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What Has Happened To This Once Glorious Community?


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I don't think I remember that far back. What was it like? Or was it just the usual "omg this ability isn't broken anymore rip rhino de trying to ruin my fun" screaming from the munchkins?

It was crying for 2 months without stopping. It was pretty bad that i discovered forums around then.



Imagine Blessing nerf crying x 10, and prolong it for 2 months.

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It was crying for 2 months without stopping. It was pretty bad that i discovered forums around then.



Imagine Blessing nerf crying x 10, and prolong it for 2 months.

Dear god.

Glad I wasn't a regular back then, I probably would have nope'd out of there and never came back.

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Most of the level-headed players got bored of the game and left. I don't blame them, really. Especially considering that the game got more popular, and that bringing in more people means there's going to be an influx of not-so-bright people. It's how game communities evolve over time.


Still, it could be WoW official forums. Nothing tops WoW official forums when it comes to driving your forehead into the nearest flat surface.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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pfft, these forums are nowhere near the toxic level the Battlefield Battlelog forums are. RNGesus provides us a common enemy we can vent against.

Yes what this guy says is true, I was about to ask the OP if he's, ya know, been around other forums. They are full pro Heros and KD monsters, I can see why a lot of this community is against PVP because it draws in the idiots from other forums, who then go on to destroy the peace in the forums with negative behaviour. It all escalates quickly.

I actually like this forum, most of the people are helpful and bring to light things that arnt known to others. Haven't really seen many heated arguements, but I've seen some passionate debates

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Yes what this guy says is true, I was about to ask the OP if he's, ya know, been around other forums. They are full pro Heros and KD monsters, I can see why a lot of this community is against PVP because it draws in the idiots from other forums, who then go on to destroy the peace in the forums with negative behaviour. It all escalates quickly.

I actually like this forum, most of the people are helpful and bring to light things that arnt known to others. Haven't really seen many heated arguements, but I've seen some passionate debates

Warframe ComMods do their job quite well. That is one of the reasons why there is little or no amount of serious raging.

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Thank you all for the feedback. I do agree that the size increase made the change inevitable. I hope the community remains one of the better ones out there as it is true that it still has not attained the toxicity levels of others such as LoL and DoTA. 

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Take off the rose tinted glasses.  The rage in the pro system threads and PvP threads was every bit as bad as anything we've had as of late.  This place has never been the garden of butterflies and unicorns you wish it was.

Edited by Aggh
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If Warframe remains PvE, then I agree things won't be that bad.

But more and more DE is catering to PvP.

Especially in the last devstream, they said something in the lines of 'even if [PvP] is not your thing, you should still try it' and something about PvP will give game longevity.

PvP leads to competition and this is where people with inferiority complex become excessively vocal

I think we honestly have some people on this forum with inferiority complex already. Such as those "Loki MasterRace", Or "Rhino". I'm a Loki user myself but seriously come on. Let also not forget the people with the weapon dps inferiority. 

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Did the iron skin nerf cause a megathread to pop up? I think not actually and most people got over the nerf since he was buffed. Nova was complained about everyday in update 9 and it lasted well into update 13. Even with this current "nerf" people are still discontented with her. Prime trading became so bad that it was shoved into a megathread so no one actually bothered to read most of the posts.

 You guys havent seen anything compared to the anger that the iron skin nerf caused back then. Plus it was mixed with the chaos and soundquake nerf around the same time. It was a S#&$storm to say the least.

Edited by theclinton
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Yeah, I think it is important to keep in mind that there's never really an Eden-state when it comes to video game communities unless it is a very samll forum at the game's inception. But the number of insightful posters definitely has seemed to dwindle lately.

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I remember times of yore when feedback and discussions were made by levelheaded people who genuinely wished to see improvements in the game. Debates were settled in a civil manner.


These days, the forum is a toxic mire filled with people wanting to bite each other's heads off. There are a myriad of ways to settle disagreements in a productive manner without resorting to negativity and personal attacks.


