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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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Has anyone considered that there's a whole higher rung to the ladder that is this argument?

There's a whole cohort of players (and founders) that didn't get the Lato and Braton Vandals because we came to this game after they were released. The same argument was made when a few people asked for a re-release of those: No. They have no plans to. That may change in the future, but for the moment. . . no plans. I was sad that I missed out, but them's the breaks.


I'm not saying that this is the right or wrong response, but it's the response you're getting with Founder items. For myself, I don't especially care; if they decide to release them later on, fine. It's no skin off my back and I don't value my place in the game based on exclusive items.


But I do wonder why it seems so important to people to have access to something even similar (like dual versions) of these items? What's in it for you? And second, even if you were to release dual versions of the Lato and Skana, what makes you think that'd stop people complaining about not having the single versions?

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why wouldnt they want to be more like him? im not putting him on a pedestal, im saying founders should have the best interest of the game in mind when talking about improvements or solutions... he even said that in his post and i agree with that


he has the moral standard that people who bought the founders gear should have, not being selfhish about this topic even when the proposed idea doesnt interefere with their purchases


and if u vomitted just by reading those two sentences, then you must have a weak stomach or something


You're saying that we should be like him because he has "the best interest of the game in mind", which to you is agreeing with your position. So, again, you're saying that we should be like him because you agree with him.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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What is this? Private thread of 5 people?

Its got at least 7 and you know it


Seriously though cut the crap


Theres alot of good discussion going on sprinkled with comments like these followed by people saying the thread isnt civil and needs to be locked when the ones calling for it are the ones causing it


Be civil or at least half decent


Back on topic


What if these items were released under a prime access type pack along with other goodies that anyone could grab?



I'm sorry, but there isn't even any agreement here on whether these items should be released at all.

Well maybe if we discussed into this more we can find some bending room


Lets say a 50-150$ set of bundles that are all tradeable?

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why wouldnt they want to be more like him? im not putting him on a pedestal, im saying founders should have the best interest of the game in mind when talking about improvements or solutions... he even said that in his post and i agree with that


he has the moral standard that people who bought the founders gear should have, not being selfhish about this topic even when the proposed idea doesnt interefere with their purchases


and if u vomitted just by reading those two sentences, then you must have a weak stomach or something

Alright, alright. Everyone should always be striving to be better people but this is not the place or time for that sort of thing.

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What is this? Private thread of 5 people?

Yes because no one gives a damn and where is SilverBones so he can shut this thread like he shut yours and me no offense Robo just that these threads are the same thing over and over.


Here is one sample of the same stuff



Close this tread its over!

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I'll take a seat at the negotiation table for what it's worth. If so many people will feel "insulted" by dual versions being added into the base game and the package akin to a prime access is less of something that'd make them gnash their teeth and wail. How about this solution, they do something akin to the prime access but for very short times say maybe only one or a couple of days each year on the anniversary of the game? Maybe if the game ever makes it to five or ten years they even consider giving the one/few day offer to the original founder pack for that big milestone year? By then I'm sure the majority of original founders will be long gone anyway.

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Yes because no one gives a damn and where is SilverBones so he can shut this thread like he shut yours and me no offense Robo just that these threads are the same thing over and over.


Here is one sample of the same stuff



Close this tread its over!

People will never learn it seems. Sadly.



I dont know why this is even allowed to go for 50 pages when there isnt even 5 pages of proper feedback.

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On taking a bit more time reading this thread I'm seeing a lot of people making suggestions as to how the original exclusive items could be released in some inventive way: Prime Access packs, insane resource requirements, and so on.


The problem with all of these suggestions is as follows: Yes, they are entirely feasible in that there is no law of reality or game code that they would violate. Of course they are doable, of course there is nothing mechanically stopping DE from taking that path to releasing them, or any other path. However (pay attention) *they have no plans to*. 


I don't entirely understand why people feel the need to talk about all the different ways DE can give these items to the community when it's come out loud and clear that they don't have any plans to. Similarly, I don't understand why people think that there's a negotiation that can happen here. The answer has been no, and may not ever become yes, nevermind how fervently you ask.


And I'll ask again: Why is it so important that you have access to these weapons anyway?

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On taking a bit more time reading this thread I'm seeing a lot of people making suggestions as to how the original exclusive items could be released in some inventive way: Prime Access packs, insane resource requirements, and so on.


The problem with all of these suggestions is as follows: Yes, they are entirely feasible in that there is no law of reality or game code that they would violate. Of course they are doable, of course there is nothing mechanically stopping DE from taking that path to releasing them, or any other path. However (pay attention) *they have no plans to*. 


