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Enemies Of The Tenno: Grineer Submissions


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Name Suggestion: Grineer Paladin

Description: Hand-picked Heavy Grinner units ordained by the Twin Queens to defend the Grineer Empire and prosecute all enemies to a death sentance. Armored in terrifying full plate mail composed of the stolen Corpus alloy GORAgon (Gallium, Oxium, Rubedo, Argon), The Paladin is Heavily Armored, carries a Jat Kittang and a Heavy Sheild, and wields Tenno-like abilites.

Behavior: At a distance, the Paladin is primarily a support unit protecting range assault with it's Heavy Sheild and a variety of buffs in the form of auras. Up to two active auras at one time.


1. Energy Displacement Armor: A passive ability from the energy manipulating abilities inherent to the base components in the GORAgon alloy, all energy weapon fire (electric, fire, radiation) deals no damage. Instead, it is directly absorbed and becomes a proto-shield. Further energy attacks will heal the energy shield

2. Once the energy shield is available, the following abilities can be activated, draining shield energy:

a. Shield Aura: shares half shield value equally with up to 3 units. Drops shield value for Paladin by 50%

b. Queens' Blessing: heals self for 100% dmg and up to 2 units 25%. Drops shield value for Paladin by 100%

c. Indignation: increases dmg by all units in AoE by 30% Radiation dmg. Drops shield value for Paladin by 25%

3. Melee with Jat Kittang and Shield

Environment restrictions: Operation Exterminates, High Level Survival and Defense (Grineer)

Idea, not my artwork: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101109124302/fable/images/c/c3/Zw-Industrial_Knight_Outfit.png


Edited by (PS4)Zelgorath
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Behavior:  This specialized division of Grineer shocktroopers, nicknamed "Hullbreaker" was mainly deployed in Grineer-Corpus skirmishes. Specialized in high-profile warfare, they move in squads of 5-10 to disable enemy ships amidst the chaos of combat. Equipped with artificial gravity modules and oxygen rebreathers, Hullbreakers are launched from their ship's capsule launchers, hurling themselves as human projectiles towards the targeted ship.  Upon reaching their objective, the Hullbreakers breach the ship with explosives and descent to bring chaos to the ship's helpless crews. Their objectives may consist from assassination targets, disabling engines, destroying ship cargo or shocktroopers during shipboarding.

Armed with unique multipurpose shells, these ammunition are armed with a state-of-the-art plasma generator which functions as a shield against anti-projectiles attacks and providing incredible armor penetration. The ammunition is loaded with highly explosive sharpnels, which tear easily through armored hulls, equipment, and infantry. The shells are also guided with kinetic propulsors, which can be manually operated by the Hullbreaker's computerized optical interface.

Due to continued Tenno attacks on their ships and repeated humiliation of defeat, the Grineer has recently decided to deploy these unconventional shocktroopers even on their own ships hoping to wipe the unsavory stain on their pride.



Basic Attack: When approached at melee range, they will shove you away and create distance (To avoid killing himself). Repeated close encounters, however, will trigger the Charge Attack.

Charge Attack: Fearless and ruthlessly devoted to the mission, Hullbreakers will attempt to pin you to the ground while others fire at you, sacrificing himself to complete the mission.

- The Tenno will be temporarily stunned, recovery time is based on the Tenno's knockdown recovery.

- If the Tenno has resistance towards being knocked down, the Tenno will deftly dodge the charge and knock the Hullbreaker down instead.

Once the Tenno recovers from being stunned, he can fire his weapon at the Hullbreaker at point-blank. If the Tenno was wielding a melee weapon when being knocked down, he can attempt to instantly kill the Hullbreaker ( Unavailable to heavy weapons)

Projectile Attack: Fires an unstoppable, homing projectile which causes armor-piercing damage, which also explodes into smaller, compact explosive sharpnels.

-Attack intervals between 10-12 seconds.

-Projectiles are controlled by the Hullbreaker's sight, so the projectile stops following the Tenno once the Hullbreaker loses sight of the target or dies.

-Direct hit from this shot may instantly kill the Tenno.


Environment restrictions: Yes. Only appears on ships. When they arrive, they'll blow a hole in the room and create a hazardous environment.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: 

A crappy doodle I made some time ago when I first had the idea for this character. It was originally named Obliterator, but someone else has already submitted an entry with the same name.

