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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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- Eclipse can be beaten. They just haven't been beaten yet. Clearly they want to keep their territory. You'll have to want to win as much as they do if you want to stand a chance.

Not quite.

"Coalicion IberoAmericana" defeated Eclipse on Yursa, Nepture.

They currently hold that rail, too. (Eclipse has not reclaimed it... yet?)

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Not quite.

"Coalicion IberoAmericana" defeated Eclipse on Yursa, Nepture.

They currently hold that rail, too. (Eclipse has not reclaimed it... yet?)

An interesting thought. The thing is, eclipse didn't want any nodes on Neptune, so they let it go.. That's why they let it go. If you look where the fighting is the most fierce you'll see what nodes they like the most.

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You can run the conflict missions in 2 minutes. 10k is still a lot for something so easy and often faster than most voids. And 20k was up just today.

If you were talking about skipping mob and rush to target. I could do the same running void capture which paid more and a chance to earn platinum with prime part. I don't even had to farm for void keys, plenty of people hosting them.

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If you were talking about skipping mob and rush to target. I could do the same running void capture which paid more and a chance to earn platinum with prime part. I don't even had to farm for void keys, plenty of people hosting them.

Eclipse has the money to sometimes offer over 10k. Give that a little consideration.

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-They will NOT put out good credit rates, they'll only slightly beat anyone who opposes them.

Opposing team offers 5k, they'll offer 6k. Wow what a bargin. The only time a decent credit comes from them, is when an opposing team offers a high number, then they'll just slightly beat it.


Now I imagine they're pretty well funded, with their low taxes that seem to increase.

From 0% to about 5% to about 15% to 20% and now 25% (will probably further increase to more ridiculous numbers as it goes on)


So then they'll end up having a rediculous ammount of credits, owning all the rails at a high tax rate, and it be impossible for any smaller clan to challenge them.



Hey its just like the American Economy!


We don put out gd credits? where the hell were u when the node was in conflict? we were offering 20k battlepay offer for jupiter senai when we were in conflict with Warlord High Council with thousands of tickets available which amounts to 2million credits. Are you from some sore alliance who has tried to challenge us and lost terribly? Jesus kid, grow up.


If their credit taxes are too high it will deter people from using them. Hence when they are attacked continuously thier credit supply slowly drains.


But 25% credit tax is just plain wrong.


25% credit is wrong? We the alliance members are paying 75% tax for the rail upkeep and do you see us complaining? 25% of your 7k credits is 1750 credits. What can you do with it? Buy yourself a bloody potato?? What will you people do on Jupiter besides farming for neural sensors? thats the main aim you are there right? do we tax you on resources?? no?? get your facts right please

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Eclipse has the money to sometimes offer over 10k. Give that a little consideration.

You are saying that they only sometime offer more than 10k? Yet they set the tax at 25% ALL THE TIME. Somehow I suspect 25% is not the final tax rate, eventually they will raise it again and its probably soon

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I'm overjoyed at Eclipse. I have no idea what you're talking about. 25% tax for Credits is basically nothing, I still consistently make 15-20k a run on those places, and besides, you don't need to do Dark Sectors for credits. You do them for the boosted EXP, and the boosted Resource drops. I have yet to see any Resource taxes. As long as their credit tax doesn't go over 30%, and they never have a resource tax, I will gladly support Eclipse. They use the credits they earn through the tax to maintain their rails, and offer actually decent battle pay. I don't know what this complaint about them offering slightly higher battle pay than the opponent is about. That's literally what EVERYONE is trying to do. Hell, I've seen clans offer just one credit more than their opponents, it's like some Price Is Right BS.


And what happens if Eclipse does raise their credit taxes over 30%? Simple, everyone will start fighting against them in the conflicts. Even if they offer massive battle pay, it won't matter if the opposing clan says they'll have half the taxes. Because even with like 30k in Battle Pay, that's like 2, 3 runs tops in a low-tax Dark Sector mission.


signed their huge piles of credits won't do them much good if they tax TOO much, so don't worry about it.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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You are saying that they only sometime offer more than 10k? Yet they set the tax at 25% ALL THE TIME. Somehow I suspect 25% is not the final tax rate, eventually they will raise it again and its probably soon


Maybe a sign that other clans should STOP damaging their rails so they have no need to raise the taxes? :P  It is kinda the fault of people contesting, sooo yea.  If you cannot contest AND win, don't contest :D

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Maybe a sign that other clans should STOP damaging their rails so they have no need to raise the taxes? :P  It is kinda the fault of people contesting, sooo yea.  If you cannot contest AND win, don't contest :D


 That is stupid logic. Even if you can't win contesting can still be a good means to an end. 

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 That is stupid logic. Even if you can't win contesting can still be a good means to an end. 


True but I wish they would do it faster so not to lock down nodes for days.  Though I do think that the whole 'Eclipse is raising their taxes' is in direct response to the need to in order to keep the nodes in their possession.

Edited by Sibarian
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 The nodes are there to be fought over. Not to be a free XP boost.


While they are there to be fought over, we get to do nothing because the nodes are locked down and we get a repetitive mission to do with the possibility of no battle pay [if it runs out] even if they offer 10k.


I'd rather get the EXP boost or have a interesting level to do.... but lets just watch the clans that cannot offer enough incentive to fight for them chip away at the larger alliances railways and when the fighting is over everyone else is paying for it in battle pay or resources.  I think that things are better off if left alone until smaller clans can work up a larger sum of money for battle pay to expedite things.  Not many people want to do missions for either when both sides are offering 0 battle pay.  add that with the fact that every mission is basically the same most people wont do those missions unless they absolutely know that the opposition is worse.


