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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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A collection of evidence supporting my case FIRST...These are all quotes from actual forum moderators aside from the last one..that is me =P


Still find it odd that Eclipse is taxing everyone but their own members for use of the rail. I'm going to be brutally honest... that's a scumbag thing to do. It's like letting politicians not pay taxes.


25% tax for non-Eclipse players. 0% tax for Eclipse players. 


No one should be exempt. Especially not your members, Eclipse. Don't be that guy.


This is opinion, each Alliance should be able to operate how they CHOOSE...they do not need your approval...and you need to reconsider your audience here. You are influencing the minds of the community, and promoting unnecessary hatred. Not the job of a forum moderator.


Clearly Angry Joe Show is the Clan everyone should root for. I'll be supporting them.


You are choosing sides, being BIASED here...you are influencing the community, this is not your place you are a forum moderator...you need to change your hat and put on a different badge if you want to try to sway the public to fight against a group in the game.



 True facts right here. Come get them.


- Eclipse can be beaten. They just haven't been beaten yet. Clearly they want to keep their territory. You'll have to want to win as much as they do if you want to stand a chance.


- If your Clan is currently sitting back doing nothing except TALK about not liking Eclipse than you probably don't stand a ghost of a chance. Glory and Territory are going to be for the clans with the guff to go out and take their piece.


Sounds like propaganda to rally the troops to start a revolt...you are swaying public interest here. That really isn't your place as a moderator.


 Either beat them or shut up.


 DE isn't going to 'fix' Eclipse for you. Eclipse owns that territory through legitimate means and keeps it through legitimate means.


 If you can't at the very least contribute in beating them you don't have any business talking down on them.


Sounds like someone likes to DARE people to do something...someone likes to fuel the flames don't they.


This is not your place. You are in-sighting more anger toward Eclipse and putting out a message: "put out or get out"


People do respond to these types of words...oh they do and you know this.


Very nice passive aggressive approach at kicking the hornets nest for us...because Eclipse sure as hell wasn't actively trying to pick a fight. You seem to have done that for us.


 All that stuff you said is cute and all, pumpkin, but it isn't going to change the fact that I was a Player before I was a Moderator and that I've always had my own feedback too.


 So basically, get over it.


Wow, how professional you are.


Lets see...

1.) name calling...

2.) belittling

3.) "I was a Player before I was a Moderator"


I was a baby before I was a man...does that make it socially acceptible for me to suck my thumb and crap in a diaper?


NO...grow up dude..


Do your job and stop trying to defend your biased attitude and unprofessional approach with poor excuses.


We that have real jobs in the real world Have to act a certain way at those jobs...I would expect the same from you.





Why is a community moderator....aka he who controls the flow of communication so engaged in this debate..

More over, why is this moderator, one who is supposed to be as a judge, unbiased and by the book so involved and vocal in such a political arena such as the dark sectors....

Why is such a moderator...promoting and influencing and supporting the public to rally against a singular entity such as eclipse..

Finally why is such a moderator in this position when they openly and vocally support Warbros, a clan that is clearly in direct turmoil with Crescent Moon,...a part of Eclipse..do any of these things strike you as...wrong?

If you ask me moderators should not have vested interests in the struggles or the debates and conflicts f the general player base, and if the participate in the game they should act in accordance with the developers and keep their opinions and favoritism out of the public eye for the sake of balance.

A forum mod should act as a moderator should...one who follows a rule book and keeps their personal feelings good or bad out of the public realm for discussion...only to interject when a forum rule needs to be enforced...

As a moderator you should have given up your say in the public affairs...you wear a badge and get a special avatar, and some people tend to idolize you as some type of Warframe official...

We have some problems here.

This is no longer a pve exclusive game, those old habits need to pass as we usher in a new era, the pvp era on a massive scale.

Warbros is known to do anything to win, even cheat...why are we all not paying attention to the elephant in the room here?

I ask all of you to put in a support ticket and simply request moderators to no longer have a voice...they are here to work , do a job..not rally troops or splash opinions or food for thought.


With a post like this do I expect to garner support in the future from the moderators...probably not.


Do I honestly feel a need for some change in the forum moderation...YES.


Did you know that all of the forum moderators that control your voice in this forum have an "in game" agenda?


Some are very good at placating the truth, and acting neutral to the untrained eye.


If you look deeper you start to peel away the layers and you might see a glimpse of truth behind my words here in the behavior of your moderation staff.

One is a proud staunch supporter of Warbros...they hate Eclipse simply because Crescent Moon is a part of us.


Warbros...a group that understands they have enemies and much distain in the public eye..so they are working this system through proxies. Ghost Bear Clan, how you get so strong...you just a shadow clan or are you?


The other two mods are a part of the Mighty Violation Train...a group who's mission statement is to defend 0% tax rails at all cost...no matter what....