Edit: I like, just totally realized the color scheme and the shape of his head looks like a giant purple grineer dildo LOLOLOLOLOL

Edited by DeEtre
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Joke submission.


Name Suggestion: Dogeer

BehaviorMuch fast, very quadrupedal, so sense.

Attacks: Who needs Kubrows? Dogeer has all what it takes: fast movement speed, parcour ability, a dash attack and a lot of wow. Dogeer drops heavy packages that are strapped to his sides, revealing them to be fireworks that stun and blind Tenno in its proximity. The Grineer allies are buffed for the fireworks' duration with new dancing animations, they also get new lines to shout like "Wow, so Tenno, very ninja, much blind". The Dogeer cannot be killed, he appears randomly without any warning, unloads the fireworks and disappears in a cloud of smoke.

Environment restrictions:  Grineer tilesets only

(Optional) Art or Reference Images:


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Name Suggestion: Prophet

Behavior:  This advanced field engineer is an expert in high-tech machinery, and is accompanied by a small armored attack drone. Their name was given due to their drone's ability to detect enemies fast, even if the player is silent and in a further distance.  Prophets are physically fit and can run and dodge enemy attacks with a high speed. Their light armor reinforces their agility but lacks of proper protection features. They are extremely smart. But being intelligent has its drawbacks. If their drone is destroyed they flee from battle. Watch out, because if you kill them, their drone triggers the alert.

Attacks: Dual handguns: moderate damage

                                           burst fire

                                           fast reload

                                           25 bullets in each clip 

               Attack drone: Single machine gun: High damage

                                                                            Low fire rate

                                                                            Can overheat 

                                        Missile pod: Moderate Damage    

                                                              Big blast radius          

                                                              Slow reload time

Environment restrictions:  none 



Edited by Alliedtropa
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   Grineer shield maiden



   Rushes infromt of the other grineer using two shields to block fire agaisnt fellow grineer



   duel shield slam

              slams both shiekds agains opponent bouncing the oppent back ad knockdown

   Shield spike

             the shield maiden jumpes into air slaming shields down agains ground aoe knockdown



    all openm grineer maps

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Name Suggestion: Mephite

Behavior: Tall, gangly masked grineer surgeon that seeks out injured grineer and grants them health by spewing healing gas in a cone, like Ancient Healers but in a tight field in front of himself rather than a PBAoE. Also cures status procs on affected targets. Hangs at the back of groups or runs for cover when attacked. Regenerates health over time, but cannot heal himself or be healed by other Mephites. Talks in a raspy voice that sounds filtered through a tube.

Attacks: Primary attack fires capsule projectiles that burst into poison gas much like the Torid. When engaged in melee, extends a long and vicious-looking needle from his forearm and attempts to skewer the opponent, dealing heavy Viral damage.

Environment restrictions: Anywhere other grineer spawn.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images:



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Name: Cannoneer


Behaviour: Such that it is a skill-based unit, and not an unfair and cheap one like Napalm, let's make his projectiles have friendly fire. He should spawn only with Heavy Hunners, Hellions and Bombards. Only those. The unit should stick to it's squad. Make it follow the gunners/bombards and whatnot.


Has very large attack range and is sensitive to movement. Should target players the moment they are within it's gun's range, regardless if he sees them or not, instead make his awareness much weaker if the player is not sprinting (moving crouched or just jogging). The two of the main engagement procedures should be either charging straight to him very quickly (and it should be like really fast) and stunlocking him and heavy gunners, or preferably getting in cover and killing him when he reloads.


The unit should not have that much armour and it should not scale with HP too much. Instead it should mainly scale with the effectiveness of his attacks. Ideally this unit should be fought from mid-long range.


This unit should force players to retreat and engage the squad from afar. It is designed to create a "boss-battle" scenario within normal play by making a squad of highly armoured targets (which can also knock players down) that you can not just openly spam with everything you've got. It's main objective though is not to damage players, but make them more vulnerable to his teammates, in the event that Tenno behave too recklessly.



Primary attack: Shoots a grenade (with a mortar-like arc), that falls on the ground and in a second explodes into many smaller pieces that create a Cryo hazard for 1-5 seconds (depending on the unit's level). The damage of the grenades is not too large, but is higher on the shields than on health. The hazard however has the same slowing effect as the Orokin cryo traps. The grenade is a physics projectile and can be shot to explode early, air-slammed to launch it back or be launched back violently using an ability such as sonic boom on Banshee. HAS friendly fire, so will slow Grinner caught in the cryo hazard just the same.


