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What's Up With Oxium?


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That leaves them with a little health left even with maxed focus unless I'm on a very low level planet like Venus (where they hardly even spawn). Besides, even if I killed every single one of them that spawned before they self destructed (very unlikely), they spawn at 1/2 the rate compared to having a 4 man squad. It's simply impractical to try to farm them solo. 



Rhino is the best frame for this because it locks the osprey in place.

So yes use more Rhinos in kappa (like 90% of the playerbase in Kappa...).

Edited by fatpig84
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I don't have corrupted mods. Once again, because they are a pain to get solo.


Miasma does not do all its damage instantly, the ospreys could still self destruct while the damage is being dished out. 


Self destructing high health enemies that rarely spawn and are the only enemies that drop a resource you need in high quantities wasn't exactly one of DE's brightest idea's.

-It kind of sucks that trading is tied to dojo instances so you cant even do that to get the mods. 


-They will never be in range to self destruct and you will be moving around while farming anyway.  


-I noticed that Oxium drops at a decent rate from feral Kubrows on Earth.  In survivals there are Kubrow nests that spawn them repeatedly.  Nekros could do a good job farming it there (Nova to speed things up could help.)  Gonna try this later.

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I don't see the fuss on oxium myself, I had enough to build all zephyr parts before she was even finished researching in the dojo on launch week.

 Just ran kappa over and over, did it in one sitting. I have built all the other weapons etc that require it and I'm still sitting on over 1500 that I haven't even farmed and have no use for.


tl;dr just farm them already.

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I guess it is the same as it was around Christmas with Ember Prime. Just play the game without a specific goal involving RNG and eventually you will have the parts you require. I guess just give DE time and hopefully we will get more enemies made from Oxium so they also drop it. Thanks to everybody for being civilized and giving constructive feedback, I will keep playing Corpus side but aim less towards Oxium ^^

Man why did wrote M2 and then (Melee 2.0)?
Why not just Melee 2.0?

It's like: " Hum I will write M2 then nobody will know what it means... so I write Melee 2.0 to explain what it means. Why be straight? I'm a genious!"

You're a very very complicate sir! :3

Yeah sorry, I didn't think it through (stupid me) XD


"What's up with Oxium?"  Itself is, cuz, y'know... it's lighter than air.


... I apologize for my horrible joke and will see myself out T_T


Seriously though, Oxium is not even slightly difficult in its attainment.  Just pay attention and do work (AKA don't let them suicide), you'll have enough to build two Zephyrs before you know it.

That joke, good to have lighthearted people on this forum ^^


People complaining about Oxium's drop rate...


The drop rate is 100%. Kill Oxium Osprey, get Oxium. 100% of the time.

I understand but there is also the chance of them killing themselves with the game providing no information to new players as to how to encounter these enemies, maybe that is the worst part of this enemy type. I like the risk vs reward part though however it is a little silly that I have to use a high powered weapon or CC to kill it quickly regardless or not if I have the skill to dodge it. It should only explode if it it hits you and therefore do more damage or knock you back :/


There was once a fantastic place to farm Oxium, Mimas on Saturn. You could get Orokin Cells AND Oxium from there consistently at the same bloody time. Another war broke out on there and what did the community have to say about it? 


"no...it belongs 2 grineer"


"The Grineer should have this node, Saturn belongs to them." 


"Grineer brothers we must take this node back from the greedy milk skulled Corpus!"  -etc etc. 


Never palmed myself in the face so hard, the Grineer won that node by a fair margin as well. I still feel disgusted with the community in general after everyone destroyed such a fantastic resource gathering opportunity, making this a greater grind for everyone who genuinely needed the Oxium, especially since at that time the only other place consistently dropping Oxium was taken over by Grineer a while ago. Not sure if that's still the case.


As for myself, I no longer need to farm it, it's just one of those things that I as a veteran have had accumulating and building up for some time now. 

Yeah the community could be more united in this so we all win and prosper from the invasion system.

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Grind speedbumps at best.


A wall is meant to keep people from getting by.


Once you have built the parts you need it isn't so bad, hell farm for some stances that drop from corpus and the oxium builds up fast.

The only real issue with the grind issue with stuff like beacons and oxium and lol argon (I always wonder what people mean by argon farm), is if you have everything else in game and oh I want this stuff RIGHT NOW as well.  Then yeah it takes a while, but hardly a wall.

Semantics. Nitpick my choice of terminology all you want: Grind is grind, no matter what you compare it to.

I'm just calling it as I see it: you grind for hours upon hours, get really damn lucky (like with the recent event payouts) or you pay platinum.


