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The Role Of Women In Corpus Society


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"On January 13, 2006, a Queenlord, Cassandra, is spying on Griffin Spade's family, telling her troops to kidnap Griffin's son Brandon and kill everyone else. Griffin and his army manage to push back the invaders, but Cassandra soon turns the tables by mind-controlling Griffin's own army. Griffin and Madison manage to escape San Francisco and begin chasing Cassandra across the United States, eventually cornering her in Washington, D.C.. Cassandra, however, escapes with Brandon to the United Kingdom; Griffin and Madison follow. They build a new army in Europe, and chase Cassandra through England, France and Germany. While in Paris, they discover Cassandra released the virus in 2001 to kill every female on Earth who didn't have the power of the Edge. It is in Berlin where Griffin finally rescues Brandon. They make it back to San Francisco and push back another invasion by the Storm Ravens, and finally corner and defeat Cassandra on Alcatraz Island. The story ends with a cliffhanger; an unidentified magician finds Cassandra's body and speaks of a "chosen one" as he resurrects her."

Battletanx: Corpus Assault plot synopsis... why else do you think Corpus enemies sound so damn angry? They're struggling to Vandalize SOMETHING... now I'm imagining just what exactly happened during the "downtime" of Valkyr's experimentation x.x

Edited by TenshuYuusha
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In all seriousness, I wonder if swearing gives the Corpus Crewmen a bonus in salaries...

I think so. Alad V and Fhrod Bech sound not very... polite, so I think swears, insults etc are just in the norm of Corpus bureaucratic language

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yeah I got your idea.

there is difference betwen sex and gender. sex is physiological term, gender is socialogical term. my equilibrium theory based on this genderless but "sexy" idea :)

Well if the corpus are asexual as a society/faction that has seen the build up of in vitro replication of many in-vivo process  such as reproduction through natural means as well as intercourse, i would suspect that they would have a culture that propagates the idea of discriminating sex and gender altogether.


This comes from the fact that they are "competent" beings who have surpassed the human faculty of reproduction and can do so when they please without end and timelessly. Thus reproduction and intercourse would be seen as a act of inferiority of the whole race, given if they would fully intellectual civilization they might be condemning of both because they are by right sub par methods to the perfect corpus.


So i wouldn't call their race humans anymore. The corpus would thus be a whole new race of beings on their own, forgoing the past of humanity and exist without both gender or sex. Their suits are not built to accommodate female physiology, but a mixed physiology, what this means there is probably a removal of sexual hormones for one. The body has that of a male built for an increased ability to lift weights, that is also why they look so blockish, they are pretty much six packed built bodies, their facial structure follows that of a mix between male and female. Male in the terms of dominance but female in size of facial features. Followed by a lack of sexual organs or if there must be one probably it would be female. Limbs would be those of male gender. Overall their physiology is not a human and is without a differentiation of gender. The mind of corpus in the lower classes i expect would be closer to a modern female type psychology due to their tolerance, understanding and willingness to be loyal. However with the view of alad V, i can say their upper echelon are built with a male mindset. That is the most in terms of gender differentiation as you can get.


However another idea that could also be expanded given the corpus we fight are clones. This would be possible that some like alad V which are rightful owners to the clones only has a synthesized voice is that it has its mind integrated into a system that links to all clones and robots within its control.


Sorry for digressing, however i would like to make the point that gendered beings birthed within their civilization would have no rights as do not belong to the corpus race. They would be classed as humans and would be subjugated under the corpus rule as most probably slaves and would be worth less than a clone as their bodies would not be able to cope the demands of its society as well. To be honest i feel that females would be treated as slaves or traded to the grineer, males would be killed off due to their possible rebellious intentions. However i believe such feats won't happen for the matter of fact that they don't exist within the corpus faction and the means to birth a human might have already been removed from all corpus. If the corpus has been doing this form of cloning for generations, their last of their ancestors who could give birth might have already been dead by now. This simply means being female or male is probably illegal within their society.


Females and males simply don't exist and cannot within their society. They even look down on both genders.

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Well if the corpus are asexual as a society/faction that has seen the build up of in vitro replication of many in-vivo process  such as reproduction through natural means as well as intercourse, i would suspect that they would have a culture that propagates the idea of discriminating sex and gender altogether.


This comes from the fact that they are "competent" beings who have surpassed the human faculty of reproduction and can do so when they please without end and timelessly. Thus reproduction and intercourse would be seen as a act of inferiority of the whole race, given if they would fully intellectual civilization they might be condemning of both because they are by right sub par methods to the perfect corpus.


