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New Alad V-Infested Event Speculation And Hype Megathread


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The alerts are the event.


But that's not to say it isn't leading up to something bigger. In fact, I'd say it's a pretty good guarantee that there is something waiting for us.

I meant an event in the sense of actually giving event specific rewards. Not saying I didn't like these alerts but they are definitely building up to a bigger thing.

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I meant an event in the sense of actually giving event specific rewards. Not saying I didn't like these alerts but they are definitely building up to a bigger thing.

Yeah, going by what we've played before, these alerts aren't really events. But by definition, they are. Nonetheless, we'll almost definitely be doing something bigger fairly soon. Whether or not we'll get special rewards is up in the air, however.

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Who said it will end next wednesday? It was only mentioned we should keep the weekend free.

+1, DE or lotus only say to keep our weekends free.


Here's what I think.

This Wednesday they will release the ACTUAL event leading up to U14.

Then on the next Wednesday, U14.

that's my guess as well.

that's if the whole pre-event actually ends at Wednesday.

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Here's what I think.

This Wednesday they will release the ACTUAL event leading up to U14.

Then on the next Wednesday, U14.

Possibly. But if this is the case, it seems really... soon. Pun somewhat intended.


But seriously if this is what is happening does it feel a bit rushed to anyone else?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I recall someone on one of the streams to keep your eyes peeled for the weekend, so maybe it'll end on Monday at 8pm EST? Cause that's when dailies are given and things are reset. 

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Suspicious Shipments

PC Tenno, 


The Lotus has sent you an ominous message about suspicious shipments being detected in the Solar System. Some of you voracious warriors have already experienced the enhanced strength of Alad V’s troops. We appreciate your feedback, and we hope you all have fun stopping these Suspicious Shipments! Keep a look out for these Alerts all weekend!

Edited by Shafilp
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