at stalking the chat for a long time and then manually having to type "/w <playernamewith0OoöÖ1!ilI|jletters" hi".


If we could at least right click player names in chat that gives us a context menu with "Message, Join, Invite, Add Friend, Ignore" etc. It would make it a lot easier.


Though, I believe an auction house would reduce all the prices of most tradables to 1 platin only because of the fact that the more convienient trading will be the more supply there will be circulating.


No, an auction house will effect trading in a bad way for sure. But making it a little more convenient for players to talk to each other in the trading and recruitment channel would be really appreciated.


EDIT: maybe a more usefull KickBot would help a lot as well.

Edited by Gekker
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An Auction House will ruin the  game.

I hope they never create one.

How ?


Its dead easy to say something like that.

But How is it going to ruin the game ?

What massive change is it going to make that we cant already do with the current trading system ?

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We need in-game price checkers or economist managements.


On a more serious note, if auction house are in placed, credits only is a must if not plat values will be trivialized, unless more importance can be assigned to plat which would turn this game into play to win.


If DE can introduce another currency system, which includes trading credits and that currency which is important to winning in-game mechanics but which is almost similar to plat, then maybe we can talk about a proper trading environment because now there is only a few factors(item rarity and desire for the item) that influence prices.


A third useful in-game currency which can be both bought only through the use of in-game items or earned through missions, it would introduce more meaning towards trading, which could eventually jack up prices in-game for all items. Though this would be a rare currency, therefore there is more grind.


Then this currency can be used to be a standards for trading, rather than platinum or abundant credits. although both of the two can still be used, this currency is more desired to winning something in-game and thus would rank out the two in terms of importance in-game. This would allow a common pricing of items and atleast a somewhat stable economy so that if AH is implemented, trading would have a significance.

Edited by Jacate
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Im with you on this one.

I don't understand why so many people stand against perfecting and simplifying a system that is already in place.

Having an upgraded trading facility will not add anything that we cant already do... It will just simplify the process and make it more user friendly.


Thats why I said before that it seems a lot of people have a different understanding of what "Auction House / Trading Post" are.


To make it clear, its just a simplified user friendly interface that allows us to do what we already can... No more, no less.

How would this break anything in game that it cant already ?


Clan alliance auction houses.

Don't make it completely open to everyone in the star chart. only people in your clan and alliance.



The problem I see is that not a lot of people have the same understanding of what "Auction House" means.


I just basically want a place where I can list my BP's/Mods and go away, come back later and withdraw whatever Credits/Plat I made.


At the same time can go there and look through a list for the item I want and buy it instantly without having to read IRC spam for god alone knows how long or write "WTB" and get 50 friggen messages from randoms then halfway through a trade have to start bartering because suddenly they have decided they want more.


As discussed in the first Auction House thread though I feel that buying anything should be an absolute last resort for getting an item you have been grinding for months and were just too unlucky to get... Not a ways and means of becoming OP the day you start playing.

I don't believe that trading should be part of progression but if we are going to have a trade system we should have a proper one at least.


To stop resellers all they have to do is implement Soulbinding.

Once an item is purchased off the Trading post/Auction it can not be sold again ever.


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Thing about Diablo 3 is they tried to build the game around the Auction House, and the randomized drops were so abysmal it forced people to use it. Why implement that system?


Why? Because Diablo 2 has an Auction House that's generated an economy so robust it still has more people playing it than Diablo 3. Blizzard tried to imitate it and failed terribly.


The loot system in Warframe is fundamentally different from Diablo. At most the AH would stabilize and inject some greater transparency and convenience into trading (ie, making it clear how much plat you want for a part and letting the trade happen when you're offline, etc). Could be valuable for the game.

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Thing about Diablo 3 is they tried to build the game around the Auction House, and the randomized drops were so abysmal it forced people to use it. Why implement that system?


Why? Because Diablo 2 has an Auction House that's generated an economy so robust it still has more people playing it than Diablo 3. Blizzard tried to imitate it and failed terribly.


