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Warframe Drinking Games.


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I have a ton of alcohol and nothing to do this weekend, I'm sure you can see where this is going.

Can anyone think of any fun/interesting drinking games that are Warframe related?


I was thinking take a shot everytime someone ulties, but I don't hate my liver that much.


Ps. Anyone coming here to comment about how drinking is bad or whatever, please just stay quiet. 

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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When you get a transmission, start chugging. Don't stop until the transmission ends. 


Totally $#!+ faced by the end of the first mission.

...Wondering if I should try this. Maybe take a shot at each transmission?


Play a short void mission (for example exterminate) and drink everytime you didnt get what you wanted.

I don't need anything from void though :<



cya on the toilet in 10min.

Would prefer real game stuff xD


Watching the recruit chat and drinking at every "no noobs".

Would prefer in mission stuffs.

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every time a mob dies and drops something, take a shot.

Again I kinda want my liver to survive the night xD


I did make some for a twitch stream a while back I'll have to remember them.

See if you can!


the first time lotus says "it's the grineer" or "it's the infested"  take a shot, 2 shots for the second time reset every mission, or several missions depending on the time your playing

Ohhh that sounds interesting...might have to turn my volume up though so I can hear her.

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When you get a transmission, start chugging. Don't stop until the transmission ends. 


Totally $#!+ faced by the end of the first mission.



the first time lotus says "it's the grineer" or "it's the infested"  take a shot, 2 shots for the second time reset every mission, or several missions depending on the time your playing

So far I might try one of these.

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Whenever someone is incapacitated (when you are able to revive them), take a shot.


Whenever you fail the mission, take a shot.


Whenever the Lotus says "it's the Grineer" finish your drink.


Whenever a fellow player is killed, finish your drink.

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It was late and I was already drunk when I made these so they may not be the best, here it goes.

When a mission is started: Take a 5 second pull (to get nice and warmed up)

Uses an ability: 1 drink

If there is a Rhino who uses Iron Skin: Take a drink

Below 30% with oxy left: 2 drinks

Every 5mins of survival or every 5 waves: Take 2 drink

When bad grammar is used: 3 drink

When heavy unit(s) are approaching: Take 2 drinks

You see an Eximus: Take 4 drinks

Kill a boss: Take a shot

Finnish a mission: Take a shot

When some one goes down: Take a shot

When someone dies: Finnish you beer

When your so drunk you can't tell if your shooting an enemy or a squad mate: You should stop

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