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Update 7.7 Hot-Fixes


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After some more testing, it seems like each additional damage effect is taking extra bullets on a % basis with automatic weapons.

So if you had, say, 10% Fire, 10% Lightning, 10% Armor Piercing, 10% Multishot

Every tenth shot would take FIVE bullets.

This seems very much like an unintentional affect, probably due to the rate of fire fix.

Okay, now I'm not sure what to think.

I seem to be wrong in the above, but I just pulled out a totally unmodded weapon.

And every couple shots it is still firing two bullets

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DE, please, stop treating people who want to use Solo mode as anything other than a $&*^-punching test of endurance as inferior customers to elitists who want to drive away players who don't have a skill level they consider 'acceptable'.

I'm a Solo player. And that's not only because i enjoy playing at my own pace, but because i also pause to do loc work. But in what manner has DE been treating solo players like second class citizens? Honest question.

Other than Ced23ric i'm the most active guy on these forums and i don't see a lot of elitism of co-op players towards solo players... But then again i don't frequent General Discussion that much.. just a bunch of non-sense there.

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I'm a Solo player. And that's not only because i enjoy playing at my own pace, but because i also pause to do loc work. But in what manner has DE been treating solo players like second class citizens? Honest question.

Other than Ced23ric i'm the most active guy on these forums and i don't see a lot of elitism of co-op players towards solo players... But then again i don't frequent General Discussion that much.. just a bunch of non-sense there.

Trace my post back to the quotes. Basically, we have a bunch of people whining because the 'game is too easy'. Then when I tell them 'it's not easy for a solo player, these buffs were sorely needed' they just ignored that and keep on talking about how the game needs to be harder for everyone. Because I don't exist. I'm a figment of someone's imagination. In that case, whoever that person is, imagine me a better life. And then we have PlusEighteen who comes right out and says that he thinks we're second-class citizens. Or should be. It's immensely frustrating, since what was actually wanted was 'co-op player scaling' and what we got was '$&*^punching solo players'.

Now, I don't think DE is doing this intentionally, but I think that the community needs to stop treating solo players like second-class citizens.

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Just tried it with the Boltor, as it's easier to track the projectiles, and even without a multishot mod I am firing two darts every couple shots.

like the multifire property got "stuck" on the weapon or something.

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Flow only drops from Corpus, sadly. I've just been doing Hades in Pluto over and over, hoping that Ambulas or any of the Corpus there would eventually drop it. After around 10 runs, no such luck. Haven't even gotten a single rare mod, and only one uncommon one. I swear I've gotten about 20 Revenge mods. I would do the Defense mission in Pluto, but with the buff it is near impossible.

Yep I just did a bunch of Mission on Ceres to test my theory. Not a single rare drop myself.

It appears "rare" is more truer sense to the word then it used to be.

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This is probably my biggest issue with the update..+30% fire rate takes the boltor back to its original rate of fire..I had to up my fire rate even more to make it bearable.

"Hey we don't know how to fix that Framerate/Firerate issue"

*moment of silence until the intern steps up*

"Why don't you just nerf the Firerate so noone will notice a drop?"

*moment of silence again*

"Great idea! And it's not even hard to do! Intern.. you do that, it's your suggestion!"


"Yadda-yadda... we go drink some Beer!"

Edited by Namacyst
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What I don't get is why they left some much information out of the patch notes. There are tons of changes not even mention!

The only two reasons I can come up with is they didn't actually know about the extra changes, or they didn't want to tell us.

I hope it isn't the latter, because it wouldn't make a lick of sense.

We are beta testers, even though we are playing the game for our own enjoyment, but we are essentially helping them out.

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Just tried to solo an alert with my lvl 30 banshee and got absolutely destroyed. Used all 4 of my revives within a minute. What the hell did you do, DE?

They listened to elitists who think games should be gut-punchingly hard.