Secondary attack: Activated if Tenno enter it's shorter range of 5-10m (depending on the level of the unit). The Cannoneer charges for a split second (can be stunlocked in this state preventing the attack) and releases an immediate AoE blast that applies a weaker slow effect than primary attack, but drains all of Tenno's stamina. 


Environment restrictions: Only spawn in large open areas.

Edited by Megakoresh
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Name Suggestion: Swamp patrol

Behaviour: This enemy, codenamed ‘Swamp patrol’, just patrol the swamp/jungles territories of earth.

Attacks: This exoskeleton is very high armoured and is drived by a single elite grineer lancer but has a fire powerful like 2 grineer heavygunner using 2 heavy weapon one in each hand, some Tenno say they also see a model using 2 flamethrower.

Environment restrictions: Yes, this exoskeleton is project for diffucult territories of jungle/swamp but it is also used in the ice territories conquered by grineer. 

Optional Art: http://www.jeansimard.com/images/wip/apu/apu70.jpg

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Name Suggestion: Aberration


Behavior:  A large Grineer unit pure brawn but no brains, this unit is controlled by the device on his back. If this device is destroyed, the units goes into a frenzy, attacking both ally and enemy.  
Tackle: Used when the target is in mid range. Will tackle toward the target. If successful, it will hit the target with with a punch in a manner similar to the finishers when using melee. 
Object toss: Used when the target is far. Will pick up an object, enemy or ally and throws it to the target. 
Punch: Used when target is near. A devastating punch that blows the target away.
Environment restrictions:  Only present in open areas. Only one can spawn at a time.
Art or Reference Images: (Max 3 images).
Art by me


Art by HarbingerNgKamalasan






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Name: Pandemonium Parasite


Behavior: This enemy, is named before its abilites, this small parasite like cyborg-tick can create chaos on the battlefield.

By spreading an toxical gas wich does gas damage to the opponent, and causing hallucination, so the enemy will be confused and partly blinded by the thick gas.

These small robots are an combination of exotic tick types and robotical components the creature itself is controlled by an integrated control module, their body is mostly made of thin grineer armour. They have an sack as tail to storage gas, these are covered with armour, beacuse if these sacks are smashed they will explode.

These parasites mostly hide in shadows, they have 240 degrees sight angle, so they see pretty well from any position to set an ambush.

They are very agile, vulnerable when they try to attack!!

These robots can walk on any surface and really fast, they come in numbers of 3 maxim 4 and they can approach their foe from any way, they can appear surprisingly from behind or to ambush from the ceiling.

They still can jump high to evade rifle attacks.


Attacks: These robots, can spread gas dealing medium gas damage and can cause hallucination, like the Loki's decoy to distract the tenno attention from the real grineers.

But that isn't all, these parasite's ability is to jump on the Sentinels or other robotical foes and take control over them with the tentacles, just for an small period, it will overwrite the main comands to attack the nearby enemies.

Therefore it is called a parasite.

Attacking takes a bit time, to prepare for attack, max. 2 seconds.

They have two fighting strategy:They can wait at one place to ambush the incoming foe, or to hunt for the enemy.

Other information about attack\defense are at the behavior section.


Environment Restrictions: No restriction, they can walk on any surface, they are common enemy and not too hard to kill them, and their production cost is small so they are everywhere!






The armour color is optional, it is just camo, and the color of tentacles and the sack is optional too just a reference!




Reference about their size, gas attack, and their parasite attack.




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Nombre: Lancero venator


Comportamiento: Este grineer armado con una Grakata tiene varios KUBROW amaestrados que usa para dar caza a los enemigos. Los KUBROW amaestrados que usa pueden detectar unidades infiltradas si estan muy cerca y puede distinguir entre un holograma y un tenno. Si hay KUBROW salvajes cerca atacaran al mismo objetivo que los KUBROW amaestrados. 


Restricción ambiental: Solo aparece en Tierra a no ser que puedan haber KUBROW en otros lugares.



Aspecto: Lleva poca armadura y una piel de KUBROW.

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Name Suggestion: Grineer Demolisher


BehaviorA heavily armed, heavily armored melee combatant, the Demolisher behaves exactly as its name implies: as a fearless force of destruction, waiting to be unleashed upon the enemies of the Grineer. Armed with the fearsome Jat Kittag jet-hammer and clad in the heaviest alloy armor, the Demolisher doesn't hesitate to charge into battle against any enemy, Tenno or otherwise.