So i wouldn't call their race humans anymore. The corpus would thus be a whole new race of beings on their own, forgoing the past of humanity and exist without both gender or sex. Their suits are not built to accommodate female physiology, but a mixed physiology, what this means there is probably a removal of sexual hormones for one. The body has that of a male built for an increased ability to lift weights, that is also why they look so blockish, they are pretty much six packed built bodies, their facial structure follows that of a mix between male and female. Male in the terms of dominance but female in size of facial features. Followed by a lack of sexual organs or if there must be one probably it would be female. Limbs would be those of male gender. Overall their physiology is not a human and is without a differentiation of gender. The mind of corpus in the lower classes i expect would be closer to a modern female type psychology due to their tolerance, understanding and willingness to be loyal. However with the view of alad V, i can say their upper echelon are built with a male mindset. That is the most in terms of gender differentiation as you can get.


However another idea that could also be expanded given the corpus we fight are clones. This would be possible that some like alad V which are rightful owners to the clones only has a synthesized voice is that it has its mind integrated into a system that links to all clones and robots within its control.


Sorry for digressing, however i would like to make the point that gendered beings birthed within their civilization would have no rights as do not belong to the corpus race. They would be classed as humans and would be subjugated under the corpus rule as most probably slaves and would be worth less than a clone as their bodies would not be able to cope the demands of its society as well. To be honest i feel that females would be treated as slaves or traded to the grineer, males would be killed off due to their possible rebellious intentions. However i believe such feats won't happen for the matter of fact that they don't exist within the corpus faction and the means to birth a human might have already been removed from all corpus. If the corpus has been doing this form of cloning for generations, their last of their ancestors who could give birth might have already been dead by now. This simply means being female or male is probably illegal within their society.


Females and males simply don't exist and cannot within their society. They even look down on both genders.

ok...thank you for that too long for me too read explanation D:

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ok...thank you for that too long for me too read explanation D:


1.) Corpus are not human beings, they are their own race.

2.) The Corpus we fight are clones to "masters", most of whom can control them and their robotics through their minds.

3.) Corpus view that natural birth and gender as both inferior states, probably to the extent of having propaganda that would destroy the idea of family being one man and woman/ man and man/ woman and woman.

4.) Corpus physiology is that of a mixed male and female. Acquiring best of both worlds to get the ultimate corpus race.

5.) Social structure replaces gender since it does not exist. Only leaders and clones exist.

6.) Since no gender exist, those born under gender would be subjugated as a slave or killed off as they are not a worth to clones who can be genetically modified with better results to fit demands.

7.) However if corpus has been cloning for a long time, the means to natural birth would already be long gone.

8.) Corpus would therefore see a gendered person with sexual organs as committing a crime, where people try to impersonate a corpus or it could be a spy.

9.) Therefore males and females cannot exist within their society.

Edited by Jacate
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Well if the corpus are asexual as a society/faction that has seen the build up of in vitro replication of many in-vivo process  such as reproduction through natural means as well as intercourse, i would suspect that they would have a culture that propagates the idea of discriminating sex and gender altogether.


This comes from the fact that they are "competent" beings who have surpassed the human faculty of reproduction and can do so when they please without end and timelessly. Thus reproduction and intercourse would be seen as a act of inferiority of the whole race, given if they would fully intellectual civilization they might be condemning of both because they are by right sub par methods to the perfect corpus.


So i wouldn't call their race humans anymore. The corpus would thus be a whole new race of beings on their own, forgoing the past of humanity and exist without both gender or sex. Their suits are not built to accommodate female physiology, but a mixed physiology, what this means there is probably a removal of sexual hormones for one. The body has that of a male built for an increased ability to lift weights, that is also why they look so blockish, they are pretty much six packed built bodies, their facial structure follows that of a mix between male and female. Male in the terms of dominance but female in size of facial features. Followed by a lack of sexual organs or if there must be one probably it would be female. Limbs would be those of male gender. Overall their physiology is not a human and is without a differentiation of gender. The mind of corpus in the lower classes i expect would be closer to a modern female type psychology due to their tolerance, understanding and willingness to be loyal. However with the view of alad V, i can say their upper echelon are built with a male mindset. That is the most in terms of gender differentiation as you can get.


However another idea that could also be expanded given the corpus we fight are clones. This would be possible that some like alad V which are rightful owners to the clones only has a synthesized voice is that it has its mind integrated into a system that links to all clones and robots within its control.


Sorry for digressing, however i would like to make the point that gendered beings birthed within their civilization would have no rights as do not belong to the corpus race. They would be classed as humans and would be subjugated under the corpus rule as most probably slaves and would be worth less than a clone as their bodies would not be able to cope the demands of its society as well. To be honest i feel that females would be treated as slaves or traded to the grineer, males would be killed off due to their possible rebellious intentions. However i believe such feats won't happen for the matter of fact that they don't exist within the corpus faction and the means to birth a human might have already been removed from all corpus. If the corpus has been doing this form of cloning for generations, their last of their ancestors who could give birth might have already been dead by now. This simply means being female or male is probably illegal within their society.


