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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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My personal opinion about a release of dual versions of founders items is this. In the entirety of Warframe - no two weapons are the same. A Reaper Prime isn't a Hate. A Braton isn't a Gorgon. A Bronco isn't a Bronco Prime. A Viper isn't a Dual Viper. By that precedent, A Lato Prime and an Aklato Prime couldn't be more different from each other, even if they had identical stats and aesthetics. I can't whip out my Akbronco Primes, set one of them down on the table, and suddenly run around with a single Bronco Prime instead of both of them together. I would have to craft another regular Bronco Prime if I wanted to do that. So, a dual version of a founders item isn't really a 'dual version' of something else because upon crafting it or whatever it becomes essentially an entirely different and new weapon. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm a GM as well.


All that being said however, there are other mitigating issues that push me away from the idea of a dual version of founders items released. The first one is lore. So for a while we have these special weapons, the lato prime and skana prime, that are in very short supply until we run out and can't seem to find any more of them - then we go all this time into the void and collect mounds of prime weapons and warframes and we can't seem to find the most simple ones, lato prime and skana prime, but suddenly we can find dual versions of them in the very same void we've been farming for months? I don't know about you guys but that doesn't really make a lot of linear sense to me. It's like if a clothing store put on a going out of business sale where they sell every last item they have - ran out - then suddenly pull out a lifetime supply of the things they were selling before, after the store already went out of business.


The second is, is that it probably won't fix the problem. Pretty sure I don't need to go into any further detail beyond that.

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My personal opinion about a release of dual versions of founders items is this. In the entirety of Warframe - no two weapons are the same. A Reaper Prime isn't a Hate. A Braton isn't a Gorgon. A Bronco isn't a Bronco Prime. A Viper isn't a Dual Viper. By that precedent, A Lato Prime and an Aklato Prime couldn't be more different from each other, even if they had identical stats and aesthetics. I can't whip out my Akbronco Primes, set one of them down on the table, and suddenly run around with a single Bronco Prime instead of both of them together. I would have to craft another regular Bronco Prime if I wanted to do that. So, a dual version of a founders item isn't really a 'dual version' of something else because upon crafting it or whatever it becomes essentially an entirely different and new weapon. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm a GM as well.


All that being said however, there are other mitigating issues that push me away from the idea of a dual version of founders items released. The first one is lore. So for a while we have these special weapons, the lato prime and skana prime, that are in very short supply until we run out and can't seem to find any more of them - then we go all this time into the void and collect mounds of prime weapons and warframes and we can't seem to find the most simple ones, lato prime and skana prime, but suddenly we can find dual versions of them in the very same void we've been farming for months? I don't know about you guys but that doesn't really make a lot of linear sense to me. It's like if a clothing store put on a going out of business sale where they sell every last item they have - ran out - then suddenly pull out a lifetime supply of the things they were selling before, after the store already went out of business.


The second is, is that it probably won't fix the problem. Pretty sure I don't need to go into any further detail beyond that.


Eh they can justify it lorewise anyway they want.  You could say the same about pretty much every prime in the game.  Like why did we only just find loki prime?  Or why are Rhino prime parts so much harder to find than ember prime parts.  Why is sicarus prime so garbage even though boltor prime is so much better than its non prime counter part?  For that matter, why are none of the other primes are nearly that much better than their normal counter parts?  Why on earth does Excalibur prime has such nonsense polarities?  Why is there no normal counter part to the dakra prime? 


There doesn't need to be a logic to it lorewise since there never really has been any.


It won't fix the problem (trading is really the only thing that can reasonably address any of the issues with founder's exclusives) but there isn't a good reason for these weapons not to be made.




With this logic, couldn't we just request aklato vandals? and pretty much any other exclusive weapon that has a possible alternative.

What's to say we won't ever get them?  I think the main reason we've never gotten Aklato vandal is because DE probably has been holding back on releasing garbage weapons; why release aklato vandal when they can release snipertron vandal?  Or Brakk?. 

Releasing these weapons could be done to coincide with a buff to all the latos (they desperately need one after all).

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I honestly don't understand why people want these weapons so badly.

1. They are not even that good.

2. You're only missing out on 6000 mastery points, which is nothing. (OCD)

3. I don't hear anyone complain about not having the Lato and the Braton Vandal.


I personally don't care if they start releasing Excal prime or all that stuff. It's just getting annoying that people are trying to find loopholes everywhere and that this is thread #5000 about exclusive stuff. Why doesn't DE just delete these threads.