Attacks: -First and foremost, the Demolisher is able to charge deceptively fast in spite of its heavy armor. Upon reaching the target of its charge, it will swing its hammer in a wide, horizontal arc, damaging and heavily knocking back anyone struck.


-The Demolisher can also charge its hammer for an extra-powerful strike. Doing so restricts its movement as it struggles to keep the rocket-powered weapon under control, but also allows it to unleash an enormous shockwave by slamming the ground, damaging and inflicting blast status on anyone hit.


-Alternatively, the Demolisher can swing the hammer in a circle after charging instead of smashing the ground. The area of effect is much smaller by comparison, but the swing is much faster to execute, and also boasts much higher damage and a significant knockback.


Environment restrictions:  Demolishers can be found in any non-ship Grineer tileset, but are more common in invasions and on conquered planets.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: No artwork, but Grineer Demolishers are always female, with armor much like the Heavy Gunners, only bigger and bulkier.

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OI! Credit the artist! No one likes their art stolen! Seen too much of this on these contests already don't contribute to the art thieving.

But how will we win without pretty pictures?! This is an art contest, right? Wait...

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Name Suggestion: Ghosts


BehaviorMasters of stealth, Ghost Grineer will cloak themselves and attempt to get behind enemies. Not only quiet and quick, they are Grandmasters of close quarter combat. Once near you or behind you, they will grapple the enemy Tenno, locking them. If hit by enemy abilities or bullets, they will be revealed. Because of this, they tend to travel across the outside boarders of tilesets, sticking close to walls, or even climbing along the roof of shorter tilesets. Ghosts are not 100% invisible, as they have not obtained the full power that matches Tenno technology, but they should be just invisible enough that one would have to actively be looking for them to notice them. Take a look at the pictures below for reference on how cloaked they should be.


Attacks: Once grappled, Tenno will be locked up and unable to fire their weapons. They will have 1 second to react with the melee button, which will instantly kill the Ghost. If the Tenno doesn't respond fast enough, the Ghost will use electric shock weapons that are built into the armor in its arms and hands. This will set the Tenno into a crumple animation, similar to a how knockdown animation stops all player action, the Warframe will crumple to its knees and then flat on its stomach, then proceeding to get back up. Once successfully incapacitated, the Ghost will backflip a large distance away, then stealth himself again. These Grineer can see invisble players, and will reveal them if the shock is succesful.


Environment restrictions:  Spawn rate is on par with Shield Lancers


(Optional) Art or Reference Images:





(Images not mine)

Edited by LesserNeon
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Name: Grineer Hekker (named after your most significant person)


Most honoured councilor Vay Hek


The work is done, by injecting the faulty gene found in the grustrag examples into the most abled bodies, combined with the regular gene it increases strength, durability, fearlessness and a slightly degenerated mind, making them more sensitive to orders. But notably is their increased body mass. They turned into hulking beasts with hunger for action, but absolute and unquestionable loyalty. The only problem is the success rate, turning mass production into a goal for the near future.


To give them the edge in battle they are equipped with heavy armor, with extra plating on the head, torso and underarms. Because of their size their movement is a rumbling jog turning into a groundshaking sprint over time


Because of their fierce loyalty, and slightly lower brain activity, they are immune to the most extreme form of disloyalty: fear (terrorize, fire), and also ignore other effect which tests the loyalty of other soldiers, such as radiation effects and the horrifying warframe called 'Nyx'. They will readily give their lives to protect their comrades and reveres the commanders.


(Attack:) If a commander is greatly hurt it will go into a state of rage, gaining health over time, and regularly emits unsettling roars, stumbling nearby enemies and working nearby grineer up in a vengeful rage, giving frontline units a shieldbash like attack, and other soldiers an decrease of recoil.


They use a variation of the gorgon, it fires bullets weighing an ounce each, which gives the bullets high velocity, thereby some punchthrough and able to bounce once. The maximum fire rate is relatively slow..


They are also equipped with two large explosives, containing half a pound of rare argon enhanced explosives, they will throw one of them near a tenno, multiple targets if possible. The blast might not blow the tenno away, but are mortally wounded and if one is lucky enough to survive the blast(damage), then the second part of the blast with a significantly larger radius will induce a radiation proc and turn the pesky creatures upon their own. The other one is meant for an untimely death.