I don't entirely understand why people feel the need to talk about all the different ways DE can give these items to the community when it's come out loud and clear that they don't have any plans to. Similarly, I don't understand why people think that there's a negotiation that can happen here. The answer has been no, and may not ever become yes, nevermind how fervently you ask.


And I'll ask again: Why is it so important that you have access to these weapons anyway?

You should try to understand Greed. It is a simple feeling that makes you want something that is entitled to others. You dont need any reason, just Greed.



Simple as that.

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You should try to understand Greed. It is a simple feeling that makes you want something that is entitled to others. You dont need any reason, just Greed.



Simple as that.


Not that I disagree, but can anyone corroborate this? I guessed that this might be a reason, but I held to a rather altruistic hope that greed wouldn't extend to something so. . . unimportant.

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Honestly this topic stems from the idea if variants of the founder primes should be on the list of items DE will never add. Not add again because ak and dual have never been added in the first place. It essentially has two sides, one side saying they are different weapons thus they are open for use and the other saying that since founders paid money for the single versions the dual versions should be completely off the table forever.  

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I'll take a seat at the negotiation table for what it's worth. If so many people will feel "insulted" by dual versions being added into the base game and the package akin to a prime access is less of something that'd make them gnash their teeth and wail. How about this solution, they do something akin to the prime access but for very short times say maybe only one or a couple of days each year on the anniversary of the game? Maybe if the game ever makes it to five or ten years they even consider giving the one/few day offer to the original founder pack for that big milestone year? By then I'm sure the majority of original founders will be long gone anyway.

Well making it part of a new prime access or anniversary pack would be nice IMO


People will never learn it seems. Sadly.



I dont know why this is even allowed to go for 50 pages when there isnt even 5 pages of proper feedback.

Says the one who is onstantly posting garbage like this to derail it


If you and others liek you stay on topic wed lose 5 pages of useless trash talk derailing and might hav e actually found a solution in between it


You should try to understand Greed. It is a simple feeling that makes you want something that is entitled to others. You dont need any reason, just Greed.



Simple as that.



Off topic trash youve been spouting this entire thread


Irony is youre causing the problem you complain about



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Honestly this topic stems from the idea if variants of the founder primes should be on the list of items DE will never add. Not add again because ak and dual have never been added in the first place. It essentially has two sides, one side saying they are different weapons thus they are open for use and the other saying that since founders paid money for the single versions the dual versions should be completely off the table forever.  


So, for some reason people have brought up the idea of the dual Prime weapons, arguing that they should be released because they're not the same weapons?

Okay, fine. People can argue about that all they like. But let me define for everyone what a moot point is: A point that is open for debate, debatable, doubtful. And indeed the argument over dual Primes is exactly that: debatable. The other meaning of a moot point is this: of little or no practical value or meaning; purely academic.

*Purely academic*. At no point has DE ever given the slightest hint that they might release dual primes, in any way, shape or form. Simply put, you can argue about them until you're blue in the face. It will change absolutely and entirely nothing. In another sense, you're sitting in a giant echo chamber with a few friends. 




Off topic trash youve been spouting this entire thread


Irony is youre causing the problem you complain about




Instead of responding to what you call off topic trash, you could answer my question: Why are these items so important to you?

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On taking a bit more time reading this thread I'm seeing a lot of people making suggestions as to how the original exclusive items could be released in some inventive way: Prime Access packs, insane resource requirements, and so on.


The problem with all of these suggestions is as follows: Yes, they are entirely feasible in that there is no law of reality or game code that they would violate. Of course they are doable, of course there is nothing mechanically stopping DE from taking that path to releasing them, or any other path. However (pay attention) *they have no plans to*. 


I don't entirely understand why people feel the need to talk about all the different ways DE can give these items to the community when it's come out loud and clear that they don't have any plans to. Similarly, I don't understand why people think that there's a negotiation that can happen here. The answer has been no, and may not ever become yes, nevermind how fervently you ask.


And I'll ask again: Why is it so important that you have access to these weapons anyway?

Because the trend to date has been if players cry hard enough DE will give in.


Given the xbox promo, they may have a point... Those could just as easily have been AK-Lex Primes and this discussion would have been avoided.


My hope is that if such items actually do get offered, they are only offered to ps4 and xbox accounts.


Of course, then ps4 players would complain about how xbox had to come on board for them to get something they'd been lobbying months for...