It is hard to read threads when they are filled with hate and name calling and this is coming from me, a player. How much harder would it for a developer? 


If we wish for our points to be heard, it would serve us better to present these points in a coherent and civil manner. 

It's pretty logical if you think about it, near the beginning the community was a lot smaller and closely knit. The more popular and mainstream a game become the more @$$hats find there way into the game. at that point it is only a process of hatred spreading hatred. I call this The League of Legends Effect.  But overall i believe most Tenno keep the true spirit of this game alive and i hope we all continue to do so.

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What has happened?


More people came to play the game and visit the forums. 


And most of them do not think before they post, presumably thinking, "Since I have the right to freedom of speech, that means I can say anything I want.". 


Free speech means you can voice your own opinion to others, but that does not mean free speech overrides respect, decency and rational thought (which is a worrisome phenomenon happening and growing with social sites). 

Edited by Renegade343
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Too much people in community, too much head and ideas popping at fast rate, and too much opinions to be unified.

Basically problems in almost every online game.

Edited by Lorche
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I think it all started going downhill after the Rhino God Mode nerf about a year ago. Community saw that polite and constructive feedback gets them nowhere while *@##$ing and screaming gets results...


I mean, look at all those constructive threads in General Feedback by Volt, Xylia, Notion and others who ask for devs to find some time for balance and consistency. Most of them are dead and others will soon be and DEvs won't even acknowledge them.


Hek, the reason they are going to look into status chance mods is because the community made countless threads about it. 

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The more people there are the more idiots there are. Its a linear scale. The possibility of being anonymous makes people think they have the right to become $&*^s.

You get used to it, wading through the S#&$posting is an art form.

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The vocal minority happened.

And the assumption that everything you don't agree with is part of a vocal minority. Seriously that accusation needs to go away it is levied by both sides of every change DE makes.

Aside from that I spend a lot of time on reddit it's much more pleasant than the forums, and from what they say there this community is great, in game, stay away from the forums (and 4chan but I figure everyone knows that already). I personally find that I agree with that statement whole heartedly.

Edited by NevanChambers
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Go search up "pro system" (you'll have to click archive) and search titles only.  You'll find 3 threads.  Why might that mean anything?  Because dozens of other threads on the issue got deleted because  they devolved into a "toxic mire filled with people wanting to bite each others' heads off."  And that was well before the OP had even posted on these forums.


This is nothing new.  It happens every time a game has been up for a bit.  People convince themselves somehow that the community was better in the good old days.  Guess what? They weren't. 


We had the same problems back then only now we have them on an even bigger scale since the community is even bigger and the game is constantly adding new features. There are always more things that people can complain or get angry about and there are a heck of a lot more people to get angry at about them.

Edited by Aggh
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Also people are too cynical and overtake the good things for bad


I havnt been here too terribly long and believe me when i say ive seen more absolute idiots here than any other forum ive ever been to




94% of you are alright, even if we dont always agree on things

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the self righteousness of this thread is too much for me to handle

^These points exactly.

Ignorance should always be acceptable in forums. This is where people come to learn, "ignorant" inquiry or not. We can all agree that the 3 minute tutorial and Almighty Codex don't quite cut it in terms of an adequate source of learning the mechanics of the game. Yet some of us can't spend hours a day pouring over the Wiki and watching Devstream. We have lives outside of gaming.

It is a two way street, yet invariably the people flame basting and causing the degradation of any thread are the ones who have deemed themselves the Guardians of all that is sacred in Warframe. If you don't know something that seems trivial to them or is in opposition to their opinions, then you are in for quite a roast. Heaven forbid if you don't post in the right category.

Anonymity on the internet will always breed these dynamics in a group forum. Anytime a person feels they are omniscient, untouchable or there is no fear of actual repercussions from the other person, then insults and "why don't you know that idiot" attitudes will abound.

Much like someone flipping you off or cursing at you from inside a moving, locked car.

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