The loot system in Warframe is fundamentally different from Diablo. At most the AH would stabilize and inject some greater transparency and convenience into trading (ie, making it clear how much plat you want for a part and letting the trade happen when you're offline, etc). Could be valuable for the game.

I feel adopting a third currency, although which is complex, would provide the necessary steps to allowing a proper economy to exist.


This currency can only be acquired through missions but in smaller amounts and cannot be bought through plats but which can be traded for through certain NPCS by trading for rather rare items and are useful to winning certain situations. In this case it provides players and advantage to have more of this currency for in-game purposes.


This currency would be the main currency of trade used in AH, other currencies cannot be used to substitute this currency such as plat or credits in AH, this means their values would not be able to influence the value of the others. This way scarcity is created and allow for better price stability for trading.


Another aspect of it is given how useful the resource is, it would force the idea of trade-offs towards using this currency, overall leading to a the idea of opportunity cost which actually matters.


Finally given how this currency can't be bought with plat, therefore it can't be payed to win directly. This would ensure fairness between all players and there is a supply for it which is limited.


Although there are ways this currency can fail, i see that the problems it would solve is far greater to contributing to the actualization of an AH(although being very grind friendly) in-game than transparency and convenience would.

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I think what Steve meant was they don't plan to put a wide open auction house where EVERYONE can see your offer but instead some kind of way to send an offer to a player you've agreed with on a trade while he's offline (like steam offers)


While I'd like to see an open auction house to trade stuff faster, I'm down with ANYTHING as long as it makes trading less of a pain...


in other words something totally @(*()&#036; useless, if its not an open full blown auction then its garbage, pure and simple.

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Well, I'll throw my thoughts into the abyss.



1.) Let's not call it an auction house.  An auction implies bidding and counter bidding. Instead, let us call it the Exchange.



2.) Putting items into the Exchange should allow the posting user to request what they want in return. Having platinum on the Exchange is a good thing, since it increases the value of this currency and ultimately means more platinum bought, which keeps the game running. But at the same time, the Exchange needs to allow requests for items. So when you make your offer to sell, you put in a list of things that you would accept, like: 15 platinum OR iron phoenix mod.  People can then browse the Exchange and choose what they want to spend.  I'm not sold on the idea of credits being an option, since in a very real way credits represent play time.



3.) To prevent farming on the Exchange, any given item can only be traded ONCE.  After an item has been bought off the Exchange, it can never be traded again. Platinum obviously can be used again. I know (because I did it extensively in Star Trek Online) that people can become stupidly wealthy in a player driven marketplace just by buying and selling the right thing at the right time. This is not at all thematic to Warframe however.

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I feel adopting a third currency, although which is complex, would provide the necessary steps to allowing a proper economy to exist.


This currency can only be acquired through missions but in smaller amounts and cannot be bought through plats but which can be traded for through certain NPCS by trading for rather rare items and are useful to winning certain situations. In this case it provides players and advantage to have more of this currency for in-game purposes.


This currency would be the main currency of trade used in AH, other currencies cannot be used to substitute this currency such as plat or credits in AH, this means their values would not be able to influence the value of the others. This way scarcity is created and allow for better price stability for trading.


Another aspect of it is given how useful the resource is, it would force the idea of trade-offs towards using this currency, overall leading to a the idea of opportunity cost which actually matters.


Finally given how this currency can't be bought with plat, therefore it can't be payed to win directly. This would ensure fairness between all players and there is a supply for it which is limited.


Although there are ways this currency can fail, i see that the problems it would solve is far greater to contributing to the actualization of an AH(although being very grind friendly) in-game than transparency and convenience would.

The thing about plat was something they brought up in the Dev stream -- some people can't get access to plat, and so the ability to trade for plat gives them the opportunity to sell their mods and parts and get enough plat to buy weapon slots and cosmetics like color palettes and syndanas.


Those who want to pay can pay and those who can't ultimately don't have to to access content now. As long as some people are paying for a short-term advantage with platinum, other players have the ability to reap real rewards like warframe and weapon slots and cosmetics, getting these things basically for free with no cost to DE. I think that's ultimately positive.