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Very true, no current plans from DE one way or another. But they read the forums after all and they are a business. If they see enough demand in one direction over another and it's profitable then it'd be in their interest to offer a supply. That's why they let topics like this one exist. We get to have a nice civilized hypothetical discussion and they get free market data from the members of their community that volunteer to give them said data.

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Because the trend to date has been if players cry hard enough DE will give in.


But that's not actually as reason as to why players want these items so much that they're willing to spill 50+ pages of virtual ink on it. I'm not criticising you (I'd believe what you say) but it doesn't provide the motivation, so to speak. Just the means.

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But that's not actually as reason as to why players want these items so much that they're willing to spill 50+ pages of virtual ink on it. I'm not criticising you (I'd believe what you say) but it doesn't provide the motivation, so to speak. Just the means.

Motivation is the same in the 90 % of cases.


"I dont have something and i want it."


*check for item availability*


*realizes that item is exclusive and not obtainable*


"Time to make a thread about how that is not fair*


*gets official statement from DE*


*totally ignores the same*


*Continues to argue that Founders dont have any entitlement in this issue*

Edited by RoboDoge
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Very true, no current plans from DE one way or another. But they read the forums after all and they are a business. If they see enough demand in one direction over another and it's profitable then it'd be in their interest to offer a supply. That's why they let topics like this one exist. We get to have a nice civilized hypothetical discussion and they get free market data from the members of their community that volunteer to give them said data.


If they are really considering the demand and maybe offering supply, wouldn't it be better if they'd make a poll about it? Probably in Design Council, because of no doubt it's the Founders who are most concerned, as the non-Founders would profit from the existence of Dual/Akimbo versions no matter what.

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Very true, no current plans from DE one way or another. But they read the forums after all and they are a business. If they see enough demand in one direction over another and it's profitable then it'd be in their interest to offer a supply. That's why they let topics like this one exist. We get to have a nice civilized hypothetical discussion and they get free market data from the members of their community that volunteer to give them said data.


I find it amazing to see that everyone save one person is entirely failing to directly answer: Why do you want them?

You're telling me how you might get them; fine, I get that. Try to create demand and you might get what you want. But why? They're two items (not even that good in gameplay terms) that are a bit on the blingy side. The Lato prime doesn't even look that cool, personally. Is anyone even going to try to counter what RoboDoge is stating, and give a reason aside from greed?

Because if you're willing to put that much effort into something just because you're greedy. . . that's kinda pathetic.

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Yes because no one gives a damn and where is SilverBones so he can shut this thread like he shut yours and me no offense Robo just that these threads are the same thing over and over.


Here is one sample of the same stuff



Close this tread its over!


You realize that was closed for other reasons other than just people wanting the thread closed right? its just a duplicate of the already existing going on 60 pages thread. Its an unneeded thread because its just another copy of a thread that is currently going on.


I swear people crying for the thread to be closed should leave the thread themselves  if it bothers them too much. (ofc its a free forum and they have the right to post but come on if it really annoys these people why are they coming back to the thread?) Since asking for it to be closed is literally admitting that it annoys them and they cannot handle whats being discussed properly. Rather than either leaving the thread alone or just plain staying and debating. (thats right its possible to ignore something)


Just saying comments like "mod close the thread" or "close it now" seem childish. Just as much as people screaming "mine" or "gimme":S If a thread is meant to be closed it will be. If its open complaining for it to be closed is best done in a PM to a mod or DE. As such comments aren't needed and don't have much constructive value


That being said the closest thing to compromises have been made, its in DE's hands now. As they are aware of the situation and how people feel (as drews comment suggests) People can go back and forth on the details but nothing will really change until DE makes the final call.


Also Akangstrum prime ftw XD now thats something to be called crazy. Im pretty sure we can all agree on that

Edited by dragonkingdx
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If they ever lean towards a more official stance on the matter they just might do that, I can't really say I'm not them after all. But the point of a forum is for things to be discussed and since they do look at the forums what is discussed is likely to be on their minds to some degree as well. I'll admit there are things I rather see prime forms of before the aklato and dual skana but you have to admit if suddenly they saw a sky rocket in said demand it'd be one of the far easier ones for them to add since they've already got the single versions made.




I guess greed would be a way to put it for some, for me it's more a lack of reasons to not do something. I see no reason that dual/ak shouldn't be added in the game personally and I see people that would be willing to spend money on it. People spending money on a game I like and supporting it with said money is always a positive in my book.

Edited by Kazzamo
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