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Trace my post back to the quotes. Basically, we have a bunch of people whining because the 'game is too easy'. Then when I tell them 'it's not easy for a solo player, these buffs were sorely needed' they just ignored that and keep on talking about how the game needs to be harder for everyone. Because I don't exist. I'm a figment of someone's imagination. In that case, whoever that person is, imagine me a better life. And then we have PlusEighteen who comes right out and says that he thinks we're second-class citizens. Or should be. It's immensely frustrating, since what was actually wanted was 'co-op player scaling' and what we got was '$&*^punching solo players'.

Now, I don't think DE is doing this intentionally, but I think that the community needs to stop treating solo players like second-class citizens.

Oh you bet your damn &#! that i agree with you. Scott said on the livestream that DE wants to make the game perfectly balanced for both coop and solo players. And Scott is the guy that makes the things we hate in the first place.

But you have to give something to their rethoric... it actually looks like DE is balancing the game to us, which indeed might be making it too easy for them. Matches need to scale according to how many players there are and up the difficulty accordingly.

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Oh you bet your damn &#! that i agree with you. Scott said on the livestream that DE wants to make the game perfectly balanced for both coop and solo players. And Scott is the guy that makes the things we hate in the first place.

But you have to give something to their rethoric... it actually looks like DE is balancing the game to us, which indeed might be making it too easy for them. Matches need to scale according to how many players there are and up the difficulty accordingly.

This would fix the solo issues right off the bat I think you should post your own thread about it so more people pay attention to what you just said.

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In an always online multiplayer game?

Yeah, they are

I've shelled 250 bucks to the developers for stuff that isn't worth the money (Only the cal prime is any good. Design Council is just "know S#&$ before other people do than wait for it to get leaked on reddit anyway", Skana Prime and Lato Prime suck and solar landmark? It's easier to count the number of people who know what those are than those who don't know what they are. And i'm including the Grandmasters themselves on that number.

I'm also a Tenno Operative since i first joined up three months ago, and i've been doing pro-bono work ever since to help with the game.

I'm a solo player, and i'm not a "second-class" citizen, and neither are you. We are all equals.

Now, as far as Digital Extremes is concerned, the only "second-class" citizens in here are those who think that there's such distinction in the first place, so i'd watch my tone if i were you.

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Using the Mk1 Braton(Level 25), certain bullet counts get skipped every clip, and it's different depending on if I'm shooting at nothing or at enemies. When it's shooting no one it skips 55, 51, 46, 42, 37, 33, 28, 24, 19, 15, 11, 6, 2. Every single time.

When I'm shooting an enemy the skipped bullets are just random.

No bullets get skipped with my Lato.

For the Braton I use all the elementals,but not multishot.

The slower fire rate feels so weird.

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Just tried to solo an alert with my lvl 30 banshee and got absolutely destroyed. Used all 4 of my revives within a minute. What the hell did you do, DE?

Of course something like this just had to come from Soulie ^^

I just did the lvl 35 Alert for Rejuvenation solo on my Banshee and had no trouble whatsoever...but hey, i'm awesome ^^

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I like the damage change, much needed with the recent defensive buff!

But infested mission mod change? F*** no, did you guys not want us to farm the same mission over and over again? guess ill just go farm the cronus blueprints for credits, because you know its so much for fun then doing an infested defense mission...

Also the fire rate thing is defenitly not fixed

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well i for one can conclude with this update DE have gone back on diversity with mod slots. Now a 400 shield and 400 HP not Rhino warframe just dies in less than a couple of seconds to level 40 grineers (and to be clear that is ONE Grineer shooting at you, not several). Oh and forget your shade sentinel, that thing is good as dead when it draws fire for so much as a moment.

Armor mods is now the must have slot instead of health for me at least.

Also a couple of bugs i've noticed

~Gear slots keep resetting now after each mission.

~The preset button does not always appear for me when i first go into the arsenal screen.

~Paris quiver does not change color in the color selection screen, you have to exit out to see the changes. IMO it would be much better to customise color if we had seperate color choices between the quiver, arrow, and bow. Infact, it should be that way with all the multiple item equipment.