Bluntly all I see them as, because I am not in a big or powerful clan as someone else is that they are a way to get better exp/resources/credits an that's ultimately why other people go there because that is their main draw actually.  Why else would you play a Dark Sector mission, to fill the pockets of a high taxing Alliance?  to gather resources for them?  Mostly people do it for exp if not the other two.

Edited by Sibarian
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While they are there to be fought over, we get to do nothing because the nodes are locked down and we get a repetitive mission to do with the possibility of no battle pay [if it runs out] even if they offer 10k.


I'd rather get the EXP boost or have a interesting level to do and when the fighting is over everyone else is paying for it in battle pay.  I think that things are better off if left alone until smaller clans can work up a larger sum of money for battle pay to expedite things.  Not many people want to mission when both sides are offering 0 battle pay unless they absolutely know that the opposition is worse.


Of course you'd rather have an exp boost. But you're not entitled to have a free exp boost all willy nilly like. The reason it's there is to provide the incentive for clans to fight over it, and that fighting keeps it from being always freely available. That's the point for it.


The mission not being interesting enough is just content in development being content in development. No need to turn the system on it's head while waiting for that. So for now it's entirely up to the clan/alliance battle pay to make it interesting. As you mentioned, it isn't very good for most of them, but that's a little of their own fault for not taking taxes serious, and some of DE's fault for the systems not really serving growth very well at all atm. But keeping things at a standstill for an extended period of time won't happen.

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Of course you'd rather have an exp boost. But you're not entitled to have a free exp boost all willy nilly like. The reason it's there is to provide the incentive for clans to fight over it, and that fighting keeps it from being always freely available. That's the point for it.


The mission not being interesting enough is just content in development being content in development. No need to turn the system on it's head while waiting for that. So for now it's entirely up to the clan/alliance battle pay to make it interesting. As you mentioned, it isn't very good for most of them, but that's a little of their own fault for not taking taxes serious, and some of DE's fault for the systems not really serving growth very well at all atm. But keeping things at a standstill for an extended period of time won't happen.


Did I say im entitled to the free exp boost?  You are acting like I am selfish, I do agree that there NEEDS to be fighting, but WHY do they need to be locked down for days?  WHY fight for a rail when you cannot offer any type of battle pay and ALL you are doing is locking it down?  this isn't just MY opinion on the matter, alot of people feel the same way and please re-read my post because I derped it a little.


I do admit while saying this right now, I LOVE the idea of contesting nodes, its quite cool. Edit: I do know that this is content in development and i appreciate that it is even there, however this all turned into a whirlwind argument just because I feel like clans shouldn't be chipping away at the railways only making the occupant have to raise taxes for everyone else and getting the node locked down for the full duration, instead they should work to overwhelm them.  Organize clans, friends, and funds all in a gigantic effort instead of locking down the nodes and going limp with the whole effort.

Edited by Sibarian
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It is barely a issue at all. Higher the tax, lower the incentive for other clans to invade. If there is less invasion, player will get less battle pay as refund, and they will start to stop playing dark sector will higher tax.

Also, there are limits to everyone about how high the tax can be, if they set the tax too high, it will only backfire because less player will play their dark sector

Moreover, there is still competition from other clans that own a dark sector, players have a choice to not play for Eclipse if they are not pleased with the tax rate.

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It is barely a issue at all. Higher the tax, lower the incentive for other clans to invade. If there is less invasion, player will get less battle pay as refund, and they will start to stop playing dark sector will higher tax.

Also, there are limits to everyone about how high the tax can be, if they set the tax too high, it will only backfire because less player will play their dark sector

Moreover, there is still competition from other clans that own a dark sector, players have a choice to not play for Eclipse if they are not pleased with the tax rate.


 Pretty much hits the nail on the head here.


 Really what ends up happening here is a sort of struggle between clans interested in certain territories. It becomes a matter of "How low can we set tax without cutting into our ability to maintain the rail?"


 Because, obviously enough, really active and particularly talented clans will be able to make up quite a lot of funding on their own. So it becomes a case of finding that niche. What kind of taxes and battlepay you can get away with while still being able to have an edge during battles with outside forces.



 In time, through general experience, talented Clan Leaders will be able to tell the limitations of their own Clan when dealing with these problems and will be able to set up a proper routine/game plan that works comfortably for the clan and draws in the most traffic in the node.


  At least, hopefully. 

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Given the ease with which one can contest nodes, there were never be an instance where a node is not contested. What's annoying is that we're getting alliances that put up rails and then do nothing, or who only start contesting after doing nothing for most of the duration to attempt to catch the alliance unawares. It means we spend half as much time unable to make use of Dark Sectors, which makes it less worthwhile to assist either side.


I've seen some improvement in how long contest last, but the endless speedruns if you want to get the rail uncontested are tiring, especially if you've got players deliberately delaying the other rail's runs or posting misleading battlepay. That's my main concern about it and what I'd like to see addressed in the future.

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I was told that it takes more runs to damage a defender's rail than a challenger's rail in a ratio of 10 : 1. I'm not entirely sure of the details though.


 Well I, for one, hope that's false. Because it'd be stupid.


  Eclipse ought to hope it's false too. It makes their ability to defend look way less impressive.

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