-Drops 1-2. 3 if you've been especially lucky.

-Cannot be accelerated by Nekros' Descrate, as Ospreys don't leave a body.

-Ospreys are exceptionally well-armored, and try to suicide explicitly to prevent you from obtaining their Oxium drop.


-None of that would be problematic, except most items that require Oxium need at least 150 Oxium.

(everything but the Nikana and Bolt Release. The former is really just a stepping stone to the Dragon Nikana: which is 150 Oxium total anyway. The bolt is strictly a punishment.)


Zephyr takes at least 600 and that's IF you have a clan Dojo with it researched. (I had to research my own with a Shadow Clan that is 90% inactive. Even with 3 others helping, it was very boring.)


So not only are you expected to kill ~75-100 of those things to build ONE ITEM that requires it, they spawn EXTREMELY rarely (easily less than 5% of corpus forces on most planets that even have them) AND they try to suicide onto you.


The only other resource in the game that's as bad are Orokin Cells, but at least those are a general drop and are easily farmed from bosses piecemeal.

Edited by Dwagon
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Semantics. Nitpick my choice of terminology all you want: Grind is grind, no matter what you compare it to.

I'm just calling it as I see it: you grind for hours upon hours, get really damn lucky (like with the recent event payouts) or you pay platinum.


-Drops 1-2. 3 if you've been especially lucky.

-Cannot be accelerated by Nekros' Descrate, as Ospreys don't leave a body.

-Ospreys are exceptionally well-armored, and try to suicide explicitly to prevent you from obtaining their Oxium drop.


-None of that would be problematic, except most items that require Oxium need at least 150 Oxium.

(everything but the Nikana and Bolt Release. The former is really just a stepping stone to the Dragon Nikana: which is 150 Oxium total anyway. The bolt is strictly a punishment.)


Zephyr takes at least 600 and that's IF you have a clan Dojo with it researched. (I had to research my own with a Shadow Clan that is 90% inactive. Even with 3 others helping, it was very boring.)


So not only are you expected to kill ~75-100 of those things to build ONE ITEM that requires it, they spawn EXTREMELY rarely (easily less than 5% of corpus forces on most planets that even have them) AND they try to suicide onto you.


The only other resource in the game that's as bad are Orokin Cells, but at least those are a general drop and are easily farmed from bosses piecemeal.

I agree, the reward just does not feel balanced to the effort. I am not saying change the values per se but the AI of that little drone definitely needs improvements, it is too silly. I feel like this would not be a problem if we had more enemies dropping Oxium so that more sources are available, so its not like "Ohh I ran around corner into the only thing dropping this super rare resource I need, well sh*t."


Whilst I do see the side of other people who have so much they aren't using it, there is no middle ground and honestly I don't want this to be the next Alloy Plate either (that transition hurt the game IMO).


I do have patience in hopes that DE will address this in the best way possible.

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-It kind of sucks that trading is tied to dojo instances so you cant even do that to get the mods. 


-They will never be in range to self destruct and you will be moving around while farming anyway.  


-I noticed that Oxium drops at a decent rate from feral Kubrows on Earth.  In survivals there are Kubrow nests that spawn them repeatedly.  Nekros could do a good job farming it there (Nova to speed things up could help.)  Gonna try this later.


-There is no minimum range that I've noticed for the Oxium Osprey to self destruct. I've seen them fling themselves from one end of the map tile to the other in order to activate their self destruct. Miasma is a pretty low range 4 skill anyway. 


-I've never seen a Kubrow drop Oxium.

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-There is no minimum range that I've noticed for the Oxium Osprey to self destruct. I've seen them fling themselves from one end of the map tile to the other in order to activate their self destruct. Miasma is a pretty low range 4 skill anyway. 


-I've never seen a Kubrow drop Oxium.

Kubrows seem to have have the container drop table, so they do drop it. 


Overextended Miasma will kill them from the next room so they will never get to spot you in the first place.  Unfortunately this is of no use to you since you can't get the required mods.  If you want we could see if I could connect to you and help you out with some of the content that is more or less inaccessible to you.

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Kubrows seem to have have the container drop table, so they do drop it. 


Overextended Miasma will kill them from the next room so they will never get to spot you in the first place.  Unfortunately this is of no use to you since you can't get the required mods.  If you want we could see if I could connect to you and help you out with some of the content that is more or less inaccessible to you.

Nah, I'll probably eventually get it from a clanmate, or when I'm visiting my relatives in NJ (who have far better internet than me).

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I do have patience in hopes that DE will address this in the best way possible.



The best way possible would be to add *actual* content so the grinding can be kept to reasonable levels. So give up your hopes, because at best you're going to get more half broken new 'features'.

