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Warframe On Xbox. [Keep The Discussion Clean]


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On the Xbox One current F2P's are Project Spark, Killer Instint, Kinect Fitness. While on 360 2 games are free to grab for good each month, and you get to keep um for good after downloading them even if you run out of gold. Microsoft is actually with the idea of F2P's. Unlike Sony where you don't get to keep your free games if you stop paying for PlayStation plus.



I can still play my F2P games without my PS+....

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This pretty much explains why Warframe will likely never make it to X1 : http://ca.ign.com/articles/2014/05/01/xbox-one-parity-clause-a-shame-says-stealth-inc-dev


It would be great if it did; more exposure is always nice but you gotta take into account they'd need another conversion team to port it to X1 like they needed for PS4.


Basically, as many have stated already, Microsoft's view is "it comes before or at the same time as other consoles; else it doesn't come at all". And as they're stating in that article, they're not likely to budge on the matter.


So really... 



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Now ignore the Gold requirement because WarFace, & World of Tanks (2 big name game studios) are all ready fine with it on the 360.


What do you mean they are already fine with it? There was a big interview with the CEO behind World of Tanks ABSOLUTELY NOT being fine with it when it was first announced. Was there another interview where he recanted his statements & concerns over Microsoft's treatment of the F2P model?
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What do you mean they are already fine with it? There was a big interview with the CEO behind World of Tanks ABSOLUTELY NOT being fine with it when it was first announced. Was there another interview where he recanted his statements & concerns over Microsoft's treatment of the F2P model?



There is the fact that WOT is on 360...

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As far as I can tell it won't happen because of Microsoft's draconian policy regarding free-to-play and/or indie games on their console... in that any independently developed or free to play game has to be released on the Xbone and PS4 at the same time, or on the Xbone first, otherwise no. And since Warframe has been out on PS4 for some time and not the Xbone... gonna go with probably not.

You do know they have a new project leader now right? I'll keep my fingers crossed but I highly doubt this will happen.

Still, it would be a cool idea.

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What about Warframe on Mac? I mean let's go all out.



  Honestly there is so many more Macs with the right specs than there are next gen consoles right now. And despite popular opinion there is a vibrant Mac gaming community. It just isn't close to the size of the PC gaming community. A port to Mac OS X would be similar to a port to Linux, and I think DE bias comes from not being familiar with what that would fully entail. They are pretty busy as is and porting to another major platform isn't a priority. Given that I would argue that a Mac port would make just as much sense as a Xbox One port right now given the numbers. Macs contribute Millions of users to WoW, LoL, Star Trek Online, Hearthstone, various FPS games, etc. Is it the ideal platform for cutting edge gaming, no. Is there a market to exploit, yes. Should DE do it? Yes, eventually.


Typed from my Mac

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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Far from it, this persona of me has already agreed with you on things and disagreed with others, mostly the latter but still. Now I was kidding as much as you.


But I agree that the the very ideal of consoles, their accessibility, from multiple perspectives, is a better bait to younger players,I have played more times than i wish i had with 13 and 14 yo kids. And judging from my brothers experience playing titanfall on x1, that would be even worse.


edit : Even though I am against most of m$' business practices and never bought one of their consoles, i would like to see warframe on the x1 someday, the more ppl getting to play this game the more it will push devs to deliver a better product, of that I am sure.


I couldn't tell whether or not you were joking, so I went with the latter. Sorry for calling you butthurt. I should have asked before jumping to conclusions.


There's condesceding F*** and there's you, holy crap.


You are probably sitting too close to the monitor, the radiation is softening your brain.


No, I don't substitute my monitor with a microwave, so there is minimal risk of brain damage that isn't caused by me facepalming at you getting angry over the truth. PS and Xbox fans tend to be a very volatile mixture. 


That said, I have nothing against the fans of either gaming platform. As long as they don't bare their fangs at me I will not bare mine.

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I agree, there are many valid complaints from PS4 users.



