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Napalms Op


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I feel as though 1 Napalm is enough to kill an entire squad of tenno if he is fortunate enough to hit all 4 of them at the same time. I was doing invasion mission with my rhino prime, and I came across a couple napalms. Even with my Iron skin activated it only took 2 shots to remove it and then 1 more to cut my 1110 shields to about 0 and then a chunk of my health. As much as I tried to dodge the projectiles it seemed like they were still hitting me from a good distance from the explosion. This leads me to conclude that a Napalm is a big fat meany who does too much damage and has a huge explosive radius. Every time I die from one I get sad :'( because I know that they can Also stunlock you and then shoot you once to kill you while you are getting back up from their knockdown ability. Does anyone else agree with me that Grineer Napalms need a nerf?

Edited by uC_NuStar.K
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no unit can stunlock you but napalms are probably one of the strongest grineer units that spawn normally unless you count the blinding effect from bombarders, saying that I actually don't think they need a nerf

Edited by Sasoka
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The way I see it Napalms and other enemies with explosive attacks need the following changes:


-There needs to be a limit to far explosive weapons can "punch through" cover. It's understandable if you get hit behind a thin rail, but we shouldn't be getting knocked down from the other side of a 5m thick wall or rock. Perhaps a punch through limit of 1-2m?


-It would be nice if they finally got around to making the visuals for explosives actually match the range of the blast (at least for the Napalm).


-Is there any damage/status chance fall off for being on the periphery of the blast rather than a direct hit? I honestly haven't noticed but since the Penta and Ogris deal full damage regardless of how far the enemy was from the impact I imagine enemies follow a similar logic. They should really change it so that you take less damage and have a smaller chance to suffer blast/fire damage procs if you at least attempted to dodge it, given how accurate explosives are and how generous their blast range is it makes all these fancy ninja moves we *should* be able to use to avoid this stuff with feel redundant since we just end up taking full damage and getting knocked down/taking excessive fire damage anyway.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Rhino has IS and shield.

ANd also that 4 button.


Trust me in situations like this pressing 4 will not cause rage.

And you are durable enough to tank 3 shots.



I main a non invisibility Loki, I don't have that 4 button you guys have and 30% of your durability.

Edited by fatpig84
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kill them before they kill you? Come on man napalm have dumb rockets. You said you are the "invincible" rhino right? You have Rhino Stomp, use it.


<--------- A lot of players like myself never have these issues/complaints using the "weakest frame in this game".

Edited by (PS4)RocketPunch1221
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You know this is the kind of crap that makes me want to stay away from the forums. Kids that are unable to beat a simple enemy because they refuse to think, and then they cry about it on the forums until daddy- i mean, DE - nerfs it for them so that they don't need to learn how to dodge or take cover or airkick the Napalms or use a frame with CC or use a frame with a protection ability.


Just learn to play you crybaby, people like you are the reason this game is already extremely easy. Reminds me of when the arc traps in the Rescue 2.0 mission were nerfed because people couldn't avoid them, god f***ing damn i need to leave this place

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Sliding usually helps me avoid most napalm shots, and just to be safe from aoe, i go for a slide ending with a flipover the enemies, that way, you cna shoot them from behind while your allies  shoot him from in front. jumping will help you avoid the knockdown if your in melee.


As an alternative, when you see one, jump+ e as fast as you can


If you see two that are close, spin attack 


If you see two far apart use cover and flip around taking them out one by one


If you see three,  snipe one and all of the above


If you see four in a small arean, spawn is tripping out again :/


Godspeed :D

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lol, you cry baby. what kinda mod did you put in your rhino prime or are you exaggerating? i personally run a rhino prime myself and i can tank 3-4 shots with my iron skin at a times, granted i wasn't an idiot and let them hit me point blank in the face. Come on, the shot is so slow that you can run all the way across the room before it land, tip is to fight them from afar so their shots are easier to dodge.



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Hitboxes are definitely an issue, and they haven't matched the visual effects since the enemy was first released. Honestly, if they just upped the size of the visual splash area to match the hitbox, that would already make the fight a crapton more fair.

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Stop standing in one place, Napalms will not refire until their first shot has hit. Circle around them and hit them with a CC ability as soon as possible.

Actually no, they'll fire another round and even another even as the first shot is heading towards you.

And what i will concede is that the blast radius is ridiculous on those things, I'll be a good distance away from the explosion and it could still proc me on fire. It's like how their radial blast used to knock you down no matter how far you were from them.

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if you utilize W-A-S-D and left mouse button, with an occasional space bar or 'C' and Shift key?


Nothing in this game is OP.  Quit standing still and getting shot 3 @(*()&#036; times seriously.  If you get shot 3 @(*()&#036; times you should be using a revive.

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