Because of our reconditioning they have a palpable hate of tenno, and when one is foolish enough to come near them they will swipe them away like insignificant paper dolls.


Environmental restrictions: none, survival 15 minutes, defense wave 10  however they always accompany a commanders.


Your Loyal servant,

Doctor Tengus



art: is a description also okay: 2 times as big as a lancer, wieling an artilery sized gorgon, grey near the front, because of damaged paint. a heavy head casing with a standard facial plate, but with small eye split so they can focus their attentionon on the enemy, Rough irregualr plating, carring small trunklike explosives below their left shoulder. The underarms are covered with ridges to give  satisfying crunching sounds of tenno bones breaking. Walking with a swagger. He often swings his enhanced gorgon like it a small wand. slightly a hulk like appearance in posture and proportions.

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Name Suggestion: Helmasquer (Hel-mas`-ker)
Behaviour: Elite guard of the Grineer queen. Made from the finest genetic materials. Fast movement with medium speed/ high damage attacks.
Attacks:  Experts in close range combat with a heavy sword, and able to deal devastating knockdown blows and fire charged blasts with a massive mechanical fist/ cannon.
Environmental Restrictions: Needs space to swing weapons effectively.
Artwork by user YamagataYugi
Description by user Superumouyun



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Name Suggestion: Scion


Behavior: To combat the growing Tenno menace, a new response force, dubbed the Scion Sect, was commissioned personally by the Grineer Sisters. Each member is handpicked for their ferocity and skill, and they are augmented with technology developed from the Orokin artifacts recovered by Sargas Ruk. The scions answer directly to the Sisters, acting as her personal agents of retribution in the war against the Tenno.


Attacks: Each scion is equipped with a deadly Orokin-Grineer hybrid battle rifle similar to Vor's Seer pistol in design and a scythe-like melee weapon that is also constructed with hybridized technology. In addition, the scions' augmentations allow them to manifest the powers used by Grineer eximus units. Unlike an eximus, however, a given scion can use multiple powers, making them more akin to the Warframes in ability.


Environment Restrictions: Scions are encountered singularly among standard units similar to eximus unit spawns. Rumors of scion strike groups have also surfaced.



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Name Suggestion: Grineer Digger


Behavior: The Grineer Digger and his two modded rollers that are made to dig into the ground or ships in some cases tend to stay in cover. When he notices an enemy he sends his diggers into the ground to get the advantage on the Tenno. Then he lays fire with his Missile Barrage like weapon(fires like the new angstrum with multishot on). He is a medium armored Grineer


Attacks: He has 1 attack which is to fire his gorgon weapon at you. He tends to do this after his diggers have trapped you. They have two attacks, one being a trap which they dig under your feet causing your legs to be trapped into the ground preventing you from moving and dealing damage to you. The other attack is used after that one has failed they dig under and "jump" out of the ground into the Tenno knocking them down and harming them.


Environment restrictions: Any but they try not to dig into their own ships unless they have too.

Edited by TrueMalkavian
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Name: The Techy


Appearance: An elite who is a surprisingly frail looking Grineer with a large clunky podium and various bits of tech and gizmos.


Behavior: Hides in larger rooms so he has lots of room to play with his 'toy' as well as receive lots of support from inferior units. Through the power of observation, this Nerd has found out how to make use of the glitch that occasionally made gravity hate Tenno when they ran through the warp gate from the Corpus ships( should've joined our side for those invasions). Don't know if DE has fixed this yet, but who cares because we can do it now. Now the Techy can smoosh them against walls and make them look like they're moon walking( HIE HIE Shamona).    



     Remember this!?: Flips a switch and magnetizes Tenno equipment to whatever surface chosen. Has a short duration and needs a few seconds to recharge.( prevents shield recharge while in effect)


     MY cool gravity machine!!!: Erects a barrier that takes a fixed amount of damage and slightly pushes you away from it.


     YOU cant have it!!!: Tries to smash his equipment before you get through the barrier and electrocutes himself.( this also breaks the machine, so run away before explosion)


Environment: Large rooms to take advantage of length of time it takes to reach The Techy.

