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If De Would Grant You One Wish, What Would You Wish For?


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After U300?


yeah I agree, wouldn't be until after PC beta mice have run about 1000 times thru the maze.  U300 sounds about right,  that's just about the time when PC will be able to play GTA V  :)


While we wait on console between now and the far away U300,  PS4 will be exploring:  WatchDogs and Destiny among several other new video game titles exclusive to only PS4 and console Xbox 1  :D.


back to topic:  I'd fix my post to include the pc but I feel lazy. Also as I was typing out my wish,  I couldn't help but only think about our PS4 community. Besides most video game titles come to console and our platform first before they ever hit Steam anyway.


Of all the elitist PS4 players I've seen griping about exclusiveness for this or that, you are by far the most polarized. Good thing the entire PS4 community isn't as dense as you are.

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If I could have one wish, it'd be to have every exclusive item to date available to everyone, and make them all farmable or buyable.



please take the time to look up the definition of the word EXCLUSIVE, as it appears you have various misunderstandings



I wish that my Tenno could ascend and be incorporated into the storyline, a permanent addition to the Warframe universe...

Edited by Kartumterek
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To reduce the reliance on "pure" RNG, instead creating a weighted system for loot drops and assassin spawn rates. (And no token system. Maybe for a rare Darvo event, but we've got enough resource types as it is.)


And while we're at it, to improve enemy AI.



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I wish the design council was actually relevant.

Picking names and voting on sounds is all well and good, but would a design council discussion section where we could actually start topics be too much to ask?

I disagree. There'd be so many topics to where DE wouldn't be able to read all of them. Plus, people would think of stupid or absurd things. The council is fine as it is.

Edited by Tymerc
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I wish the design council was actually relevant.

Picking names and voting on sounds is all well and good, but would a design council discussion section where we could actually start topics be too much to ask?



no point to let us do anything more than what we do with all the rampant snitching and tattle telling that goes on... we get a simple question asked by DE and its on social media 8 seconds later.


I wouldnt give us anything either

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