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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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i cant draw but idea come from a diffrent game.


death claw (name up to DE really)



medium speed (crawler speed) mutated krubrow (or however your naming the dog things) silent ambush unit (prefer to hide around a corner) dos not preduce sound except foot steps untill attacking.



1 and 2 handed attacks wich cause high bleeding chance, attack power = to 3 charger attacks.


restriction, high level infested maps (level 20+) prefably outdoor location if infested will recive thier own "open world" tile set like grineer and corpus.


refferance pic.





(i have not looked at submissions past page 1 so no idea if someone suggeted it)

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Name Suggestion: Swarmer

Behaviour:  Usually spawning in pods of 5 - 20, Swarmers are small creatures, about half the size of a crawler. They are only composed of flesh and are quite weak, but their strength lies in their speed. They can move very fast (think slightly faster than an ancient's charge) and rapidly attack tenno with fangs and claws. They also have a small chance for a poison proc, and in a large swarm these can be extremely deadly and hard to hit.

Attacks: As stated before, their fangs and claws are their main form of attack. They can also "lunge" from a short distance to close the gap between them and a tenno, kind of like a mini leaper lunge, but no delay before jumping.

Environment restrictions: None

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: http://howsyourrobot.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/article-2108736-11FDE192000005DC-40_306x423.jpg

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Name Suggestion: Head leech

Behavior: An octopus/leech hybrid creature which crawls on ceilings and walls,seen in swarms or small groups(Juvenile ones seen in cysts hanging from ceilings and it breaks and releases the creatures when players get nearby). 

Attacks: Latches onto players skull and leeches health,  and stamina. Swarms of them can pile up on players body and slow them down. Can be  killed by detaching them by sudden parkour movements like rolls,jumps or wall running,etc. and shooting them when they are on ground.

Environmental restrictions: restricted to ceiling,walls and caves,vulnerable to molecular prime(drops off from ceiling and stuns them when cast)


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i THINK INFESTED WARFRAMES would b a good addition to the game maybe even a warframe villain

I love this idea. Maybe even have a mission where one of the cutscenes show the Tenno being captured and then we have to rescue the Tenno before he gets infected and if he or she does get infected we are supposed to remove the infection off of him or her before it gets worse by shooting certain points on the body and if we hit a wrong spot we fail the mission. I am not really sure about the Tenno parts though.

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Name: exile

behavior: reduces the tenno.hp unless triggered in a soft spot after draining the hp completely it will crush the remains so the tenno cant be revived or use any revives since no corpse exists anymore if a tenno fails to trigger the soft spot the room is no longer accessible and another more dangerous route with high lvl infested will be issued by the lotus

restrictions: spawns only on ODS ODC ODE

description: its a room basiclly any room can be exile which makes it more dangerous to rush ODC and some rooms are very big which makes it hard to fimd tge soft spot

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Name Suggestion: Reaver

Behaviour: Reavers resemble dried out corpses as they are built for speed rather than brute force. They'll stalk through corridors hunting anything not infested using their enhanced sense of smell. This allows them to find near by prey, however they will not alert other infested until they find it.

Attacks: Both the Reavers hands have been replaced with whip like blades. In combat it will close the gap between their prey, blocking and even reflecting incoming fire. Much like the Grineer Scorpions, once close enough, they will use Rip Line to unbalance their prey and bring them closer. This tactic can be extremely dangerous for anyone fighting them as it gives other Infested time to swarm over them. Because their hands are whip like blades they have a large reach with their attacks making it difficult for anyone retreating from melee or charging them from being hit. Each attack has a chance to cause bleeding.

Environment restrictions: Their sense of smell works best in closed environments so they avoid being outdoors. Only in special circumstances will they ever be found outside and they lose their tracking abilities when they are.

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Name Suggestion: Colossal Infested



The once thing I hate about infested now is how pathetic they are as a whole. Before Damage 2.0, ancients had armor and toxic ancient had 100% proc chances. Ancients were actually a threat, now they are push overs, nothing more then a charger on two legs. I want big threatening, challenging infested again!


