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What Should The Next Prime Be?


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Lady Nyx or Lady Saryn, accept no substitutes




















































Loki down here

Edited by Kartumterek
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I think Loki is definitely the next one-- he's the last starter frame to get it. I'm honestly surprised they did Rhino before him. 

Loki and Volt are still left for the starters, even though Volt is a former starter.

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Considering that

1. Most of the founding frames will probably see the light of prime

2. Primes are not that much different from normal frames


it does not really matter who is next because as long as it was one of the earlier frames, I am pretty sure it will be a prime


Talk to me when Primes are more than gold incrusted frames with a different helmet

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There are 3 frames ahead of the 'new age' frames that came out after Closed Beta. They're Loki, Ash, and Volt. There is a high chance of Loki due to various hints given by staff off and on, and after that -very- likely going to be volt due to the ordering they've been doing.


... I'd rather have Nekros prime for my solo loot noms... All the ball energy orbs are mine, mwahaha... Hug the balls, embrace the balls... Realize the balls have lasers and get ripped in half... Revive, shoot the ball, ponder why you enjoy the ball... Ponder the inuendo... Ponder life... ... Desecrate all the things!

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Betting Loki next, and after Loki the next two primes will be females. Betting Trinity and Nyx. Then 2 male primes frames. Ash prime would be nice, but the other one would be Volt, since older frames get prime versions before the younger ones, sorry anyone who wants a val or frame that came after him and want its prime, your waiting.


Now for weapons we can at best guess. Hoping the next prime weapons trio have a prime version of a weapon I already use.

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