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Stop Searching For Crashing Errors, Here Is The Reason!


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The Game is simply NOT stable.

The whole engine is flawed enough to crash even complete systems, something that is with a modern operating system nearly impossible.


But the worst are all the “Helpers” here.

You will get every advice from to weak power source up to dust on the mainboard to defend the game.

Because if is runs with most of the people here it must be stable, right?


Here are the only advice you should follow.

  1. Update your Drivers

  2. If all other games run but Warframe, bear with it or try it again after some upedates.

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I'd like to stop you right here before this becomes a rage thread with flaming and stuff.


You've only been playing this game for less then a month now according to your join date.

Yes, lately the game has been crashing often, but the latest major update brought a few errors.

The DDoS attacks didn't help either.


DE will fix it.. just give them time.

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I’m not that upset, actually i like the game and it runs 100% fine on my PC,

BUT its just a fact that the engine has some mayor flaws and its not OK that some “Helpers” suggest you have buy new hardware or other stuff only to defend the Game.


Also I’m a little upset because a friend of me with the almost exact same system has the crashes.

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To be fair, it's not exactly defending the game, but searching what would be the cause and what's the fix for it. There's a lot of variables out there that could affect gaming performance, and game's engine is just one of them, so it's just fine for those 'helpers' to suggest those kind of advices from their own experience. (although I admit there are a few arseholes that kept blaming it on poor specs without finding the whole case...)




What game doesn't crash? 

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I think the better question is "What game doesn't crash constantly?".  Because, this game does ;)  At least, it crashes whenever I play certain missions, like Mab on Uranus and Metis on Jupiter.  It's terrible, because they are both crux missions that prevent me from playing past those planets. 


Also, forums without spell check?  Did it give up in frustration at having to fix such linguistic nightmares as to make misanthropes of us all?   Is there any adult who isn't?  At least, now people are forced to think about what they're typing.  It seems the only way to make people better themselves is to remove the crutches of convenience and mindlessness *the opposite of mindfullness*.  Who'd have thought?  ;)

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Also, forums without spell check?

Its called built into most browsers, not forums.  Who would right forum software to parse and check each character you enter into a textbox before its transmitted to the server in the first place.

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I feel like I should just mention that we are actively trying to track down many of the issues that players are experiencing. While it may sometimes seem like we do not have as much of a presence on the performance forums, I can assure you that it is because we are trying to break down as many scenarios that we can in which these issues can occur. It is true that not every solution can be solved with updating drivers or replacing faulty hardware, however that does not mean I would rule out those solutions entirely.

Every thread in this forum is valued and I greatly appreciate the fact that we have such an active community of people who are willing to help each other while we investigate these issues on our end. I encourage everyone to provide as much insight as possible, regardless of whether or not it leads to an absolute solution, because more often than not it actually does.

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personally, haven't crashed in months. So it isn't just the game itself, as you claim, but a combination of the game and your computer.

Because, contrary to what some may belief, not every rig is the same - and devs are trying to account for as many possible setups as possible, but unless you give a proper report about crashes with your system spec, there's really not much they can do. And even IF they have your specs, and set up a PC just like yours, there's still the chance that some unlisted program you got installed or even just some registry entries you might have fiddled with, might be interfering.

Edited by ScorpDK
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I don't come to this forum section often. I've logged about 800 hours of actual gameplay since the start of open beta, and I can count on one hand how many times the game has crashed for me. There are others that say they crash constantly. Your mileage may vary.

Edited by Charismo
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its a beta, so yeam, they might sometime release a code that have not been fully tested.


like with update 13 where you would crash if joining ongoing session, it might not be something they could test.


the only way to make it easier is, to create test server with everything unlocked, and let players help find crashes or errors befor the update going live.


the test server will naturally only have 1 user for everyone like with flappy zephyr minigame so players cant gain anything other then helping locate bugs or crashes.

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0 crashes recently. 6 year old gaming rig that still runs everything from WoW to BF4 on high settings just fine. Only things ive swapped out are the cooling system and upgraded my ram to 8 gigs. (cooling system died, ram got corrupted and had to little of it) yeah i get bluescreens every once in a while but thats usualy when i dont give my rig time to warm up before jumping it into gaming 

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Late 2011 MacBook Pro on Bootcamp only 5 crashes in 3 months. 
New gaming PC I built, 1 crash in 1 month.

Its definitely a hardware problem as DE is trying to optimize the game for low-end hardware and 32 bit software. Just chill and play the game on the lowest settings or something. If you really want to help rather than complain for the sake of complaining post your computer's specs so that DE can help isolate the issue so they can prioritize optimizing for low-end hardware or not. Plus if 70% of people can run the game then yeah its pretty stable considering the millions of people that play the game. 