Females and males simply don't exist and cannot within their society. They even look down on both genders.

Wow. You really thought this through. Amazing.

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1.) Corpus are not human beings, they are their own race.

2.) The Corpus we fight are clones to "masters", most of whom can control them and their robotics through their minds.

3.) Corpus view that natural birth and gender as both inferior states, probably to the extent of having propaganda that would destroy the idea of family being one man and woman/ man and man/ woman and woman.

4.) Corpus physiology is that of a mixed male and female. Acquiring best of both worlds to get the ultimate corpus race.

5.) Social structure replaces gender since it does not exist. Only leaders and clones exist.

6.) Since no gender exist, those born under gender would be subjugated as a slave or killed off as they are not a worth to clones who can be genetically modified with better results to fit demands.

7.) However if corpus has been cloning for a long time, the means to natural birth would already be long gone.

8.) Corpus would therefore see a gendered person with sexual organs as committing a crime, where people try to impersonate a corpus or it could be a spy.

9.) Therefore males and females cannot exist within their society.


really, this was first thought what I had in first few weeks of plaing Warframe :)

but one contra to cloning - clones don't live long, just few decades, but we know Darvo is 105 years old, so regular "battle meat" may be clones, but not boardsmen and this means what good-old coitus or invitro+surrogate mother or axlotl tanks have a place.

anyway - women, or "women" are the part of society so your point stays at equilibrium.


so as equilibrium or as subfaction (kinda mercenaries)?

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Maybe it's like Mass Effect turians...


Or maybe the Corpus didn't want to waste money on creating female Crewman suits (Crewwomen?).

Then again, they did mass produce suicidal drones that cost a crap lot of money...

Edited by jjpdn
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Wow much thought in here.

As much as it's well put together and could work, I would hate if there are no females in Corpus. We lose out on a whole strong npc side right there.

I am more inclined that women are either;

A) aristocracy. Valuable and head of the Family.

B) Clergy. Like space nuns/wizards crazy devoted to the Void and Orokin, regarding the likes if Alad as fools.

Why is the Lotus a female? Why do her and Darvo wear so similar gear and clothing?

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really, this was first thought what I had in first few weeks of plaing Warframe :)

but one contra to cloning - clones don't live long, just few decades, but we know Darvo is 105 years old, so regular "battle meat" may be clones, but not boardsmen and this means what good-old coitus or invitro+surrogate mother or axlotl tanks have a place.

anyway - women, or "women" are the part of society so your point stays at equilibrium.

Ya most clones don't have to live long, only some. Rather than cloning i think an apt name would be artificial reproduction. This does not mean boardsman are exempt from artificial reproduction, they could be altogether cyborgs who live and infinitum amount of years. That would be scary but if you think of it that way, maybe it could explain why Darvo is 105 years old. Also we assume clones don't live long, but generally we can never know. And if clones accept their fate and their stand in society, what is to say they would be the typical ones we see in movies?


For all we know they are the 100% obedient servant. If i was a corpus i would be insulted to be called a male (according to my theory at least) because you just made me sound inferior. (even though i am a male)

Edited by Jacate
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Wow much thought in here.

As much as it's well put together and could work, I would hate if there are no females in Corpus. We lose out on a whole strong npc side right there.

I am more inclined that women are either;

A) aristocracy. Valuable and head of the Family.

B) Clergy. Like space nuns/wizards crazy devoted to the Void and Orokin, regarding the likes if Alad as fools.

Why is the Lotus a female? Why do her and Darvo wear so similar gear and clothing?

Well, you're right. I didn't put much thought into my answer... 

I sort of agree with you... sort of... not really.

And you can't really tell Lotus is a female.


Look at the Asari and *in some universes* Transformers!

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Wow much thought in here.

As much as it's well put together and could work, I would hate if there are no females in Corpus. We lose out on a whole strong npc side right there.

I am more inclined that women are either;

A) aristocracy. Valuable and head of the Family.

B) Clergy. Like space nuns/wizards crazy devoted to the Void and Orokin, regarding the likes if Alad as fools.

Why is the Lotus a female? Why do her and Darvo wear so similar gear and clothing?

point to equilibrium and subfaction
equilibrium - 22
drifting ships - 17
subfaction - 5
finnaly subfaction gained 5!



Ya most clones don't have to live long, only some. Rather than cloning i think an apt name would be artificial reproduction. This does not mean boardsman are exempt from artificial reproduction, they could be altogether cyborgs who live and infinitum amount of years. That would be scary but if you think of it that way, maybe it could explain why Darvo is 105 years old. Also we assume clones don't live long, but generally we can never know. And if clones accept their fate and their stand in society, what is to say they would be the typical ones we see in movies?


