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Eclipse Goals/policy (As Understood By A Random Member)

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Dude i dont mind any of these taxes, but this promotion everywhere really has to stop, coz its distracting people from the real problems in the game 


i.e.  If everyones out here complaining bout the battlepay etc, no one has time to report bugs or farming problems or something along those lines


Unfortunately it is the flaw of the battle pay system meant this is a priority.

Credits in the long term are small rewards, but this ALSO affects Potato invasions.


The only reason why it was buried was because the things often died too fast for people to notice (I seen one finished in 10 minutes). So this flaw needs to be fixed ASAP.

Edited by fatpig84
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You know, with all of this talk about keeping rails open for us, I have only once ran a 25% Eclipse node just to see what the actual battle pay was. It's not worth it for me to run any Eclipse nodes because of the high taxation. So effectively you are closing off your 8 rails to me. This is why I run Sechura, Pluto, and this is why I defended SoV.

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The only thing i am upset about eclipse seems to be the so called "epic battlepay" that get's anounced and then shifted when enough % of the opposing rail is done, you use the batlepay to a certain point, brag about it on every single node and when the clan or alliance is pretty much doomed then you guys shifted to somewhere else.


If eclipse would give a high amount of tickets then it would be understandable, but it seems you guys give just enough tickets for the publicity to kick in, when we end the mission 0 credits are awarded and then the message changed to "epic battle pay in x location now"


Rail system isn't perfect, but the mentality of eclipse isn't all that great.


Yes they deserver to be there and currently less "epic batlepays" are beeing done, but while it's fun to help you guys out, sometimes fustration hits me when the battlepay was negleted and now it's on another node.


Managing battlepays is one thing, but going from 15k to 0 and then just neglet the node because you're going to win anyway" doesn't seem right.


Still eclipse is by far the best, other clans while they have good intentions, they are simply way to small, unorganized and lazy to do this sort of "end game" content, giving no credits as a battlepay or not even doing 1% of destruction to opposing rail is just pathetic, why even contest if you don't even play?

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Still eclipse is by far the best, other clans while they have good intentions, they are simply way to small, unorganized and lazy to do this sort of "end game" content, giving no credits as a battlepay or not even doing 1% of destruction to opposing rail is just pathetic, why even contest if you don't even play?


How can you even say that about all other clans and alliances? Eclipse get into they spot they are in through pretty much shear luck with the crappy "first to click" system. They were lucky enough to get a S#&$ ton of nodes. And lucky enough not to get attacked by many decent clans/alliances while they were still 0%. And now they have the stupid amount of taxes up and currently having more nodes is better than having fewer with this the current way of things.


They are

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Stop posting on the +/- Eclipse issue, DE removed the thread with the truth in and these are just traps so Eclipse can get people banned from the forums as further method of censorship.


Hence the multiaccounts starting the threads, I think DE need to stop new accounts posting new threads if people are going to continue this hiding of their true identiy, certainly on issues that a new account would have no knowledge of

Edited by LeMoog
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How can you even say that about all other clans and alliances? Eclipse get into they spot they are in through pretty much shear luck with the crappy "first to click" system. They were lucky enough to get a S#&$ ton of nodes. And lucky enough not to get attacked by many decent clans/alliances while they were still 0%. And now they have the stupid amount of taxes up and currently having more nodes is better than having fewer with this the current way of things.


They are


Oh really? What about the start of the dark sectors when Eclipse had no money? You think we have our rails because we clicked first. You must be kidding. I take offense to this and the rest of the clans in Eclipse should too... We have a lot of the best clans in warframe (fact), and we deserve the rails we own, because we have defended them and fought for them. Look at the history of dark sectors. We were the only Alliance/Clan to kill a rails with 75,000 hit points, meaning 75,000 runs (x10 the life current rails have) 90% of those runs came from within our alliance (We have the stats because we know the amount of "tickets" we put out for battle pay, and this was roughly 10% of the damage that had been done). We have a very strong player base and I am sorry to burst your bubble, we organized for dark sectors ahead of most alliances. We worked for our rails, and I am sorry if we have strategies and plans that have worked in our favor.

Edited by --Q--Akrasul
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I'm starting to wonder how long it will be until threads like this get auto-locked.


These threads are just filled with people slinging mud at each other, with the Baiters trying to cause an up-stir and the Baited who don't know any better.


We keep looking at these threads making accusations, but nobody is doing anything about it, you seem to expect that DE is going to stop making actual progress with their work to stop a petty squabble about tax rates with imaginary currency.


My clan's part of the Eclipse alliance, I have no choice but to be part of it and yet I've got to come on the forums everyday to see what's going on just to be told I'm part of some demonic mega establishment that seeks to destroy the game - classy.


I have a feeling we're being roped into this over issues with Dark Sector conflict system in general and being an alliance with the most active rails, Eclipse has become the outlet of that aggression.


As for the tax system, it seems to be a different story with every comment I read: some say non-clan members are being taxed 25%, some say 40%, 50%, 75% - I have no reason to trust that any of this is cemented enough to be the definite evidence of Eclipse's 'evil ways' being a consistent thing. a lot of tax tribute was going to rail repairs back when it was 75% because there was no limiter to how often rails could be attacked back then and it was going down ever since. Perhaps with later rail updates this issue of tax becomes a moot point because Eclipse won't have to payback a backlog of rail repairs or perhaps it'll make controlling this many rails impossible and downsize it. so far, we're criticizing and arguing about the product of an unfinished system instead of trying to form constructive feedback about it.


And although i may not like it, I'm almost certain that the dark sector conflicts were designed for their competitive aspects - having every rail offer 0% tax for no conflict defeats the purpose it's been created for (and it seems this is only going to be expanded upon).