I know both these groups fought against Eclipse the other day when we attempted to win a new planet...yes they wanted us crushed, their hype and hate propaganda allowed this to happen, if I was allowed to post you some screens I took of a certain forum whos name starts with a number and ends in CHAN...I could show you my proof of Warbros involvement in the affair as well.


There are way too many political ties here mixed with bad blood and hate.


For the SAKE and future of your ability to have a voice in this Forum and for your future endeavors please...


All I ask of you....is simple.


Submit a support ticket requesting that we have Neutrality and increased professionalism in our Moderators so that the potential for corruption and abuse is not given any more air to breath.


WE the people have got to stand for what is RIGHT across the board.


This is the time.


Sometimes once the damage is done, you can't undo it...


Think about "Event Trophies of the past...even after finding out about the cheating of certain groups to win the Trophy...they still got them..and they still keep them today.


Don't let the same fate become of your voice and your ability to have free speech.


Submit your ticket today requesting improvements to quality of service in forum moderation!


Write your favorite DE representative with a private email if you must....


Just ACT NOW...


Thank you!


(for the record, thanks to the mega thread...all of these quotes were  pulled from THIS one source)

Edited by 2ply
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Chill out dude,it´s a game.<br />Getting 15k credits on Ceres is good,getting more than that on Ceres is good.<br />If another alliance gets the territoy,Eclipse is gonna contest it again.And they´re probably going to win,just like they did until now.<br />And we´re still gonna be getting 15k per run on Ceres.<br />And we´re gonna get good battlepay.Because they have reasonable taxes.<br /><br />Point is,don´t look at the name,just play the game

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Honestly I understand why they're upset. As long as there is one free rail it undermines their system. People can farm at a free rail for credits and XP and the dark sector only mods, then when it becomes conflict time they can go off to collect battlepays after never putting in a credit to the warchest. Thus it's harder for them to keep a warchest full of spoils. How many people use such tactics though is something I'm curious about.

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Forgive me. Guess I should be more general in my references to Eclipse supporters. Eclipse supporters accused players in support of SoV of being greedy. There. That was my problem yesterday. That's what I was arguing against. Because I wasn't one of those anti-tax guys, as I've repeatedly said. But calling people dunce caps doesn't help your message or cause. Oh, and all I did with my edit was bold the word "if" to emphasize my point. Again, your insulting, and that of other Eclipse supporters yesterday, p.o'd a lot of people and it only serves to make Eclipse look worse in the eyes of many.


No.1, we did not accuse players supporting SoV for being greedy. We are targetting people that are whining over a 25% tax that is being charged just for rail repairs and giving out epic battlepays during a conflict. 


In warframe, there's a 'country' that's tax free and that country is Sechura.


The "outrage" that was stirred was because of Eclipse attacking SoV's 0% tax rail, not because Eclipse has 25% tax on all their rails. It's specifically that people didn't want Sechura to go from being a 0% tax node to a 25% tax node, and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that.


Yes there is nothing wrong for people who defend a 0% tax node but just that the we have people painting a huge picture of how bad Eclipse is. Humans are like that. When a lie is being told over and over again, it becomes a fact and people will just agree with what most people say without finding out the actual fact. 

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Honestly I understand why they're upset. As long as there is one free rail it undermines their system. People can farm at a free rail for credits and XP and the dark sector only mods, then when it becomes conflict time they can go off to collect battlepays after never putting in a credit to the warchest. Thus it's harder for them to keep a warchest full of spoils. How many people use such tactics though is something I'm curious about.


The whole point of Dark Sectors is for constant change...chaos. ppl really need to get this goody two shoes mentality out of it. The moment that DE mentioned Eve Online in a Devstream should of made it clear whats about to go down. Which is FABULOUS, if put out in increments. Ease in the backstabbing, political intrigue, and crashing spaceships into crowded player hubs.


This is gonna be a good year

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Acutally I'm just wondering: With an armistice system in place, shouldn't the tax rate be lowered? Since there's more time for people to play (And hence get taxed), I don't see why then tax rate remains the same as before, when alliances and clans only have 24 hours to get enough credits to repair?

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The whole point of Dark Sectors is for constant change...chaos. ppl really need to get this goody two shoes mentality out of it. The moment that DE mentioned Eve Online in a Devstream should of made it clear whats about to go down. Which is FABULOUS, if put out in increments. Ease in the backstabbing, political intrigue, and crashing spaceships into crowded player hubs.


This is gonna be a good year


Nothing wrong with a goody two shoes part of the player base. Or as Ash put it "Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun." and we're in a universe of guys and gals with guns... and they are free to aim them at whoever they want for whatever reason they want. But this should never be nearly as toxic as Eve... you want that level... go play Eve. This game is co-op first.

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Acutally I'm just wondering: With an armistice system in place, shouldn't the tax rate be lowered? Since there's more time for people to play (And hence get taxed), I don't see why then tax rate remains the same as before, when alliances and clans only have 24 hours to get enough credits to repair?