Stop. Just stop. You're taking this down a path you don't want to go. You're even going so far as to bring up a good portion of the defensive anti-PC console player retorts. The very same ones that get slapped down every time they get brought up. Please, if you want this to remain a civil and 'clean' discussion I URGE you to cut this line of thinking off for the time being.


You do NOT want to start a PC vs. Console argument, the winner of that is a foregone conclusion. 

Calm the heck down dude your freaking the hell out.


We actually don't have U13. I don't think it's even been sent off to cert yet which will take about a week if it doesn't fail. U12 failed and we had to wait longer for it. Most of us are fine with waiting a little longer after that 12.4.4 update. *shudders*

O_O It was said that you guys did have it.


Honestly the thing it comes down to is how you like to play. For me i prefer a controller than a M+K and the fact i started as a console gamer i maybe a little biased, but there is one universal truth it is the fact all game ports will look better on PC.

Hey I started with the original Xbox and got a comp 5 years ago for school, and well Destiny and Ryse Son of Rome are looking mighty fine on the Console and Xbox One.


*cough*PC supports controllers*cough*

Different strokes for different folks is how I tend to look at player choice in gaming platform. People need to stop trying to justify their choices, I think that's what causes the majority of these kinds of arguments (not talking about you, just saying in general).

Yet you were just trying to justify your choice as a computer gamer? so your contradicting yourself by saying that.


microsoft and xboxone totally screwed up vs sony, by making a product that restricts your freedom, and spies on you 

ill take warframe on the more refined japanese product that has better technology and far farrr better usage and gaming focus


why would a indie developer want to support  microsoft ??

from the start sony supported indie developers, which is supporting gaming  

microsoft doesnt support indie developers via requiring a publisher and a retail version of the game upfront which is anti-gaming




Considering the Kinect doesn't need to be plugged in at all it doesnt watch you, its not region locked, & it doesn't require the internet to play, so your argument is invalid.



What do you mean they are already fine with it? There was a big interview with the CEO behind World of Tanks ABSOLUTELY NOT being fine with it when it was first announced. Was there another interview where he recanted his statements & concerns over Microsoft's treatment of the F2P model?


Considering they saw the bigger picture of Profits off of payed extra's they didn't mind.

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Calm the heck down dude your freaking the hell out.


Yet you were just trying to justify your choice as a computer gamer? so your contradicting yourself by saying that.


1. I was already calm. Had I been anything but I would have probably listed 101 reasons why you were wrong.


2. Where did I try to justify my choice?

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This post.

My computer was bought pre-built as a graduation gift (yes this is relevant). It came with an intel integrated graphics card. With that I could BARELY run Warframe (I got 15 fps at best) and I was prohibited from venturing into Infested territory as their missions equated to insta-death for my computer. This was way back before the grineer had their own tileset. After Volt had already been nerfed from god-tier though. 


Anyway, I went and bought a GTX 650 and slapped that in my PC. I can now hold 60 fps (I can go beyond that but my monitor is only a 60hz whatever so there is no point). That integrated PoS was in no way even CLOSE to my GTX 650. And my GTX 650 isn't even CLOSE to the top-tier graphics cards.

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This post.


That wasn't me trying to justify my choice, that was me explaining to you that your claim that all technology is equal was false. 


This thread really needs to be locked. It's just a Xbox Fanboy and a bunch of PC people becoming raging idiots.


This thread features members from all three of the main gaming platforms.

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Please go be butthurt somewhere else. We don't need you trying to turn everything into a us vs. them thing. Seriously, why so bitter? I'm allowed to joke around just as much as the next person.


Wait ... What?  You've said more anti-console things than anyone else on this thread, and even started the whole thing with your snarky comment about PS4 being full of crybabies.  Wow.  How is anyone supposed to tell you were joking?  Even if you were, it was in pretty poor taste ... You had to know that would stir the pot.


On topic, bring on the xbox players.  PS4 will finally have someone who understands that we do not get bug-free updates thanks to the PC players, and what it's like to have to wait a month for a fix.  No, I'm not joking.

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Now before you join in on this topic on why Warframe on Xbox One would be worth it, If you don't got anything nice to say about it, don't say it at all.