For all we know they are the 100% obedient servant. If i was a corpus i would be insulted to be called a male (according to my theory at least) because you just made me sound inferior. (even though i am a male)

corpus as ciborgs, who rules race of clones who operating proxies %D kk this is creative idea, but for another game I think. IMO this idea is not scary, but not violent enough for Warframe universe (IMO! there are not enough gore and dilemma for me - this is idea of straight stabil society, not idea of "angry capitalism" mixed with "evolutional communism" as I see the Cotpus !IMO) 

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corpus as ciborgs, who rules race of clones who operating proxies %D kk this is creative idea, but for another game I think. IMO this idea is not scary, but not violent enough for Warframe universe (IMO! there are not enough gore and dilemma for me - this is idea of straight stabil society, not idea of "angry capitalism" mixed with "evolutional communism" as I see the Cotpus !IMO) 


I would agree it is a stable but dystopia like society.

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What If women didn't exist inside the corpus society? Corpus men could just come out of test tubes with the genes of a certain family added to them. It may sound mysoginistic but what if the Corpus men see women as something unnecessary that doesn't fit into their thinking (profit, logic...etc.) On the other hand, the grineer seem to be very fond of women since they are ruled by the mysterious Sisters.

It would be cool to see a faction that incorporates women in the heart of their society while other has completely eliminated it. Obviously this has nothing to do with my opinion towards women (which is very positive) but more as something that I would find very cool for the lore of the game.


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What If women didn't exist inside the corpus society? They could just come out of test tubes with the genes of a certain family added to them....

+1 to drifting ships


The Corpus got rid of women seeing as all Corpus women were gold diggers in their capitalistic culture. The only females that exist are robots, like Zanuka.


Although a subfaction would be neat, such as how certain job sectors are dominated by women.

another sexbot joke and subfaction point noted :D



equilibrium - 22
drifting ships - 19
subfaction - 6
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+1 to drifting ships



I think I didn't explain what I had in mind correctly, I meant that there were NO women in Corpus society, they don't exist at all. Only men and they recreate themselves using technology. :)

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I think I didn't explain what I had in mind correctly, I meant that there were NO women in Corpus society, they don't exist at all. Only men and they recreate themselves using technology. :)

sry this is impossible :) women can recreate women without sperm, only by ovicels, but men cant recreate men using only sperm - ovicels must be. it may be axlotl tank technology i.e. one of the kind of drifting ships

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The only females that exist are robots, like Zanuka.


I'd just like to say that the concept of referring to machinery or equipment or vehicles as "females" is not unique to the Corpus, and been a thing for hundreds of years. It's a colloquialism that started in the early days of naval travel, where the trend of females being 'bad luck' on ships was established because the ship itself was believed to be of a female nature (which started for a variety of reasons, one such example was the a ship was a 'vessel' much like a womb, which is how they made that connection). Since then, even though the custom has pretty much just become a poetic term, people still refer to everything from guns to commercial aircraft as a female entity. It doesn't surprise me that this trend would follow into what it supposed to be the distant future that is Warframe, thus Zanuka is denoted as female even though we all know it's just a bionic-hybrid robot that for all intensive purposes lacks an actual gender. 

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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You guys are forgetting one important thing about the game:


We only interact with very small aspect/portion of the enemy factions.


Basically the only thing we see in regards to the Corpus are their


a. Space-faring Corps

b. Security Corps


Just like many dangerous jobs in real life (such as mining) these are going to be pretty much 100% men working those jobs. That is because of sexism, but sexism towards men - nobody would ever expect a woman to do dangerous work in our real-life society! It is only acceptable for men to risk their lives like that - men are the bread winners after all. Our society expects a man to risk his life for his wife and children - if he refuses, why then he is no longer a man in our eyes!


Think about that before crying misogyny.




There is still plenty of room for Corpus women to occupy other positions within Corpus society that we currently don't interact with in-game.

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I see.


Yes, in that case that is the only "choice"(?) that makes sense: it would be like if an alien species was just observing an off-shore oil rig or a mining operation and from that concluding that we don't allow women to work.



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I'd just like to say that the concept of referring to machinery or equipment or vehicles as "females" is not unique to the Corpus, and been a thing for hundreds of years. It's a colloquialism that started in the early days of naval travel, where the trend of females being 'bad luck' on ships was established because the ship itself was believed to be of a female nature (which started for a variety of reasons, one such example was the a ship was a 'vessel' much like a womb, which is how they made that connection). Since then, even though the custom has pretty much just become a poetic term, people still refer to everything from guns to commercial aircraft as a female entity. It doesn't surprise me that this trend would follow into what it supposed to be the distant future that is Warframe, thus Zanuka is denoted as female even though we all know it's just a bionic-hybrid robot that for all intensive purposes lacks an actual gender. 

I know, that's why the only females are the robots which they designate as females. Zanuka is referred to as a female by Alad V, which is what I am referring to.



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