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New Alad V-Infested Event Speculation And Hype Megathread


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Why all the QQ. The 8+ potatoes, cores, Oxium, and money not enough? Be happy they even give that stuff out.

Stuff is nice... But even Steve has confirmed that in the F2P game industry infrequent content updates usually leads to the death of a game. While it's not nearly close to dying I can say that 80% of the people I used to know in game have left or are now inactive. Personally I'm not QQing, but I am genuinely concerned.

Edited by sushidubya
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Anyone have an informed opinion (or better yet, substantiated knowledge) regarding whether or not there will be a continuation of last week's event starting tomorrow. 


I mean, we have the Lotus' message that we all got on Monday, but that is not much to go on. At least last week, Red Text spoiled on the Wednesday update that there would be some kind of weekend event. This week Red Text was silent, conspicuously so given its penchant for important reveals. 


So: Please state whether you think there will be an event starting tomorrow and please substantiate your position with evidence if possible.



Thanks and You're welcome.


Edit: so yeah, I just noticed the new message from the Lotus from half an hour ago. This seems to point convincingly towards some kind of event tomorrow....

Edited by TennoSimons
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I kinda hope not. I've got a lot of work to do over this weekend, so I'd rather it be put off for another week or so to when I'll have more available time.

While that request is understandable, if they based their schedule off of how every single one of their player's days will be, nothing would get done.



As for what I think. I can't imagine us having to wait too much longer to find Salad V and (hopefully) kill him off for good this time. At least story-wise.

Edited by Tymerc
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I kinda hope not. I've got a lot of work to do over this weekend, so I'd rather it be put off for another week or so to when I'll have more available time.



Yeah, unfortunately I am going on a family vacation to a cabin without electricity this weekend, so I am kind of bummed. :(

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While that request is understandable, if they based their schedule off of how every single one of their player's days will be, nothing would get done.



As for what I think. I can't imagine us having to wait too much longer to find Salad V and (hopefully) kill him off for good this time. At least story-wise.


Oh, yeah, I get that, I'm not DEMANDING they put it off to fit my schedule - I've missed events before, I'll miss more eventually; I ain't gonna be a prick and get butthurt about it - I'm just HOPING that DE's schedule doesn't conflict with my own. Ya know?

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Nope, week after next most likely.

U14 will be 2-3 weeks from now as well.

maybe, there is small chance that next week u14 because couple weeks ago in devstream they said that kubrow pet comes in couple weeks and most likely when kubrow comes comes the player ship Edited by Etikim
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I don't understand removing Prime Access 2-3 weeks prior to the next Prime Access. Why not remove/change Prime Access a couple of days before the new access?  With all the "data" that's been leaked sometime tells me the release should have been this week or next week.   Another 2-3 weeks is $&*&*#(%& to me.   Pretty sure people still want to buy what was available :/

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