Any AH system that goes into place needs to maintain this.

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Are you kidding me? I dont want an auction house. An AH would ruin this game.


The only way an auction house might work, is if it was credits only. If DE was to add a platinum auction house the games economy would be ruined. 

See, this is the sound of someone saying: "Don't do this, it would ruin my personal lazy income source that I have grown so attached to". You can hear that sound in game or in real life.


+1 to a real market

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Having platinum on the Exchange is a good thing, since it increases the value of this currency and ultimately means more platinum bought

You think so? I think less people would buy platinum because they could just sell a couple prime parts every time they need a slot instead of paying $5 for some more plat. The people buying items with plat are likely the founders and prime access-ers who have so much there is nothing in the game they can spend more on.

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The thing about plat was something they brought up in the Dev stream -- some people can't get access to plat, and so the ability to trade for plat gives them the opportunity to sell their mods and parts and get enough plat to buy weapon slots and cosmetics like color palettes and syndanas.


Those who want to pay can pay and those who can't ultimately don't have to to access content now. As long as some people are paying for a short-term advantage with platinum, other players have the ability to reap real rewards like warframe and weapon slots and cosmetics, getting these things basically for free with no cost to DE. I think that's ultimately positive.


Any AH system that goes into place needs to maintain this.

I said a third currency which is not influenced by value of credits or plat. These currency can be acquired through missions as a cache or through trading with certain npcs.


So it won't be a pay to win economy, rather it would be play to win. In addition this currency can't be bough by plat but provides benefits in-game maybe say dark sector weaponary and etc. It is also the currency used in AH, other currencies cannot be used due to their differentiating value in-game for different purposes.


You think so? I think less people would buy platinum because they could just sell a couple prime parts every time they need a slot instead of paying $5 for some more plat. The people buying items with plat are likely the founders and prime access-ers who have so much there is nothing in the game they can spend more on.

I would also like to point out, what stops people from creating new accounts and abusing the starting plat amount? This would decrease supply of plats wouldn't it?

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The thing about plat was something they brought up in the Dev stream -- some people can't get access to plat, and so the ability to trade for plat gives them the opportunity to sell their mods and parts and get enough plat to buy weapon slots and cosmetics like color palettes and syndanas.


Those who want to pay can pay and those who can't ultimately don't have to to access content now. As long as some people are paying for a short-term advantage with platinum, other players have the ability to reap real rewards like warframe and weapon slots and cosmetics, getting these things basically for free with no cost to DE. I think that's ultimately positive.


Any AH system that goes into place needs to maintain this.

I agree on everything, but.just. scrap out that AH from your head, please!


The Auction House System itself is rubbish and have ruined many games that didn't apply it properly!


A pseudo AH system like the Steam community's market is good since it's a one on one agreement and avoids any "campers", "over pricing" or exploits that "placing bids" mean.



TL;DR : AH = Bad, One on One (offline/online) trade = Good

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I said a third currency which is not influenced by value of credits or plat. These currency can be acquired through missions as a cache or through trading with certain npcs.


So it won't be a pay to win economy, rather it would be play to win. In addition this currency can't be bough by plat but provides benefits in-game maybe say dark sector weaponary and etc. It is also the currency used in AH, other currencies cannot be used due to their differentiating value in-game for different purposes.

I think you missed the point of my post, I was disagreeing with a third currency being implemented because it'd limit players in how they play the game. Being able to trade for plat is a good thing because it means people can trade mods or items for enough plat to open up warframe or weapon slots.


Implementing a third currency and getting rid of platinum trading ruins the distribution of platinum through the playerbase that DE wanted (and has achieved) when they introduced trading.


Platinum trading enabling 'pay-to-win' is a false fear, because in Warframe we're paying other players, not DE. Currency is actually being distributed and letting people who might not have money or credit cards etc to access platinum features. 


I agree on everything, but.just. scrap out that AH from your head, please!


The Auction House System itself is rubbish and have ruined many games that didn't apply it properly!


A pseudo AH system like the Steam community's market is good since it's a one on one agreement and avoids any "campers", "over pricing" or exploits that "placing bids" mean.