Then they wouldn't be able to fund more solar rails to try and take over more nodes.


Seriously, if they need extra funds from raised taxes to hold their nodes like they say, maybe its time to learn not to be greedy and let some of them go.

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Acutally I'm just wondering: With an armistice system in place, shouldn't the tax rate be lowered? Since there's more time for people to play (And hence get taxed), I don't see why then tax rate remains the same as before, when alliances and clans only have 24 hours to get enough credits to repair?

You're missing the part where they're greedy credit-grubbers on the order of the Corups.


Also, how else would they spend their way to victory over smaller alliances/clans on their way to take over the whole solar system?

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Full disclosure I am part of eclipse…


The public and the player base should all thank Eclipse for the work they have done in dark sectors. You ask why? Because we have made it competitive. Imagine a Dark Sector with all rails offering 0% tax. The conflicts between alliances or clans who would drag on forever (rails won’t get destroyed). With the public having no reason to side with one over the other. 1) Battle pay would never reach the high 10,000-30,000 even 50,000 or more that Eclipse offers during our conflicts. Thus, 2) Battle would never end quickly (Eclipse fastest battle was 56 min in Sinai, do you think 0% tax nodes could have done that?) Remember “56 mins of conflict” and you get you 48 hours of leveling/farming after (what is to hate?). You really think a Dark Sector with 0% tax nodes would end conflicts as quickly as we do? 0% tax alliance/clan vs 0% tax alliance/clan = a conflict with no battle pay, and no incentive to side with either. Taxes are necessary to engage the community in battle pay. Or else rail conflicts would just be a waste of time for the public.


We were the only Alliance to beat a node during that early days of Dark Sector, We killed off a rail with 75,000 hit points (not the 7,500 hit point rails we have now) in 16 hours. What did other alliances do? We totaled 400% damage in those first 3 days of conflict while the other alliances did 30% damage. We were the first to free up a nodes even with the ridiculous amount of grind it took from our own members. And what do we get, hate?


All the money we earn in taxes do not go to our own pockets (what for?), they go out in ridiculous battle pay we offer (Which again drives the community/ rewards them for actually doing conflict missions). In a way, we are offering a service, we offer the public an additional incentive in ending conflicts. Isn’t that what a lot you complained about, that nodes got locked up by attacking clans. At least now when there is conflict you actually get a reward for doing them. Getting 5,000 or 10,000 or 30,000 for a 3 minute run is not bad at all. Imagine getting none if we had 0% tax. Wow would anyone actually do conflict missions?


There is no need to hate eclipse, our taxes are the reason we have ended conflicts quicker, thus giving the community more time to gain the advantages of Dark Sector. So please support Eclipse and stop the hate.


Sorry for posting another topic about eclipse, I just felt this point of view should be heard

Edited by akrasul
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You're missing the part where they're greedy credit-grubbers on the order of the Corups.


Also, how else would they spend their way to victory over smaller alliances/clans on their way to take over the whole solar system?


When u first mentioned Corpus, it was funny... Its gets a bit irritating after that because u are trying to make a joke out of a question 

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But they do have a point, one I had been waiting on someone else to bring up anyway. If 25% was fine for defending yourself from the constant attacks before... why do you still need 25% when it's only every 3 days ish you're getting attack.

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I feel like the thread title would have been best put as "The wrong reasons to hate Eclipse"


If people don't want to support Eclipse, so be it. Everyone will support who the alliance/clan owners of their fancy. The real issue is that there seems to be a portion of the playerbase who want to throw out false accusations or blame Eclipse for factors out of their control, that would be better represented as feedback of the Dark Sectors.


Most notably the "I received 0 battlepay when the mission advertised 50k!" accusation.

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The dark sectors system is designed to create politics and such. Eclipse is grabbing at all of the power and people don't like it. It would be like if someone just took over the world and was generally nice. Would the world be a better place? Maybe.  Would people be upset because one faction controls everything? Absolutely. I don't care at all about the whole eclipse thing(assuming you leave my alliance's rail alone), but power grabs tend to piss people off.

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The way I see it is:

- Rails are cheap, even I could make one.

- The only given explanation for taxes is to "maintain them" (and by that I mean battlepay, because repairs are dirt cheap).

- 0% tax gives more people more credits, being an infinite money generator, unlike battlepay which is finite and only there for a limited time.

- If nobody contested 0% tax rails we'd all benefit from said infinite generator (I'd even deploy them myself if it was the case).*


Therefore, the only reason people attack rails are:

- short-sightedness (supporting higher tax because "they are paying 3000 credits!").
- greed ("let's hoard moneys").
- ego ("I want to see my clan name on that node").

Which means Dark Sectors are a "human nature simulator" :P


*Of course, realistically, DE wouldn't let the system stagnate like that and they'd change things around.

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