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Why Only 4 Players?


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It is limited to 4 because the game is hosted in a Peer to Peer setup rather then a standard server side hosting. With anymore then 4 players the connectivity becomes even more of an issue then it is now. If they switched to server hosting it might be possible but as it stands that would cause far more harm then good.

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terrible idea


1) would only server to bring more dps

2) would not add any teamwork

3) would dilute the current roles of each warframe

4) there are already latency issues with 4 players

5) more players is only more cumbersome

6) higher numbers =/= more difficulty

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Probably because of the hosting system. As it  currently stands it can bi quite laggy for clients, and doubling the client count would only make the problem worse.

i guessing thats why pvp only has 4 players 


So you want this?




Pictures were taken before Survival Event went live.





 omg never lose lol

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Points taken, but I did mention the difficulty increasing, as more players get involved, so it wouldn't be "easymode".

I would find it pretty hilarious to see enemies which will actually be difficult with 8 players.


Boss would need to have 100billions hp and dmg that could oneshot every player and it still would be soloable so too easy for 8 players.

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I think the dev staff is intelligent and capable enough to handle making the missions challenging for parties with more than 4 people, but I would be co Gerber with latency.

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Part of the reason is the hosting issue.
The other part is that the game engine isn't designed to handle more than 4 player characters + AI mobs + map generation.
In the few times i was able to glitch it higher there were always issues with it such as:
-Invulnerable enemies
-Enemies without AI
-Map generation broke, as in doors spawning open to empty space or half  of a tile just not being solid.

And this is when none of the 7 players were reporting any lag at all.

DE has even stated that the game engine wasn't designed to handle more than 4 players in normal maps.

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