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New Alad V-Infested Event Speculation And Hype Megathread


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Is u14 coming Wednesday? With prime access ending, event lead up hype, and with the last devstream showing so much completed, it really looks it :o


I think that's way too optimistic. at the most recent devstream they said it was weeks away.

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I believe they said it was "right around the corner.", and to be fair, that was nearly 2 weeks ago, so it COULD happen.


I'm not saying it's impossible either, just unlikely.



but knowing DE, they might as well toss it in going "you know, tenno, we're actually already done with this! ENJOY!"

Edited by Alighierian
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It seems that some people think that U14 is coming this week or the next but i believe they are wrong. The event will be a preview of the new infested tileset (it was told by Steve in a livestream) and thats it,


U14 will only be here in a month or so. So ppl chill and enjoy the event but do not start the hype just yet.

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Anyone else a bit disappointed they took out the 2 hour alerts? Im more peeved they gave us a ton of reactors over catalysts but whatever.


New lore hype. New update hype. New primes new everything..





oh im so good...Anyways off to just go level grind out the burton and latron and move on to u14.

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Until there is prof otherwise, you can't say it won't. There is always a possibility until solid evidence proves otherwise, and right now, the evidence is stacking up on this week or next.

Next maybe, but I myself feel pretty conformtable saying this week won't happen. Why? because I don't see the event starting and ending before wednesday. It'd be a week-log event starting on wednesday, then next week maybe we have the update.


But event if that's the case, we're still at 13.5.X so I can't imagine DE making a jump that high to reach U14 when they could get us filled with minor content while they prepare the U14 arrival.

Edited by xlraistlx
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It seems that some people think that U14 is coming this week or the next but i believe they are wrong. The event will be a preview of the new infested tileset (it was told by Steve in a livestream) and thats it,


U14 will only be here in a month or so. So ppl chill and enjoy the event but do not start the hype just yet.

In a month?

That would totally break their developing cycle. That would mean that they needed 3 months instead of the usual 2 - 2 1/4 months. Im sorry but I doubt that.

Realistic guess would be June 11th. Why? Because then that would match their usual patch cycle for big updates.

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Next maybe, but I myself feel pretty conformtable saying this week won't happen. Why? because I don't see the event starting and ending before wednesday. It'd be a week-log event starting on wednesday, then next week maybe we have the update.


But event if that's the case, we're still at 13.5.X so I can't imagine DE making a jump that high to reach U14 when they could get us filled with minor content while they prepare the U14 arrival.

They already jumped up from .6 before. So guessing that June 11th is the day wouldn't be a terrible guess...especially since it matches with their usual patch cycle they have.

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Next maybe, but I myself feel pretty conformtable saying this week won't happen. Why? because I don't see the event starting and ending before wednesday. It'd be a week-log event starting on wednesday, then next week maybe we have the update.


But event if that's the case, we're still at 13.5.X so I can't imagine DE making a jump that high to reach U14 when they could get us filled with minor content while they prepare the U14 arrival.

Remember u11 and Valkyr? We couldn't get her for a week because the boss was locked behind and event upon launch of u11. A week long event on an update isn't unheard of.

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They already jumped up from .6 before. So guessing that June 11th is the day wouldn't be a terrible guess...especially since it matches with their usual patch cycle they have.

Yeah that could happen, specially taking in account that we had some wednesday adding just +X.X.1 with the comming of melee 2.0.

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How about...


Now ?



I need a unhealthy dose of lore in order to get my hype going XD


And what Lotus just told us, is not really new.


"He's using the infested....."





Srsly... I hope for Alad V vs. Frohd Bek / the entire Corpus board.

That would be an epic showdown.


edit: Yes, a rematch with Sargas - badass - Ruk would make sense too, but that would be kinda boring because we've already had that.

Edited by WEREsandrock
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