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Hotfix 13.1.2


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Seriously.... "Today" made my day...


turned my frown upside down (cept there was no frown: it was kinda a 'meh' face, but now its stoaked)


Im down with "Today!" because "Tomorrow may never come, for you or me, this life is not a promise"


ummm... "down the street"... I totally understand, but it puts images of "underground illegal activities in my mind"

"around the corner", similar thoughts.... revolving around receiving a mugging of some sort...


"Side Balls" is a total keeper and has been integrated into my daily language, TY!

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The controlls for melee are now a big issue for me, i dont mind the updates, but since the melee button modes are now seperate, it has now caused my controller (which i use an Xbox wireless 360 controller and i love it!) to not do ANY melee in Melee mode except for quick melee. So now, melee stances for me have virtually become useless. I hope there is a fix for us controller users to make an exeption or option to keep the melee sequences just as they were before, because to me that was what made this game great

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I'm also suffering from not being able to melee attack with the correct key on the controller. I have quick melee set to push right stick, which does nothing in melee mode. In melee mode, I can melee with the right bumper (reload), which I discovered via brute-forcing all buttons, but that was decided for me and I can't find any option to change it.


On the other hand, the changes to Rejuvenation and rolling are both things I've been hoping to see for a while, so I'm very happy with that.

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  • The automatic-divvying of Alliance Vault resources when a Clan joins or leave the Alliance has been disabled. Manual divvying is still possible.

Finally no more steal and run




  • There are now separate "Quick Melee" and "Melee Attack" key bindings.

Finally I can Use Mouse 1 button to attack with melee when Melee is equipped! At last!




  • Roll animations will no longer play automatically after sprinting and jumping. Rolls will now only play when the player drops far enough and are moving forward.

OMG! Hated those "Auto-Rolls" every time I try to do something I get stalled by roll that starts on its own(so annoying). GOOD RIDDANCE!




  • Fixed an issue with the Rejuvenation Aura mod not healing Sentinel health.   


Oh! nice ^^

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Roll animations will no longer play automatically after sprinting and jumping. Rolls will now only play when the player drops far enough and are moving forward.


 This. This alone is more than enough to put a smile in my face.

 I was making a video making fun of this. I guess it wont make sense now. I will still finish it though.

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Nice Set of Fixes, new Melee stuff, Crash fixes (love seeing them getting fixed up)

all to cap off the weekend.  Thanks DE for making the end of my Week Junk-Punch Free.


Now I demand that you all kick back, relax and recharge them batteries.  have a Guava smoothy on me.

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Thaks DE :D but on the NExt update could you guys um.. Like also add these things on the joystic :D there are no melee attack button on the controler options :D on the next Update could you please add new joystic controler options :D thanks! :D

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I never understood the problem with rolls when you could press back to land in place or turn the camera to the direction you want your roll to go.

The solutions were in the game.

This is like when people were flipping out about running out of ammo and not using the ammo boxes.

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  • Roll animations will no longer play automatically after sprinting and jumping. Rolls will now only play when the player drops far enough and are moving forward.


Are you facking serious? My god thank you DE! That had to be the single most annoying and embarrassing thing in the game.

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