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I don't understand the logic behind the OP. "People want the Founders weapons but since they were exclusive they can't have them. So how about we give them TWO of each Founders weapon and that's perfectly acceptable!".


Makes no sense whatsoever. Founders stuff is for Founders. End of story.

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I honestly don't understand why people want these weapons so badly.

1. They are not even that good.

2. You're only missing out on 6000 mastery points, which is nothing. (OCD)

3. I don't hear anyone complain about not having the Lato and the Braton Vandal.


I personally don't care if they start releasing Excal prime or all that stuff. It's just getting annoying that people are trying to find loopholes everywhere and that this is thread #5000 about exclusive stuff. Why doesn't DE just delete these threads.

Not in a while at least.  People *@##$ed about it for quite a while after they couldn't get them.  They had to address it in a community hot topic thread a while back.



I don't understand the logic behind the OP. "People want the Founders weapons but since they were exclusive they can't have them. So how about we give them TWO of each Founders weapon and that's perfectly acceptable!".


Makes no sense whatsoever. Founders stuff is for Founders. End of story.


I agree, founders stuff is for founders.  Here's the list of founder's stuff:




Please tell me where the Aklato prime and Dual skana prime are on that list.  You get what you paid for.  You did not pay for Aklato prime or Dual skana prime.

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You know that Dual Skana Prime and Aklato Prime just means two of each right?

You do know that they're separate weapons with separate mastery, animation and coding, right?  Do you get a free Akbronco when you buy/craft a bronco?  How about when you buy a bolto? Cestra? Viper?  Furis?  If it's not a different weapon why would I have to buy new inventory slots for it?  Why on earth do I have to buy/craft it separately from single weapons?  Why do I have to put a potato in it as well as the singular version?  Why do I have to forma it separately?  Why do I have to equip mods on it as well?  Why do I have to color it when I've already colored my single weapon version?


You paid for a Lato prime and a skana prime.  Your founders purchase did not promise you exclusivity on any other weapon but those.

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Founders paid for one of each. DE said they were exclusive. Your argument is that Founders should have one exclusively, but everyone should be able to get 2 of each for free. This argument does not have a leg to stand on.


I will no longer respond to this thread. I have said my piece and clearly, I cannot change minds. If I were to post more I fear I would lose my ability to remain civil and nobody wants that. I will merely say that I find these threads to be a constant nuisance and, ultimately, pointless.


Good day gentlemen, ladies. Carry on without me.

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You do know that they're separate weapons with separate mastery, animation and coding, right?  Do you get a free Akbronco when you buy/craft a bronco?  How about when you buy a bolto? Cestra? Viper?  Furis?  If it's not a different weapon why would I have to buy new inventory slots for it?  Why on earth do I have to buy/craft it separately from single weapons?  Why do I have to put a potato in it as well as the singular version?  Why do I have to forma it separately?  Why do I have to equip mods on it as well?  Why do I have to color it when I've already colored my single weapon version?


You paid for a Lato prime and a skana prime.  You were not promised exclusivity on any other weapon but those.

We paid for EXCLUSIVE stuff. And to support DE, I thought it was worth mentioning, it was kinda reason number 1 for me at least, the EXCLUSIVE things were a bonus, a "thank you for your support" from DE^^.

Putting "Ak" or "Dual" in the name doesn't change anything to the fact that these weapons were founders exclusive. Saying that it's totally different is completely bonkers. "I have two of these, so it's different!" Yeah right...

This madness has to stop. "Ak" and "Dual" everywhere... God...

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Founders paid for one of each. DE said they were exclusive. Your argument is that Founders should have one exclusively, but everyone should be able to get 2 of each for free. This argument does not have a leg to stand on.


I will no longer respond to this thread. I have said my piece and clearly, I cannot change minds. If I were to post more I fear I would lose my ability to remain civil and nobody wants that. I will merely say that I find these threads to be a constant nuisance and, ultimately, pointless.


Good day gentlemen, ladies. Carry on without me.


Aklato isn't 2 latos, it's an AKlato.  Otherwise you'd be purchasing and equipping two latos to wield two latos.




We paid for EXCLUSIVE stuff. And to support DE, I thought it was worth mentioning, it was kinda reason number 1 for me at least, the EXCLUSIVE things were a bonus, a "thank you for your support" from DE^^.