Now ignore the Gold requirement because WarFace, & World of Tanks (2 big name game studios) are all ready fine with it on the 360.


Now my opinion why it would be cool to see Warframe on the Xbox One is not only the pure fact that the kinect voice command/body motion capability's could make Warframe quite a Unique one of a kind free to play for the Xbox One. (Not to mention DE you'd get quite a major following from the Xbox community, and that alone has its upsides on a major scale). Also other reasons why I'd love to see it on Xbox One is that there are very few games made on both the Console or PC that are rather well done in the realm of Sci-Fi games, but my main reason for Warframe to come to Xbox One is the whole fact that Warframe and the Kinect Sensor would get along great.

just no no just what are you thinking
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Because DE would do it out of the kindness of their hearts? No. It would be for a deal from Sony. Whatever deal that Sony could bare and DE would be willing to take in exchange for the potential unrealized market share. DE has been burned, so such a deal would have to be considerable from Sony, but Sony is the one who stands to lose by letting the IP go to a competing console.

sonny won't allow warframe on Xbox sorry all you fans out there sonny doesn't want de to share secret information regarding it that's why titanfall anint comeing to ps4 respawn tryed to convince sonny but failed
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I wish i could be so mature and so right about everything like PC players, one can only dream.


You know, always unbiased and mature and right. You being the personification of this ideal.

the truth is they have it worse than anything computer mange meant blistered fingers from keyboard and mouse a high profomance PC hackers I mean realy it simple to hack on PC than anything in the world "anonymous" have to deal whith bugs like warframe first during patches than fix on ps4 crashes can cause the most rage "bf4 launch" titanfall" launch and some how a ps4 game coming out has better graphics than PC unbelievable but it's true console are changing very fast all you know is if 1 game has better graphics than ther thousand around the corner what does thise say about the future. You find out have fun
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sonny won't allow warframe on Xbox sorry all you fans out there sonny doesn't want de to share secret information regarding it that's why titanfall anint comeing to ps4 respawn tryed to convince sonny but failed



  I don't quite understand what your saying. There are numerous multi platform games out, so protecting them seems moot. I think that without being given a reason not to, DE could and should go to Xbox One. For now it would be a draw of resources, and it is unclear if XB1 has hit enough of a critical mass to justify it, but it will. 


  However, if Sony wanted to secure a popular IP, as Warframe is the 2nd most downloaded app, number one game app downloaded then, it is in Sony's interest to secure console exclusivity. I personally think that the IP has enough potential to be something bigger, like a movie franchise, but at least is worth keeping away from a competitors platform. I doubt it would cost too much as others have speculated, the problems is more to do with DE extreme need to be independent, and for good reason.


  As for Titan Fall, I can't get the straight dope on that one. Originally I heard it was only supposed to be a limited exclusivity deal. Now I hear Microsoft secured long term exclusivity after it's popularity. TF is consider the potential savior of the XB1, and that is just silly. I have no doubt the game is good, looks good, sounds good, certainly it is good. It is still a multiplayer game, version of call of duty, with mechs and parkour added. Story is minimal, and not in the good way, has no meaningful campaign, no single player campaign. TF compared to Halo as a flagship title for a new console is a joke. If by some sick twisted turn of events the XB1 out paces the PS4 and it is credited to TF, I will weep for this generation as everything the PC Master Race has been saying will have been validated.

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sonny won't allow warframe on Xbox sorry all you fans out there sonny doesn't want de to share secret information regarding it that's why titanfall anint comeing to ps4 respawn tryed to convince sonny but failed

Sony has no say in the matter if it does go to another platform or not, and Respawn didn't want titanfall to go to PS4, let alone PC, but EA kinda nudged them to release a PC version.

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As long as the quality of the game does not suffer for the existing platforms, I'm all for DE releasing Warframe on other platforms.  That being said, there is a reason why there are so few MMOs on the 360 (FFXI, PSU, and Defiance) and I'm not sure much has changed from Microsoft's perspective regarding their treatment of MMO developers.

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