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Warframe Abilities Concern :/


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Am I the only on still annoyed by the fact that they work as mods?


Not only they drop from enemies and dilute the drop table a lot ( fck you tail wind)  but they take mod slots in our frame build. which ind of limits build variety.....



Anyone one the same page as me?

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I dislike that core gameplay mechanics, the ones that elevate Warframe to being more than a simple "point mouse at enemy until dead", are forced to compete with passive abilities necessary to survival. So you have these interesting and fun abilities and then you immediately get rid of all but one or two of them so that you can be successful for the majority of game environments. Effective, but limiting and boring.

If I were to revamp the system I would make powers all the time things, and link their effectiveness to this fabled "focus" system coming out. Not just leveling them up either, but giving them added effects based on which perks you take (Molecular Prime might set things on fire, as an example.) Not only that, but having 10 mod slots would allow us to actually slot things beyond basic survivability/utility (shields, hp, stamina, sprint, etc). 

I would also give Warframes inherit energy regeneration and do away with energy orbs entirely, but that's treading into territory not necessarily related to your initial post.  

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Just something for you to believe you are progressing and a point sponge. Many will eventually forma and not use half the powers of a frame because they are lackluster.

Its good and bad. If they would come out with universal power mods already it would make then being mods make sense. Yet who knows when that will really happen and if they will be any good.

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I dislike that core gameplay mechanics, the ones that elevate Warframe to being more than a simple "point mouse at enemy until dead", are forced to compete with passive abilities necessary to survival. So you have these interesting and fun abilities and then you immediately get rid of all but one or two of them so that you can be successful for the majority of game environments. Effective, but limiting and boring.

If I were to revamp the system I would make powers all the time things, and link their effectiveness to this fabled "focus" system coming out. Not just leveling them up either, but giving them added effects based on which perks you take (Molecular Prime might set things on fire, as an example.) Not only that, but having 10 mod slots would allow us to actually slot things beyond basic survivability/utility (shields, hp, stamina, sprint, etc). 

I would also give Warframes inherit energy regeneration and do away with energy orbs entirely, but that's treading into territory not necessarily related to your initial post.  


this man knows what's up


srsly the entire power system is pretty wonky, relying on random orb drops and/or ES aura and max efficiency builds


IMHO we/Warframe desperately needs ABILITIES 2.0

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I dislike that core gameplay mechanics, the ones that elevate Warframe to being more than a simple "point mouse at enemy until dead", are forced to compete with passive abilities necessary to survival. So you have these interesting and fun abilities and then you immediately get rid of all but one or two of them so that you can be successful for the majority of game environments. Effective, but limiting and boring.

If I were to revamp the system I would make powers all the time things, and link their effectiveness to this fabled "focus" system coming out. Not just leveling them up either, but giving them added effects based on which perks you take (Molecular Prime might set things on fire, as an example.) Not only that, but having 10 mod slots would allow us to actually slot things beyond basic survivability/utility (shields, hp, stamina, sprint, etc). 

I would also give Warframes inherit energy regeneration and do away with energy orbs entirely, but that's treading into territory not necessarily related to your initial post.  

Thanks for sharing :)


i'm really exited for the focus system 


I hope it doesn't get loced behind an excessive grindwall like Stuff in U13 

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Focus needs a lens to change affinity to focus points, but this can only be done on a rank 30 weapon or warframe. These focus points can be used to get Focus skills that will activate from a "beast mode" transformation. The amount of Focus skills equipped depends on your mastery level. The only real grind I can see is the lens, unless you really want to grind for those Focus points.

Edited by GaleRoar
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i'm just gonna pretend that i didnt see this thread.

the only balance for damage/enemy/ability is when there's no damage pop-ing up on hit.

if u'r smart enuff u get what i mean.

If you're smart enough you'll realize that you're completely off topic man

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Removing them form dorp table would be first step in fixing horrible mod issues. There is crapload of useless mods in drop table, and on top of that we have power mods also.



They should be passively equipped on your frame ( you will still need to max them ), but they are bound to frame and cannot be removed. 6 mod slots for other mods should still be the max for frames.

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