Putting "Ak" or "Dual" in the name doesn't change anything to the fact that these weapons were founders exclusive. Saying that it's totally different is completely bonkers. "I have two of these, so it's different!" Yeah right...

This madness has to stop. "Ak" and "Dual" everywhere... God...

It does change things.  That's why AK weapons and Dual melee weapons are separate purchases and have different stats and animations.  Or have you never seen a person put off purchasing a single weapon to wait for the AK version?  They do it for a reason.  They are functionally different weapons.  That's an actually important difference for a business like a game.  They wouldn't sell them as separate items if they weren't different.


Your argument is based on a standard that does not and has never existed in the game.

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You're applying a strict dictionary definition to a product that is specifically sold because it's different in an attempt to say that it isn't different.  Games are not a strict representation of the real world and and the weapons inside them are no different.

Dual Skana is 2 Skana, no matter how you put it, you get one more Skana with the "Dual Skana", they act differently in the game but they still are 2 Skana.

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Dual Skana is 2 Skana, no matter how you put it, you get one more Skana with the "Dual Skana", they act differently in the game but they still are 2 Skana.

Dual skana is a short skana and a long skana.  There's no prime short skana in the game. 


Weapon functionality is a major selling point for any weapon.  A lot less people would bother with dakra prime if it functioned just like a skana.  Before a million different melee weapons were added to the game, dual skana was a common weapon to pick up before getting the heat sword because it had greater range than the skana and could hit multiple enemies.

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The proto skin fixed this and you have a much better chance of getting that permantly released, so go for that.

Proto skin is nice, but it's not any kind of substitute for a complete frame that's unavailable. Plus the proto skin is yet another exclusive, and another exclusive isn't any kind of solution, just another added problem.

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Problem is that with Dual Skana and Aklato Prime Founders weapons would stay exclusive and nothing would change. Same people would cry about them not being available and same kind of threads would show up.




It is quite simple. This idea is quite stupid as we would get another set of useless Primes, and people that want Founders items would still be crying over them. Because they want Founders items out of vanity and greed. Not because "I cannot be MR 16 right now and i feel left behind because of that".

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Problem is that with Dual Skana and Aklato Prime Founders weapons would stay exclusive and nothing would change. Same people would cry about them not being available and same kind of threads would show up.




It is quite simple. This idea is quite stupid as we would get another set of useless Primes, and people that want Founders items would still be crying over them. Because they want Founders items out of vanity and greed. Not because "I cannot be MR 16 right now and i feel left behind because of that".

The only remotely viable solution is making founders exclusives tradeable.  DE has been very clear that they will never re release founders items so anything that is to be done will have to be done with existing founders items.  That just leaves trading.


It still doesn't mean that Aklato prime and Dual Skana prime should never be released.  All weapons should eventually get a prime version, and these would require the least work to introduce since there are existing models to work with.

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This is why I find exclusives in any game, or even some real life scenarios to be bothersome. There will always be people who want them and refuse to take no as an answer. I wish everyone could get the Founder stuff, and other exclusives so everyone could be happy and enjoy the game more, but it sadly won't happen. It sucks, but people will have to learn to accept no as an answer.

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The Founders helped build the game in a way through their buying of the Founders Pack. This is what defines a Founder. Therefore, the Founders' system should not be altered, because non-Founders are simply non-Founders. I am not a Founder but I am completely okay with it, because I didn't want to dish out $100+ for a game and I am accepting the consequences for it. However, there is still the issue of newer players that did not get the chance to buy the Founder's pack. The Founders' pack can be considered more like an event item, so are wraith and vandal items, therefore if you miss out, you simply miss out.  

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This is why I find exclusives in any game, or even some real life scenarios to be bothersome. There will always be people who want them and refuse to take no as an answer. I wish everyone could get the Founder stuff, and other exclusives so everyone could be happy and enjoy the game more, but it sadly won't happen. It sucks, but people will have to learn to accept no as an answer.

The problem here is that we're not talking about founder's exclusives.  We're talking about weapons that were never part of the founder's packages and for that matter, aren't even in the game.


I don't get why this couldn't be any clearer.  If founders had actually paid for these weapons it might make sense to get upset about it, but you bought different weapons with different names.  Or can you stick a crossing snakes in your skana prime?

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