Attacks: Reaches out with its two tentacle like arms to grab it's enemy then draws them in. It crushes them with it's larger arm then smacks them away (think scorpion + shield lancer). During rage, It charges enemies head on knocking other infested out of the way, then pummeling them with his massive arm.


Behavior: Slow moving. Once it's HP gets below half, it becomes enraged and furiously attacks and charges at enemies. It's body is cover in hard infested hide and the armor of the victims it has taken over. It does have armor (like Phorid) but has a very exposed weak spot on it's back. 


Environment restrictions:  None. They don't spawn as much as ancient since they are a much bigger threat.


Here's a quick sketch


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Snake like creature  evolved by failure in the Grinier enviroment. Slithers on ground to move from place to place but when wanting to attack it coils like a viper and slams or attacks his enemies by throwing out of its mouth and capturing his prey.

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Name Suggestion:

Infected Osprey



These hovering units drifts around a group of infested, commonly seen when an ancient healer is present. Fragile but deadly, these mindless units have a relatively fast movement speed with an unpredictable drifting pattern due to it's damaged get engine making it quick challenging to destroy. (see image reference)



Infected by an evolved spore known as Hypnosiph (Hyp no sif).


These Hypnosiphes produce noxious fluids that spews out from the blooming spores (see image reference). Players making contact with the fluid will suffer from Toxin damage over a period of time.


While noxious fluids are spewing out, minute Hypnosiphes are carried within which blooms and explodes in a short period of time upon having contact with the any surfaces, creating a mist that greatly reduces player's physical movement for a short period of time (similar to Cryo Floor) 


Environment restrictions:  

Cannot survive in cold/ freezing climates.

Commonly seen in corpus tilesets.

Must travel with a group infested


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: 




Cryo Floor



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Behavior:operates in support of a swarm and will refrain from engaging with tenno directly, while remaining as close as possible to friendlies. Moderate movement speed in order to keep pace with the rest of the swarm.

Attack: basic claw attacks in self defence. Use of an active ability to reanimate non ancient infested should they be killed. Occurs only so long as the corpse has not been vaporised or dismembered. This increases the durability of many weaker infested units against gunfire.

Enviroment restrictions: occur only as part of a larger group. Effectiveness is miniscule on their own.

Edited by abaddun
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Name: Screecher


Behavior: These creatures are binded and restricted by it's own rotting body. They are either found sitting or standing around, fidgeting and stressed, or walking around aimlessly. They hate the company of Tennos or any other living lifeforms and will retreat from any threat that may occur to them, increasing it's speed significantly to flee to a safe distence. Because of their limitation to physically harm their enemies, they result to attack their enemies through sound or spores that they leaves behind.



Screaming (Medium range) - Their main attack is rupturing the surrounding air with a horrifying scream too painful to listen too. This scream ignores the Tenno's shield and directly damages the Tenno's health. The Tenno's movement speed is slowed down as a result from the scream for a few seconds, allowing the Screecher to escape to a safer area. However, the Tenno is still able to fire their weapons at the Screecher. Their scream also draws the attention of near by Infestions, causing them to investigate the scene and attack Tenno on sight.

Spore (Trap) - Their rotting body when fleeing leaves behind a trail of spores, emitting a misty, harmful odor which blocks the Tenno's vision and poisons Tenno when they are too close to the spores, damaging their health and their shield. These spores are only trigged when the Screecher is fleeing from any threat. They do despawn after a few seconds.


Environmental Restrictions: Not normally found in wide open areas, prefers to be in a small closed off rooms, with easy to escape routes.

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Name: Infected Arach (name not set in stone)


Appearance: The Arach has the appearance of a spider. The front/head is heavily armored because it infects and severs from Grineer's heads, while the back is mainly infected material. It has six legs and is about the size of a crawler. 