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Name Suggestion: Grineer Tamer

Behavior: Having conquered Earth for a long time, the Grineer has managed to tame the vicious Feral Kubrows to be used for their own benefits. These Tamer will appear along with their Kubrow, giving orders to their Kubrow to attack and then attacking with their own weapons

Attacks: The Tamer rarely attacks and rely more on the Kubrow. They will use hand signals and sounds to give order to the Kubrow, which will cue on which move will the Kubrow use (normal slashes and bites, jumping on enemies to knock them down, etc). Aside from this, they're usually attacking with small arms such as Viper, Brakk, or Kraken

Environment restrictions:  Earth and Grineer Ships only. The Kubrows can't quickly adapt to other planet's climate

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Name Suggestion: "Reaar" Kubrow



This cloned variantion, had its torso replaced for explosives, and life support machinery; Also, lacking time to tame the beast, its head has also been manipulated and backed with a OS, which only purpose is to recognize friendly and being commanded, although unaware, to explode itself upon reaching the enemy or while in the close proximities of it, to deal massive damage, that's why this deadly pet cries at the moment of his imminent death, because of pain, reflecting the lack of humanity in grineer ways and their rush to become better than the other factions in the origin system at any cost, sacrificing an innocent being for their selfish purposes in the process,


Especs: 300 armor (stays there) & life escalates, speed won't escalate, IA escalates.


Attacks: Upon sightseeing an enemy charges ferociously against it, changing from a speed movement of 2.5 m/s to 5 m/s  and having reached the 5 mts mark (to its objective) the explosives are activated to deal 700 explosion damage in a 5 mts radius, with a 100% chance of knockdown in the same effective area; meanwhile proc or damage don't work on fellow grineer.


Enviroment restrictions:  Apparently none, and only appears above Earth, and well... also there


Protip: Instakill if possible, if not... well, run, $#*(@, RRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNN!!!


Reference Images:






^maybe a tad more kubrow-ish/warframe-related :D

^^images belong, totally... to their respective owners, re-hosted only for recreational-inspirational purposes :P

Edited by (PS4)feel-T_ornado
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Name Suggestion: Bhunivelze


Background: These Units are the answer on the solution how the harvested orokin and corpus technology is used. After a large discovery of orokin artefacts in the depths of Uranus, Tyl Regor was able to get his hands on a large machine. Due to his skill and technological wisdom he was able to reanimate the machine which began to reproduce an golden shining metal.

The Grineer were fascinated and tried to grip and touch the material as it suddenly slithered around their hands and fused with their already deteriorating skin.

To Regors surprised, the unit didnt die, instead the arm held a weapon far beyond the strength of an ordinary grineer rifle. Certainly interested he worked in several Operations to change the units other arm into a corpus cyborg hybrid, when unexpectedly both technoglies merged and a new unit was born in the Laboratory, Bhunivelze.

The right side of the body golden, why the left side has the corpus black and a grineer mask on its face. The queens were impressed with Regors discovery and are using them now as their personal little army. The Bhunivelze Unit is about 2 or 3 heads higher than a regular tenno.


Behavior: The unit is a slow but hard hitting machine, even able to take down high shields if the tenno lets himself become to easy-minded.Bhunivelze tries to guard a boss character and is mostly found near the boss room, never next to them. The units have a good sence of teamwork and guard each others backs which makes a uncloaked attack mostly impossible. When they see an enemy they alert the nearby units through sending a high pitched sound which must seem like buzzing for tenno. The tenno has then about 10 seconds to kill the unit before several squads and another Bhunivelze join the fight. Their tactic is search and destroy like usual soldiers but their anchor mechanism allows them to become rigid and shoot at the place, able to block the pathway for escape.



Lockdown - Bhunivelze and his team Units block each escape paths for the intruders and use their shield to hold on until they have the enemy pinned down. They strategically then move forward to destroy the enemy at all cost.

Warcry - Similar to Valkyr, the Bhunivelze Unit uses a screetching sound that stimulates the grineer clone genes to deal out higher damage for a certain amount of time. The higher the lvl is, the longer the cry will last.

Rapid Fire - The unit has two different modes, regular fire - where he shots with his rifle or goes into melee combat when he thinks its necessary(uses fist weapon due to the highcrafted strength) and rapid fire where the bhunivelze unit will keep on a certain target and shoot as fast as a gorgon.

Orokin Shield - His mobility to escape a threat is a orokin shield ospey that is built into the units backpack. Depending on how low the masters hp is - the unit will detach and provide a shield, similar to the reaction of a moas osprey.


Environment restrictions: Does only appear near Boss Areas, depending on the lvl more or less - but never more then 3.





^ best version i could find that expresses my idea...unfortunately not that much robot-clones available .__.

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