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To The People Whining About The Inevitable Trinity Nerf: A Reality Check.

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Trinity honestly isn't even that common. And no, I don't use her pretty much at all anymore as personally I don't need the invincibility to do good. It's really something to help the newer players rather, or help in nightmare missions.


Only reason I'm defensive about it is that there's no point to this nerf and it'll only harm newer players, which already have a bad enough introductory experience. DE has said it themselves, they work more on endgame than focusing on new players, which is good to an extent but they need love too.


Also don't tell me 24 seconds is a long time when valkyr gets a full minute and can't be knocked down.


@Doc: Then don't use blessing if you're so hard pressed about link, energy vampire, and whatever the first one is called. It's not like there's not a plethora of warframes you can use that aren't trinity anyway.



1) Where is Trinity found again? First 3 planets? How are new players going to benefit when she is found by killing Lech Krill, if you can kill him and Vor, you're not a new player. So that's clearly rubbish.


2) Valkyr's invincibility is going to be get a look at too, so that's probably not a good comparison to make.


The point is that Blessing is broken, and allows exploits and abuses of game mechanics which is the same reason why Rage and Quick thinking got ners, Stomp, Snow Globe, Iron Skin, MP's first nerf. That's the point. By the looks of it invincibility is not something that DE is happy with. 

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I can't believe people are trying to defend unlimited range team-wide 24 second invulnerability that can be spammed as soon as it wears off for basically no energy.


I've been mainly using Trinity with a fully forma'd Ogris for awhile now and I knew a "adjustment" was coming eventually.


I think the people that defending Trinity, is like someone just said, don't trust DE with the nerfing, or they think of it like the line from AVP:

"I'd rather have a gun and not need it, then need it and not have it"

This applies to the Blessing skill. They'd rather have the ability to call on god mode and not need it, then need the god mode and can't use it.


Change is coming but people don't like it for various reasons (actually I only see 2: People don't trust Steve with his nerf hammer, or they're spoiled and want to keep their god mode).

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Its been far to long.  I've been hoping that DE would look at Blessing quite a while before this and I'm glad that its finally here.


1) Blessing maxes at 28.2 seconds, not 24.



You can actually get Blessing to 20 seconds without using any corrupt mods, just Continuity and Constitution, not exactly difficult mods to get hold of. Even then it's capable of carrying you to 1 hour of survival.

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So much bad here. Anyone defending infinite invincibility, (which is EASILY achieved) Is straight scrub. Sorry, but it's true.

In defense the cryopod isn't invincible and if you're so worried about your own invincibility you won't go down there to fight because you might be knocked down and can't get back up in time for another blessing. And if there's another trinity giving you the blessing, she's not putting in work and if the enemy levels are high enough, that's it for the cryopod right there, mission failed, invincibility doesn't matter.


Survival, more or less the same thing as you need to get to the LS capsule. You can't just pummel through everyone and you'll run out of life support. Blessing doesn't make you invincible to that.


Those are the game modes that really matter, no one really plays the other ones anymore. Mobile defense maybe, but that's essentially the same as defense.


@Gam, if they find it fun to use training wheels, let them. They'll get bored of the game eventually and leave, it's not harming you.


@Tsu, no it doesn't trivialize 99% of content. Read above, the objective isn't only for you to keep yourself alive from enemy damage.

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In defense the cryopod isn't invincible and if you're so worried about your own invincibility you won't go down there to fight because you might be knocked down and can't get back up in time for another blessing. And if there's another trinity giving you the blessing, she's not putting in work and if the enemy levels are high enough, that's it for the cryopod right there, mission failed, invincibility doesn't matter.


Survival, more or less the same thing as you need to get to the LS capsule. You can't just pummel through everyone and you'll run out of life support. Blessing doesn't make you invincible to that.


Those are the game modes that really matter, no one really plays the other ones anymore. Mobile defense maybe, but that's essentially the same as defense.


@Gam, if they find it fun to use training wheels, let them. They'll get bored of the game eventually and leave, it's not harming you.


@Tsu, no it doesn't trivialize 99% of content. Read above, the objective isn't only for you to keep yourself alive from enemy damage.

So invincibility doesn't make things trivial?

So playing through Dark Souls with invincibility on is just as challenging?

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I almost never play as trinity and rarely play with a trinity. Try again.


Then you shouldn't have a problem with it getting nerfed. It's happening, deal with it. You're telling someone else to get over playing with a trinity, when the fact of the matter is that they will be willing post-nerf to play with a trinity. It's you that needs to get over the fact that a nerf is coming.

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Because they both make you invincible and remove any kind of challenge from the game.

They're broken.  They will get fixed.  Well one did, and one will.

Now exhale, wash your hands and move on.



Ok, you're saying Blessing, as it works now, is an exploit? 


The rage/quick thinking was an exploit that could be used to make you invincible, while Blessing does exactly what it's intended to do, make you invincible. One was due to an oversight, the other was due to it working the way it was supposed to.