Behavior: Starts off on the walls attacking from range with poisonous barbs. If the tenno get to close (5m. radius for example) it will jump off of the walls and attack the tenno with bites that inflict puncture damage. It is fairly quick once on the ground. The front of it is well armored, but its back is the weak spot, which can be hit easiest when it is sniping from the wall. It is fairly solitary, the only way there would be over five in a room is if they are in a big room. They generally are near doors, or walls that are far away from doors, but they can be on any wall.


Attack 1: The Arach, will shoot poisonous barbs out of the back of its body. It will continue shooting until the tenno get too close. This attack has a middle of the pack fire rate.


Attack 2: The Arach jumps off of the wall and jumps at the tenno biting them repeatedly. This attack deals puncture damage to tenno.


Environmental Limitations: No ceilings and is rarely in the void due to the amount of light. They WILL appear on infested maps and derelicts.

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i dont have an idea of a pic but i think from the infested  enemies you should be able to get mark some how and an infested tenno or something should attack them like the stallker does  and try to turn them and  if you get turned  the lotus will give a blueprint for a cure or something 

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Name Suggestion: Spore Spitter (Infested Osprey)
Behaviour: Moves along the ceilings with the claws on it's wings, or flies depending on the situation. It tend to try to stay within the range of larger groups of lesser infested but can also be seen grouping with other infested drones. Having low health makes it easier to kill, but they can quickly become a hassle in large groups.
Spore Cloud - Releasing a large cloud of spores, the infested drone grants infested around it a minor damage mitigation buff. This buff can stack up to three times if it's not been dealt with quickly, but has a long cool down between bursts. If an infested has been buffed recently and the damage mitigation is removed, the infested cannot be buffed again for another minute or so. This buff also cannot be applied to itself or other infested drones.
Spit Shot - The infested drone spots a large spore at it's enemy, which contains a corrosive liquid. Again it's rather slow shooting so it's hardly dangerous alone. But in larger groups they can become a hassle if not dealt with quickly.
Environment restrictions:  Prefers indoor levels, but could be seen in outdoor ones.
(Optional) Art or Reference Images: 35593090405071933340.png
The design needs a bit more refinement but the basic gist of it is there. It's the size of the default Osprey's. Just for reference sake.
Edited by Dako_Shark
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name: kuchfuyura (taken from the words for levitation in japanese(source: google)


like the name states a deformity of flying metal/flesch mass. they are a new string of the virus latching on flying things like drones or o-spey's and collecting fleschspaters from defeated enemy's and recriating the electronical nerveusystem of the drones into biomechanical nerveussystems. would be cool that they just spawn from regular drones and o-sprey(transforming them) to initiate a invasion in a "random" mision node.


they react like their doplegangers but drop like infested leeches or gasbombs that explode on contact. (schieldosprey: perhaps a spore rain the thing releases terraforming the map to infestation) (drones: they schoot infesting dart/bullets that starts transforming ai into their infested counterparts)


the virus already conquerd ice but spawns from heat or bacteria sources like vents or sewers.


the art is reserevd for D.E. and their desingers they know the infested best.


sorry for the English.

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Name: Exocytosis


Medium speed infested which charges Tenno head on. When killed he drops and in a few moments regenerates (Gets back up) can do so 3 times. After each regeneration hist speed and damage are increased. With each regeneration looks less metal and more "fleshy"



Charge: Charges enemy and if it hits stumbles the enemy after that immediately does swipe which has high chance of knocking enemy down.
Otherwise punches enemies with a chance to stumble

Environmental restrictions:

Lvl 14 and higher. Any infested location.


In a nutshell: Infested Bombard/Napalm.
Walks bipedal, hands are heavily mutated. (Similar look like Proto armor for Xcal)

Edited by Grayscale_Lord
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IDK if anyone before me thought of this because I don't want to read all the pages lol.


Name Suggestion: Armatus Conruptus (I guess you can change the name if you like the idea?)



Behaviour: Armatus is an infested Grineer shield lancer. He uses his own organic matter to create 2 shields for each hand to absorb incoming bullets or projectiles. Furthermore, his bony body reinforces his tough armor, tougher.