TL;DR : AH = Bad, One on One (offline/online) trade = Good

Sorry! When I was saying AH I meant exactly what you meant, not a barter system but a One to One market system like on steam.

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You think so? I think less people would buy platinum because they could just sell a couple prime parts every time they need a slot instead of paying $5 for some more plat. The people buying items with plat are likely the founders and prime access-ers who have so much there is nothing in the game they can spend more on.


I know so.   Platinum cannot be farmed. Every single drop of platinum that is traded was bought... If not by the person spending it now, then by somebody else earlier in its lifetime.  Yes, lots of people sell a few mods for plat they need for warframe and weapon slots.  The point is that that by providing a product to buy (mods for sale, i.e. anti-grind), they provide something worthwhile to spend platinum ON, which means that other people with more disposable income can easily justify buying the platinum to make the economy go.  If there's nothing good to buy with plat, nobody will buy plat.  If there's a healthy variety of stuff you can buy with plat, then people will invest.



I would also like to point out, what stops people from creating new accounts and abusing the starting plat amount? This would decrease supply of plats wouldn't it?


You cannot trade your free starting platinum and that's the way it needs to stay.  Again:  Every single drop of platinum that is traded from one player to another, was bought.

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The problem I see is that not a lot of people have the same understanding of what "Auction House" means.


I just basically want a place where I can list my BP's/Mods and go away, come back later and withdraw whatever Credits/Plat I made.


No, I'm pretty sure everyone knows exactly what it is. That's what I'm talking about.

If you don't understand what I'm presenting you're the one who is a little bit out of the loop here.


     I can't really expect people who just pop on trading just to quickly get a few things or sell or few things and never look back to see the bigger picture unless they actually look at how the market is played. It's more that just "get this, get that. just listing items" you know. Flipping, undercutting, buying out entire supplies of items for one market and re-listing. Forcing threads. Buying out competitors. (And, oh boy, is there competition)

     And about the issue with the "higher supply than demand" being inflated. When you put the items for all to see and analyze in plain sight, where everyone can see clearly how much of an item there is, the price PLUMMETS. To the point were the market is crap for all but a few things. In fact a few things might skyrocket in price. Things become more distinct in price (though fluctuating) You aren't going to find some people being nice and selling things for cheap. You aren't going to find some people who don't know what they are doing and offer for cheap often. Those won't last long at all. They would have been bought out by people looking to strengthen their own sales. The environment in Warframe isn't ready for that. There's barely HAVE enough things in the game to trade to warrant an auction house.


In a nutshell, it's trading in the fast lane. That's what you want, but you don't understand all the other things that happen with trading behind the scenes. All this stuff becomes far easier to do and new tactics arise. Auction Houses aren't a bad thing, no.

But Warframe's economy is not ready for them yet.


Without experience with this kind of stuff, I really don't want to see DE try to pull this off. Unless they hire a good economist or something like other games do. And even then they still mess it up at times.



To stop resellers all they have to do is implement Soulbinding.

Once an item is purchased off the Trading post/Auction it can not be sold again ever.


Again, it's obvious you only care about the surface of trading with this, but that's just gutting it to the point we might as well not have it.

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Yes to auction house. No to people complaining about "the economy", $20 buys enough plat to set you up or are people just not able to pay for anything, ever? If I want to unload stuff for 1 or 5plt that is my option and don't really care if it takes plt from someone else, deal with it. And trade chat is a mess. I do love going on there though and selling stuff really cheap and watching the response it triggers.

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Yes to auction house. No to people complaining about "the economy", $20 buys enough plat to set you up or are people just not able to pay for anything, ever? If I want to unload stuff for 1 or 5plt that is my option and don't really care if it takes plt from someone else, deal with it. And trade chat is a mess. I do love going on there though and selling stuff really cheap and watching the response it triggers.


wot m8?

No seriously I don't understand what point you're trying to make or who you're addressing after "Yes to auction house. No to people complaining about 'the economy.' " It doesn't sound like you get the argument here.

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