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To the people getting mad over Trinity and don't like godmode: Don't play in pubs or play solo. There are people that do like it and lord knows its necesary with high level content. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it should be changed for your playstyle. If you want to go hardcore mlg play a different game.

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I personally support her Blessing nerf if her first two abilities get a look-in as well; her first two abilities are really difficult to build around and the fact people tend to kill WOL/EV'd targets very quickly enhances that problem. Make Blessing have a hard cap on the invulnerability period (maybe 3 seconds?) so it's something to use when it's really needed, not as a permanent buffer. Or even remove it and replace with high damage reduction.


However my issue is, what about buffing under-performing frames? Ash and Banshee could do with a bit of pepping up at least, not to mention Oberon - his abilities are in dire need of some work. I don't want to get rid of him (Derperon and his Oryx helmet) but he's just sitting in my roster gathering dust because he's so underwhelming.

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To the people getting mad over Trinity and don't like godmode: Don't play in pubs or play solo. There are people that do like it and lord knows its necesary with high level content. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it should be changed for your playstyle. If you want to go hardcore mlg play a different game.


To the people getting mad over the Trinity nerf and like godmode: Deal with it. The nerf is happening.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Besides the power to survive high number of mobs and obliterating everything in your path and feel the power? Better question is whats not fun about it.

You mean, the power to kill anything which comes in your way without worrying that you will be 1-hit from a high level mobs?

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You mean, the power to kill anything which comes in your way without worrying that you will be 1-hit from a high level mobs?


The thing you worry about every 20 seconds so you constantly keep track of the time so you look for cover to cast it safely?

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Besides the power to survive high number of mobs and obliterating everything in your path and feel the power? Better question is whats not fun about it.


When your teammates can do nothing but sit there because you're spamming 4 so that you can 'get al zeh keels'. Players like you are the reason Nova (eventually), like Trinity, are getting a nerf.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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When your teammates can do nothing but sit there because you're spamming 4 so that you can 'get al zeh keels'. Players like you are the reason Nova (eventually), like Trinity, are getting a nerf.


So what if a player gets all zeh keels? This is a co-op game. The amount of kills one get doesn't do anything for you. Its just meaningless stats.


I do get annoyed if I see a Nova player constantly pressing 4 yes. But thats all different per player and its a thing you can expect in pubs. Its not the frame that ruins the fun. Its the player.

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The thing you worry about every 20 seconds so you constantly keep track of the time so you look for cover to cast it safely?

It shows you the time and it lasts about 30 seconds at max


Thats plenty of time to find cover or just avoid close encounters


So what if a player gets all zeh keels? This is a co-op game. The amount of kills one get doesn't do anything for you. Its just meaningless stats.


I do get annoyed if I see a Nova player constantly pressing 4 yes. But thats all different per player and its a thing you can expect in pubs. Its not the frame that ruins the fun. Its the player.

Anything that enables something like this is bound to be trouble


Coop or not

Edited by Azawarau
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...in that last dev stream, Steve said that some people IM-ed him complaining about having Trinity in their team thus making the the game unchallenging. I thought it's interesting and, upsetting. I don't play Trinity and could care little... It does remind me of some other f2p/mmorpg game, that I had played before, that some players, with personal objectives, were complaining on the forum how come making some good weapons cost too little to acquire... and the company was so happy and responded by making those weapons cost five times more... At first those players came up with all kind of reasons to justify their complains and even to the company's fixes... but then after awhile, those same players turned around again and complained that the company was money driven.... blindness is sometime beyond cure... I do hope DE doesn't follow the same paths that many other companies have done and ended up hurting their f2p games. Good f2p games can be ruined very quick because of these issues. Yes. It's best to listen to players' concerns; but it's even better to make proper judgment what concerns should be addressed for the best of the majority of players and the game's future.

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To the people getting mad over Trinity and don't like godmode: Don't play in pubs or play solo. There are people that do like it and lord knows its necesary with high level content. . If you want to go hardcore mlg play a different game.

>Tells people to not play pubs or play 'deal-with-it' solo mode.


>Goes onto say "Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it should be changed for your playstyle."



Hello, kettle. It's your old friend; pot.


Also- please don't assume everyone on earth finds near godmode fun. Most people infact, prefer to have punching bags that can generate a bit of threat.


After all, if enemies in a game are no threat to me, I could get just as much enjoyment by beating up my pillow.

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>Tells people to not play pubs or play 'deal-with-it' solo mode.


>Goes onto say "Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it should be changed for your playstyle."



Hello, kettle. It's your old friend; pot.


Also- please don't assume everyone on earth finds near godmode fun. Most people infact, prefer to have punching bags that can generate a bit of threat.


After all, if enemies in a game are no threat to me, I could get just as much enjoyment by beating up my pillow.


People that don't like godmode > people that like godmode, huh?


Trinity's may grant invunerability but that doesn't mean you're invincible. It just adds more time and allows you to go longer and further.


Once again if you wan't a bigger challenge just don't bring a Trinity along.

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