Attacks: At close to medium range, Armatus will bring his shields to the front of his body and will turn to block any threats that he may find. When a Tenno is very close, he will bash the Tenno OR  will change to blade mode, turning one of his shields on his right hand to a razor sharp blade. Once he is sure, he will slice at the Tenno, dealing very high critical damage and ignore armor. It is recommended to use teamwork to exterminate this infested type. Armatus has a weakpoint on his back, you must expose his weakspot and kill him from there. Alternatively, his arms can be blown off if the weakpoint is inaccessible and can be damaged from the front. Armatus's shields can also be blown off, but is very difficult to do so.

 and you have to deal with his armor as well.


Environment Restrictions: Spawns only in level 20 and above. Exclusive to Grineer ships, or Orokin Derelicts. Or maybe future infested tileset?

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Name Suggestion: Infested X 


Behaviour:  hangs from walls or ceilings Stays still until it senses it prey. likes to wear its enemies body parts as a trophy organic or machine. 


Attacks: (if on ceiling) drops from above quaking the ground stunning its enemies. (if on wall) surprises its close enemy uses its claw to drag and pound it into the wall. special melee move : its sticky claw stretches and stabs into its prey draining its life healing itself.

Environment restrictions: Likes small Ice cold Areas  

Edited by x0blivion
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Name suggestion: Ancient Overlords.


Behaviour: It is not a single entity, but is formed by the joining of many ancients over the years.Highly intimidating, controls the infested, cries out a loud terrifying roar. Are rarely seen, and generally are found in areas that have been infested for a long time(Like the Orokin Derelict), even then, only one can be seen in a given region. If more than one are present, they neglect everything around and challenge the other. Bolsters the attack of the other infested (other damage boost by Tennos have no effect when around an ancient overlord).However, when an overlord dies, the infested scatter and flee.


Attacks: 1.Continuously emits a gas that inflicts viral damage. 

              2 Can sweep it tentacles and deal an extreme amount of physical damage to multiple enemies( sends the targets flying across room)

              3.When it's life reaches critical point, it emits a call for subordinates, and all the infested in the area neglect their targets and comes for it's aid.

              4. Can continuously summon infested till it is alive.


Environment Restrictions: Since it is formed due to joining of many ancients over the years and since the ancients rarely tend to do so, the ancient overlords are found only and very rarely  in areas that have been infested for long like the orokin derelict. Due to their large size, they are unable to pass through doors. 





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Name Suggestion: Virulentis (Latin for Virulent)


Behaviour: Virulentis is a Heavy Infested Unit. Because of that he is slow and lumbering and because the large, organic, hollow, sack of flesh that it carries on it's back, which contains the airborne viruses used for his attacks. When idle, it wanders around, collecting biomass. When alerted, it gets a good distance away from the target(s) and starts to launch toxic projectiles from a modified left arm. If the target gets in the range of Virulentis melee weapon, Virulentis swipes with a sharp bone formed out of the bones in the lower right arm. If the target is too close to him and he needs to get distance between him and the target, he will screech, which pushes back the target(s). If the sack sustains little damage, like being shot, or hit by a melee weapon, it will rupture, releasing the airborne viruses in a green cloud. When it ruptures, anyone caught in the radius, including Virulentis, will be hurt by viral damage, which may or may not proc. When that happens, Virulentis will be severely weakened, but he will gain increased speed, and try to melee you with the right arm made out of bone.  


Attacks: 1. Virulentis will kneel down, and start to shoot out of his modified left arm round pieces of decayed tissue containing the virulent air encased in it. On impact, it will release a green cloud, which is AOE and deals viral damage, which may or may not proc. He can also walk sideways and backwards while shooting virulent projectiles, but while shooting he can't move forward. 2. If the target is too close he will swipe with his heavily modified lower right arm. 3.If he needs to, he will screech, which pushes back the target(s).    


Environment restrictions:  Corpus Ship or Outpost, or Corpus vs Infested Invasion, since he is made out of crewmen.


Optional Art: It is basically a infested corpus crewman


Edited by azteccat
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