I'll prepare myself for flaming because i haven't covered one of the multi-angled issues that these topics ALWAYS spawn. by all means, tell me i'm a horrible pig for 'supporting' Eclipse and not spending half of my day analyzing every meticulous fact about this issue that has nothing directed towards an actual problem with the game.


*Hits reply, turns off computer, makes a coffee and gets on with the rest of the day*


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 The hell are you talking about LeMoog?


The mega thread was closed because the "issue had run its course", in other words a blanket statement that discussion of that type was to be discontinued. If you are saying it is fine for the +/- Eclipse threads to continue to be created and no one will get their forum aaccount removed because they happen to think Eclipse are a leech on the Dark Zones then say so and we can make another mega thread.


Both sides of this issue have a lot to say but since the mega thread was removed then I have seen a few  Eclipse proaganda threads being posted often by brand new accounts. If the issue is still open to debate then that would be good and save these posters form creating accounts to hide thier views behind.

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The mega thread was closed because the "issue had run its course", in other words a blanket statement that discussion of that type was to be discontinued. If you are saying it is fine for the +/- Eclipse threads to continue to be created and no one will get their forum aaccount removed because they happen to think Eclipse are a leech on the Dark Zones then say so and we can make another mega thread.


Both sides of this issue have a lot to say but since the mega thread was removed then I have seen a few  Eclipse proaganda threads being posted often by brand new accounts. If the issue is still open to debate then that would be good and save these posters form creating accounts to hide thier views behind.


 What you can't see at the end of that Megathread is that the real reason the thread was closed was over the fact that Letter had tried to kill the back and forth flaming for two whole pages worth of hidden posts before finally giving up because the fire refused to stop.


 Besides that, a grand total of 0 posters have been banned as a result of these discussions. I can't begin to understand where you got it in your head that anybody here was getting axed for having an opinion.


 Also, don't judge a book by its cover. The date that an account from the forums is activated is not identical to the time the account was first created. More then a few of the people you're talking about could turn out to have been playing for a month or two and are only now bothering with the forums hoping to defend their Clan. That may sound unlikely to you, but it wouldn't be the first time it would have happened here.

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For the futur update, its possible to fix limit to 2/3 rails by alliance / clans ? with that we dont worry about taxation !


for pluton : eclypse you are not welcome, you are the cancer of dark sector, we dont need your fake charity

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The issue of taxation on the dark zones and Eclipse's position within this area has created a lot of very strong feeling amongst WF players, there are many points that were correctly raised without being abusive and then there were a lot of troll posts, as ever in these forum fights the truth gets hidden by abusive noise. 


I have been on other MMO forums where they had this such an order of passionate posting that the end result was they banned all the accounts who continued after the issue was declared closed. If it is still open for discussion then it might be worth creating a sub forum to limit the message spam to an sperate area for those uninterested is this issue rather that making another mega thread.


P.S Eclipse are the devil, lool

Edited by LeMoog
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The only reason I'm unhappy with them is because they've gotten way too big for their own good.

They own far too many DS's. than I'm actually comfortable with. Originally I was happy since I could trust them but it's gotten to a point where I just can't anymore. That and, I'd respect them more if most of the people who are either defending them or are part of them weren't troll baiting all the time.


I do respect you for the detailed post, but really. I've just grown ever more tired of the behavior I've seen from them. I really used to love eclipse. I used to support them a lot of the time. Not anymore though.

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Still, it seems like keeping battlepay as low as possible and keeping the nodes free is something the population in general certainly wants. o.o;

yes, we want no battle pays and free nodes, get away Eclipse, we don't want you to control the solar rails

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Quickly killing your enemy was more of an importance before the conflict was scaled back to 12 hours. When you say that you try to clear nodes as fast as possible to keep the rails open for us, all I hear is "We crush our enemies as fast as possible, so our nodes can go back into the tax-the-hell-outta-everything mode.

Also, your idea of "protecting" rails is way different from reality. The reality is if Eclipse lost all of their nodes, and no alliance taxed 25% or above, our community and the rail system would be in much better shape.

Simply put, we need protection from Eclipse's tyranny.

I'm sure he also said there are morons out there who locks down the rails for the hell of it. If I understood him correctly, he is saying that those morons were preventing people from accessing that node and along with it's benefits. Which is one of the reasons why people are being taxed, to maintain the rail integrity against alliances and clans who tries to prevent public access to the sector.

Edited by MrAnticitizen
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The only reason I'm unhappy with them is because they've gotten way too big for their own good.

They own far too many DS's. than I'm actually comfortable with. Originally I was happy since I could trust them but it's gotten to a point where I just can't anymore. That and, I'd respect them more if most of the people who are either defending them or are part of them weren't troll baiting all the time.


I do respect you for the detailed post, but really. I've just grown ever more tired of the behavior I've seen from them. I really used to love eclipse. I used to support them a lot of the time. Not anymore though.


I think how many rails an alliance should have, or the perception thereof, is skewed. A lot of alliances hold only one rail, but there's nothing stopping them from holding more - Eclipse just happens to be a large alliance (30+ clans IIRC) that has chosen to try and hold eight rails and succeeded.


Also, I may be biased, but what troll-baiting, specifically? Most of the time Eclipse members break the general silence, it's to respond to criticism to to offer explanations for accusations, like LordGreyMantle. I'm not sure what you're claiming is universal; there might be a few, just as there are a few people here who troll to get people enraged against Eclipse or to trick people into thinking they're trying to monopolize every rail (a feat that hasn't been demonstrated, and would not succeed in all likelihood given what we've seen). 

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