And BTW Windows has crashed more times than Warframe for me. #justsaying

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It crashes reliably on my computer if I turn on Tessellation and the Physx effects. My drivers are up-to-date.


EDIT: I need to amend that. I turned everything on just to check, but no crashes so far..

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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32 Bit MASTER RACE. This game instantly turned my laptop ino a console/vita killer. It's been almost a year since I touched my ps3 and my vita is used primarily to post on the forums cuz....im playing warframe on muh 2009 Dell Laptop Like A BOSS. MAYBE 1 crash a week if I am unlucky.

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I feel like I should just mention that we are actively trying to track down many of the issues that players are experiencing. While it may sometimes seem like we do not have as much of a presence on the performance forums, I can assure you that it is because we are trying to break down as many scenarios that we can in which these issues can occur. It is true that not every solution can be solved with updating drivers or replacing faulty hardware, however that does not mean I would rule out those solutions entirely.

Every thread in this forum is valued and I greatly appreciate the fact that we have such an active community of people who are willing to help each other while we investigate these issues on our end. I encourage everyone to provide as much insight as possible, regardless of whether or not it leads to an absolute solution, because more often than not it actually does.

I remember when I started to play warframe when everything was basic , I always had 60 FPS / DX11 

Then you added stuff , always FX or anything else , making maps bigger and bigger ... but now I'm unable to play game with DX 11 at 60 fps 

have to play DX 9 (and most option disabled) to get 60 FPS , but with warframe its feel terrible when losing a few FPS i mean lowering to 45 FPS its feel like heavy lag

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  • 4 weeks later...

My brother crashes all the time when he plays with me in group ...if he  host or not.....but with other people never crashes...weird .....his OS is xp 32 bit ....and i keep telling him to update is OS with at least windows 7 64 bit ..... but he tells me  that is not  the case...can anyone can help me on this issue??

Edited by emblema
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I recently upgraded my stuff.

way back i have a GT 630 nvidia, it crash alot and i had a 32bit win7. (but doesnt crash on other game like ac4, cod, skyrm AND its a hint that its NOT with my specs)


Last month

i upgraded my old graphics card to a GTX 650 which is cheap and upgraded to a 64bit win7

i can run warframe smoothly with just i3 4gb ram which isnt a monster spec just a normal thing. all high all on. dx11 on physx and 64bit mode.


Proved that

the culprit was the 32bit OS i had OR the graphics card i had before


DE tech support

assisted me with ram test, setting ram paging to 4k, updating everything, gfx stresstest, windows all in one fix,  - which all didnt helped and i still crashed that time.

but those are some things that are nescessary to nail down the problem.



every update you could see "Fixed crashes" on patch notes.


its just weird for people that has above minimum syst requirements and had their drivers and os updated to still crash and other games doesnt crash


best bet is wait, its beta there are things needs to be corrected

Edited by Ritchel
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You need to get a grip on what a Beta is. If you'd like some assistance, it's basically early access to whatever (typically software) to obtain information regarding:


1. Performance

2. Improvements (Anything from interfacing to tiny mechanics)

3. Future bulletproofing to issues.


Now, with that said, the game crashes, yes, don't whine about it, report it with details, it will help the staff patch it and get on with other issues.

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If you have problems with Warframe, then you have something wrong.


The only time Warframe ever crashed to me, was because my graphic card needed a serious update.



Driver updates dont always fix game crashing.


I have updated mine still crashed gone back 6 months boefore the update it still crashed so going to new drivers did not fix it. I still have no answer. I know lot about pcs i built mine. My other games dont crash only War Frame so its the game not Hardware its the game. But say I crash doing an Earth mission ok crash there re start go back to same place . No crash so I can finish the mission. Go to another area that NEVER crashed guess what it crashed. Go back to Earth crash. So there no fixed area to make it crash. So there something in the code that crashes it so to fix it must be an nightmare. As it crashes at random places. So if it was say Earth area always crashed you could stay away from there and wait to it to be fixed,. But you cant. You can have the same specs as a friend but what on the pc can play a part to. But even if you have the same softare everything. You find one well be ok other would not.


all my games are fine so I dont need to change my drivers. I just did it too test . I put my pc back to mormal as it was when I first installed game. I played over 80 hours no crashing.  Started to crash round Jupiter . Now it any time now. Its worse since update 13.8 though. before it was like say 2 times over 5 hours of playing time. I can live with that its beta and free to play after.

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