~I'm going to call the multishot/elemental damage/w.e it is consuming extra ammo on automatic weapons a bug, because theres no way that can be considered intended when rifles already are in a bad spot vs shotguns/pistols

Also. Can you please do something about the Serration rifle mod costing an arm and a leg to level up vs the pistol and shotgun mod equivs that you can max for a fraction of the cost and do MORE damage.

One more thing, i fully can understand that some things do change at the last minute and dont meet deadlines and what not, but can you please try and keep the update notes more accurate to whats actually been changed. Thank you.

Edited by fratous
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Okay, I was trying to farm for Frost prints and just like everyone is saying: my shields and health are dropping faster than a pair of pants that are way too big. Seriously: 2 shots from level -30- grineers and my shields are gone. You've made it nearly impossible to to kill the boss as well, as I also found out he regenerates health now. If that wasn't intentional then I think you guys did something wrong as this is causing a mess of issues, if it was intentional then just change the enemy strength back to what it was because seriously: I was having issues enough as it was fighting the bosses with a group only because bad team co-ordination. Now, it doesn't matter about the co-ordination, everything will just slaughter you without giving you a chance to fight back. ESPECIALLY those STUPID ball mobs that stun you every time they hit and not to mention take a 500 shield down to 50. I -hope- this isn't wasting your time because I was busy wasting my time enjoying the game earlier today, then all of a sudden I can't do a thing because lo' and behold I'm wasting my time dying over and over and over again to Grineer in two hits. Sorry about the reiteration but I hope this isn't wasting my time by explaining this.

Best Hopes you fix this,


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Any way to make it so the game actually draws more power from my GPUs? It only uses 40% of each of them while in-game so I'm stuck with lower framerate :(

I'll agree to that... there should be an option in the settings to choose what % can be used if you ask me.

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Well i just soloed that mission in question.. Ceres-Exta to test it with my Banshee.. lvl 30, ~500 shields, ~500 HP, Sentinel which i consider my squishiest Warframe.

Level was no problem, killed Grineer good, shield never dropped.

Boss fight was as usual.. run into the centre, give him hell.. get behind cover when shields drop, loot.

It felt harder than normal but not by much. If you use your brains and cover, keep moving and prioritize targets its not that hard... but if you stand still because you have to aim properly or herp-derp in the open for too long or other reasons typical for people who can't play shooter well.. you die.

Ceres counts towards endgame, high enemy lvl, high difficulty level.. hell.. it's supposed to be hard and the more i read all the whining about stuff like this i just can come up with one conclusion: Many peope are just to unskilled and stupid to play high level Mission. Period.

I don't even think it's the game's fault anymore.. it's the people.

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Also. Can you please do something about the Serration rifle mod costing an arm and a leg to level up vs the pistol and shotgun mod equivs that you can max for a fraction of the cost and do MORE damage.

Incoming Hornet Strike and Point Blank nerfs :D

I kid.

Though that might be more balanced than it seems.

Pistols have 210-ish clip.

Rifles have 500-ish.

If I'm doing the calculations right, and I probably am not, AKBoltos would do 80 damage with +220%.

While Boltor would do 37.8 with +110% (let's say 37).

So with 500 bullets, a boltor can do 18500 damage.

Whereas an AKBolto can do 16800 damage.

Without other mods, a weaker rifle actually edges out just a tad.

But...pistols getting 100%+ multishot is what breaks this. Because that 16800 gets doubled to 33600, guaranteed. Rifles only go up 60% chance of pulling off a second shot. I'm not sure how to calculate in chance values, so I simply added another 60% damage in its place, so that brings Boltor up to 29600. Add that onto the AKBolto base damage being higher therefore doing more damage with elements, that's why they outdamage rifles.

But again, if I calculated this right, if you only consider damage, they're balanced together. Note that I left shotguns out, because I haven't used any and supposedly the hek > all anyway. I can't say anything about the upgrade costs though.

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