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Too Many Orokin Reactors, Too Little Catalysts


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Don't be Greedy.

A free online game need to make profit to feed their own crew, without those profit, there wouldn't be any WF.


This is the effect when people got fed and demands for more. Thinking that they are entitled to them.


By reading what OP said, the meaning behind those words are, MORE Catalyst! lesser Reactor!

I prefer this ratio, those whom need catalyst, go buy them using plat! support DE!.



Shame most of the veterans drop dead like flies. 

Cause they prefer tanking those lasers... thinking that pro (MR high) means faster killing & rushing.


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I really need more catalysts the reactors are nice and all but there are more weps than warframes so it would make sense

nice and all someone actually gets it


however no one will understand or will go full derp when reading that part of your reply

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Don't be Greedy.

A free online game need to make profit to feed their own crew, without those profit, there wouldn't be any WF.


This is the effect when people got fed and demands for more. Thinking that they are entitled to them.

right so tell me why is DE giving reactors etc away over a months time


let alone why are they doing these specific hype up to event alerts ?


your argument is invalid here. if they wanted to make a profit then they would not be doing these from the start now would they


no one is demanding more, so basically we are not fed nor are we starving , the ratio to witch we get reactors to cats is stupid in a way..

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I facepalmed so hard.


right so tell me why is DE giving reactors etc away over a months time


let alone why are they doing these specific hype up to event alerts ?


your argument is invalid here. if they wanted to make a profit then they would not be doing these from the start now would they


no one is demanding more, so basically we are not fed nor are we starving , the ratio to witch we get reactors to cats is stupid in a way..


You are really the most selfish being in this whole thread.

-You keep saying balancing the ratio and previously demands 3X times more catalyst. But somehow you're not demanding anything?

-And you're thinking because people give you something for free then it's not because of good intent but simply because it didn't cost them anything?


That master emblem clearly isn't earned with your own money huh?

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not really u get 2or3 blue potato peer month its not bad (for me one or 2  u know real life xD 


and if they made a ratio none will ever get reactor or once per year  


and if u need blue potato add 75 plat for 5$


boom 3 potato for cheap 

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don't change the number of given orokin XXX items.

simply change the ratio of reactor to catalyst.


is that basically what you're getting at? 

because if so, i heartily agree.


edit: reasoning below


19 base warframes

5 prime warframes. (one of which if you don't already have, you won't be getting.)

6 sentinels.


max possible needed reactors: 30.



6 sentinel

56 melee weapons

45 secondary weapons

48 primary weapons.


max possible needed catalysts: 155.


(data taken from wiki and includes retired weapons)

Edited by xethier
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We all appreciate free stuff, and I think it benefits DE to be a little giving now and then.


That aside, Catalysts should be more common for the same reason forma are so common.  We use

them a lot more.  A lot of us have 2 years worth of reactors.


It would be cool if we always had a choice between the two, like with conflicts.

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right so tell me why is DE giving reactors etc away over a months time

let alone why are they doing these specific hype up to event alerts ?

your argument is invalid here. if they wanted to make a profit then they would not be doing these from the start now would they

no one is demanding more, so basically we are not fed nor are we starving , the ratio to witch we get reactors to cats is stupid in a way..

No one is demanding more? go re-read OP post slowly and steady.

It's not about the ratio, he wants more catalyst alerts and not reactors, while there are OTHER players who needs reactor more than catalyst.


Therefore, OP is thinking for himself.


IF, let's say IF DE will to balance the catalyst & reactor alert rate by adjusting RNG.

With the experiences of how crappy the RNG system is.

there would't be any reactor alerts at all, or maybe some at "your" sleeping time.


who's begging? 

highlighting a flaw, sure. 

Everyone who's posting on this thread is.

Me included, will admit.

Wouldn't hurt much to have free stuff which can be obtained by alert or plat.

Rather than DE not giving us free plat stuff (potato) in the first place.

I prefer this to remain the same.

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- snip -


i did read the OP. he said that for every reactor alert there should be 3 catalysts.

the emphasis that he's asking for more alerts overall is entirely yours and not the OP.

i took it to mean that the ratio of reactor to catalyst should be adjusted. not increased overall.


i'd go so far as to say there should be 5:1 weighted on catalyst. (155 : 30)


i've not "begged" for a damned thing. i've pointed out that given the number of items in the game relative to the orokin items given out, that reactors seem to be heavily favored over catalysts.

when you consider the over 5:1 difference in the number of items requiring catalysts to reactors... this makes little sense.


hyperbole is fun and all, but rarely useful to constructive conversation.

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u want catalyst?

there you go, seems DE has made your wish comes true.

 with a  1 Reactor : 5 Catalyst, that will make reactor a 0.1667% appearance rate.

Ask for a balance, and reactor will never come true.

Edited by low1991
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u want catalyst?

there you go, seems DE has made your wish comes true.

 with a  1 Reactor : 5 Catalyst, that will make reactor a 0.1667% appearance rate.

Ask for a balance, and reactor will never come true.


again with hyperbole. 


i'm asking for a more reasonable ratio. not this mythical *balance* you're referring to.

i have no idea where your drop rate numbers come from but that number is absurd by any rational standard.

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Uhh yeah...

Try giving 1 euros to tons of people. Multiple times in two days.

Between the slot system (which limits free players ability to use reactors) and the limited release of stuff that actually needs reactors, you can't really consider giving out free reactors a huge loss. Personally I'm sitting on 25 of them atm. They pile up quickly once you get everything that you can use them on; mind you I prolly bought 10-15 of them before that. Edited by Aggh
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