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Underappreciated Weapons?



There was a thread a few days ago with someone in love with their forma'd out Grakata, and it got me thinking...are there any weapons you think are particularly good with some love and care, even if they're kind of bad 'out of the box' so to speak?


If so, how do you build them? I'm tired of my Soma and Penta.

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Well any weapon can be viable with enough forma, its really your personal choice. I for one love the dera and latron prime. I build them for status chance, and cc based on the shred mod. Now the one weapon I see that no matter how much love and care you put into, it never shines is the MK-1 braton and the Vulkar. 

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Goddam Snipetron, nobody knows now how delicous it is to have a sniper with mutiple bullets in its magazine and a kind-of-fast firing rate.

how about Vandaltron?

If i`d have to add to this list - cronus. and mire. and (i`m gonna get laughed out of the house for this) *dramatic silence for effect* - Attica.

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Everyone seems to shun it because of the mag size, but it's such a perfect middle-of-the-road assault rifle with a nice fast reload. Very very good for medium-long fights. I use it all the time, even where it's the wrong damage type, just because the operation feels really good.



I think people are aware that this gun is epic, but for some reason no one uses it. Why Accelerant + Ignis has not caught on is just totally beyond me. Such a crazy strong combo that just hits everything for miles for truckloads and truckloads of damage.



Pure corrosive, excellent accuracy and it throws bodies out of the way. Essentially the ULTIMATE anti-Grineer sidearm since it doesn't need to lose DPS or damage per hit by giving up a slot to get punch-through or reload speed that help so much vs armies of light Grineer



Everyone knows these are baller, but I just don't see them. I see lots of Dex Furis and lots of handcannons and lots of empty secondary slots. I see Embolist more than Akmagnus.

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Status build weapons:


Gorgon Wraith









Ignis/Accelerant is awesome and underused. Ignis status build is underused too. Rad/Viral with both event mods is something awesome against packs of high level Grineer.

Acrid is still AMAZING against Corpus, yet I never see it.

I don't see Castanas used enough, given how amazing they are.

Akboltos are underused, given that they can pull similar DPS to Boltor Prime. Suppose not enough people willing to use a click macro.


Throwing weapons in general, but especially the Kestrel. I mean, its a ranged knockdown that doesnt cost energy and can be equipped on any frame, plus it does a nice chunk of damage. Why wouldn't you?

Edited by Darzk
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There was a thread a few days ago with someone in love with their forma'd out Grakata, and it got me thinking...are there any weapons you think are particularly good with some love and care, even if they're kind of bad 'out of the box' so to speak?

If so, how do you build them? I'm tired of my Soma and Penta.


Braton + Basic Mods + 3 Forma + Blast Damage = Ma bby

Edited by CenSilver
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Honestly I wanted to potato and forma the Miter just to see what I could get out of it maxxed out.  I found it a really fun weapon to use despite its reputation as being utter crap.  Just haven't been able to put in the effort on a gamble.

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