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Semantics. Nitpick my choice of terminology all you want: Grind is grind, no matter what you compare it to.

I'm just calling it as I see it: you grind for hours upon hours, get really damn lucky (like with the recent event payouts) or you pay platinum.


-Drops 1-2. 3 if you've been especially lucky.

-Cannot be accelerated by Nekros' Descrate, as Ospreys don't leave a body.

-Ospreys are exceptionally well-armored, and try to suicide explicitly to prevent you from obtaining their Oxium drop.


-None of that would be problematic, except most items that require Oxium need at least 150 Oxium.

(everything but the Nikana and Bolt Release. The former is really just a stepping stone to the Dragon Nikana: which is 150 Oxium total anyway. The bolt is strictly a punishment.)


Zephyr takes at least 600 and that's IF you have a clan Dojo with it researched. (I had to research my own with a Shadow Clan that is 90% inactive. Even with 3 others helping, it was very boring.)


So not only are you expected to kill ~75-100 of those things to build ONE ITEM that requires it, they spawn EXTREMELY rarely (easily less than 5% of corpus forces on most planets that even have them) AND they try to suicide onto you.


The only other resource in the game that's as bad are Orokin Cells, but at least those are a general drop and are easily farmed from bosses piecemeal.

Ok, thanks for the breakdown but I already knew all of that.

Because I did it all myself.  I did 100% of the dojo research contributions and made Zephyr.  I also have 3 distilling extractors and have done whatever else research or builds that require Oxium other than one of Zephyr's alt helms sitting in my inventory.


I fully understand what it takes to get all of this Oxium and will continue to say it isn't that big a deal, or much of a grind.

There are plenty of good nodes for farming stances corpus drop that are also good places to get Oxium, or there is just Kappa.  The long and the short of it is the whining about this resource is really just that.  Whining.  There is plenty of other aspects to the game that have more RNG issues that any of the resources.


If you don't like it.  If it is too much for you personally and is a WALL.  Then just shut up and buy some on the market.  If you don't want to do that, I understand, because paying plat for something that is so easily gathered in game seems like a pretty dumb idea.

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If you don't like it.  If it is too much for you personally and is a WALL.  Then just shut up and buy some on the market.  If you don't want to do that, I understand, because paying plat for something that is so easily gathered in game seems like a pretty dumb idea.

Seems I've struck a nerve.

Well, apart from heaping condescending tripe onto me, do you have anything of VALUE to add?

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Hey guys,

I come back after a two month (or so) break and a lot of things have been added in such as M2 (Melee 2.0). However, one thing that did not change except gotten worse was rate of Oxium income or its usage. 300 for Helios? After I played about 3-4 games to get 100 to research? It is ridiculous, along with Zephyr's requirements too. It is not a good way to keep people interested, at least make it so that our drones can bring a lucky 50-100 Oxium every 3-4 days.


I am just saying please fix this as I would love to play Zephyr and use Helios ^^


I can get about 30+ oxium per Kappa run. 10x30 = 300, so no more than 10 runs would be needed to gain 300 oxium.


So, 10 runs... do you need to do it in one day? nope, but you can. Each run takes maybe...10, 15 minutes tops? So 4 runs at the least per hour? about 2 and a half hours = 300 oxium. And, again, don't need to do it all in one day. Oxium =/= Argon. It stays around forever.


It's not "ridiculous". It's not "hard". It's not "RNG" since Oxium drops are guaranteed as long as you kill the drone before it blows itself up. Remember - you're trying to craft either a Sentinel, which is basically a 4th weapon with special abilities, or Zephyr, who is a whole entire new warframe who's blueprints can simply be bought. There needs to be something you have to do in order to be rewarded, and that's farming oxium...which, as shown, does not take as long as you complainers are stating.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Gotta make people grind. Otherwise there'll be not much else to do. Not like it gets boring or so >_>


Not exactly the need to make players grind. Think of it this way: If we didn't need Oxium or Argon or any of the newer mats, everyone would already have Zephyr, Hydroid, all the new powerful equipment, and so on. These new goals would have been met immediately. I mean, any other game releasing new content in the form of new gear or weapons or what have you will more than likely put said items behind some sort of wall for players to break down. Just throwing them out to the sharks immediately would be a waste. Players would get them, use them, show them off, then a week later those same players would be screaming for more content.


That said...I @(*()$ hate Argon. I've had the absolute worst trouble getting it. And Delta beacons! My God...My...God. Now, I'm not comparing Argon or Beacons to Oxium. Oxium is easy as hell to farm and accumulate. But, just showing that I can see it in both views. It's annoying, it's aggravating, but it's also obstacles towards your goals, and once you obtain your goal, it becomes all the sweeter.

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I missed both alerts. Just made it to 300 of the 600 I need for Zephyr after doing quite a few Kappa runs. Sure, it'll take me a bit before I get it, but that's what the game is and it'll be great to have earned zephyr. I honestly don't get these complaints. If you don't want to play and get it for free, buy it with plat.

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Not exactly the need to make players grind. Think of it this way: If we didn't need Oxium or Argon or any of the newer mats, everyone would already have Zephyr, Hydroid, all the new powerful equipment, and so on. These new goals would have been met immediately. I mean, any other game releasing new content in the form of new gear or weapons or what have you will more than likely put said items behind some sort of wall for players to break down. Just throwing them out to the sharks immediately would be a waste. Players would get them, use them, show them off, then a week later those same players would be screaming for more content.


That said...I @(*()$ hate Argon. I've had the absolute worst trouble getting it. And Delta beacons! My God...My...God. Now, I'm not comparing Argon or Beacons to Oxium. Oxium is easy as hell to farm and accumulate. But, just showing that I can see it in both views. It's annoying, it's aggravating, but it's also obstacles towards your goals, and once you obtain your goal, it becomes all the sweeter.

I'm not saying hand us over the new stuff on a silver platter. But making players grind mindlessly the same missions over and over again isn't exactly challenging. Its just tedious and repetetive. What I want is to keep grind on a moderate level. I don't mind doing 3 or 4 missions for an item. But if I have to do about 100+ then I'd say somethings seriously #*($%%@ up buddy.

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I've never had a problem with oxium. needed some for zephyr, ran kappa a few times. I'm sitting on 1,100 oxium right now from the recent weekend event oxium alerts and could probably build everything requiring oxium that i haven't built already. unless i need argon crystals, cause THAT stuff sucks.

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a good spot to farm them now is narcissus, pluto ever since it was taken over by corpus. seriously, the only thing that spawn there are crewman, mine ospreys and oxium ospreys with a few other units sprinkle in. you will also be getting nice mods or keys there since it is a tier 3 corpus defense.

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Oxium isn't that hard to get when you have an efficient team, I got up to 60-70 in my best kappa runs (far from being often) most were 30-40 ish wit PUG, this mean around 10 run or less for 300 which is not that much considering I played 10 hours + of cambria before getting 1 of the stance I wanted. I can understand if you try to get everything that needs oxium one shot it going to look painful. But try doing 3-5 kappa run every time you play and slowly you will build up more than enough oxium.

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Hey guys,

I come back after a two month (or so) break and a lot of things have been added in such as M2 (Melee 2.0). However, one thing that did not change except gotten worse was rate of Oxium income or its usage. 300 for Helios? After I played about 3-4 games to get 100 to research? It is ridiculous, along with Zephyr's requirements too. It is not a good way to keep people interested, at least make it so that our drones can bring a lucky 50-100 Oxium every 3-4 days.


I am just saying please fix this as I would love to play Zephyr and use Helios ^^

There is no need for a fix. The droprate is rather fine.... The biggest problem is that you're trying too hard. Instead just try to find yourself a good corpus mission that you enjoy playing and play the game ... For me it's Pluto - Narcissus because of T3 key drop rate (it's around 80% lol). While i am farming for keys i get decent amount of oxium and soon i'll craft my last duplicate of Distilling Extractor and Oxium will be useless >.> 

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I can get about 30+ oxium per Kappa run. 10x30 = 300, so no more than 10 runs would be needed to gain 300 oxium.


So, 10 runs... do you need to do it in one day? nope, but you can. Each run takes maybe...10, 15 minutes tops? So 4 runs at the least per hour? about 2 and a half hours = 300 oxium. And, again, don't need to do it all in one day. Oxium =/= Argon. It stays around forever.


It's not "ridiculous". It's not "hard". It's not "RNG" since Oxium drops are guaranteed as long as you kill the drone before it blows itself up. Remember - you're trying to craft either a Sentinel, which is basically a 4th weapon with special abilities, or Zephyr, who is a whole entire new warframe who's blueprints can simply be bought. There needs to be something you have to do in order to be rewarded, and that's farming oxium...which, as shown, does not take as long as you complainers are stating.

Well it is RNG just behind a different wall, you are not guaranteed a certain number of Oxium (sometimes I get 1 per drone and others 3) per drop and the worse is the spawn rate of those things.

Yeah no big deal, I'll just play for something else but in Corpus missions so that Oxium accumulates over time :/

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