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Let's Discuss Loki.


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"...downed from a melee gang bang from every direction."




Sorry but you must be either bad or not paying attention not able to avoid a pack of disarmed enemies. Did you see how slow they react and how slow they swing their prova? It seems you didn't. Also, after Loki casted RD you have one second or more to back off since they're immobile for that time.


About Invisibility, it's so friggin useful. How can you not see it? Nobody aiming at you, you get no damage, you can revive teammates without getting swarmed... have you ever played high level missions? There every hit counts.


To end Decoy is amazing against Infested. You can solo the hell out of a high level defense only with it... and not only infested, if you combine it with RD you can solo every other faction easily.

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Decoy: It costs 25 energy and can be good distraction for a sec.

Invis/:Cute. I can invisibly kill enemies with my bow and get extra damage for my melee. I can also stealth boss fights without them even bothering to fight me.

Switch Teleport: Decoy+Switch Teleport

Radial Disarm: One of the best team support abilities. Making T3 Survival no issue

Edit: Okay that RD thing was honestly a silly thing to say OP, sorry but it is. Got downed by melee gang? I don't even. Wut? Mind dumbing down. So as far as Ik Tenno can run and gun. Aim and walk. Aren't stuck to one place. And most frames have downsides. Frost being the slowest. If their's enemies coming to you get your melee out and slam attack or run to a good distance.

Edit 2: I saw the other pages. You can't report someone for disagreeing with you. Shall I report you for disagreeing with us? You're calling everyone here uncivilized because they disagree with you? Mature much. /sarcasm.

Edited by izzatuw
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"...downed from a melee gang bang from every direction."




Sorry but you must be either bad or not paying attention not able to avoid a pack of disarmed enemies. Did you see how slow they react and how slow they swing their prova? It seems you didn't. Also, after Loki casted RD you have one second or more to back off since they're immobile for that time.


About Invisibility, it's so friggin useful. How can you not see it? Nobody aiming at you, you get no damage, you can revive teammates without getting swarmed... have you ever played high level missions? There every hit counts.


To end Decoy is amazing against Infested. You can solo the hell out of a high level defense only with it... and not only infested, if you combine it with RD you can solo every other faction easily.

How do you see something that you can't see?
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Ash has been my main for a long time before it was cool to use him

 With  that .. I will try to help understand Loki..

He is the Troll of the battlefield no forma required but potato is .


Decoy>> put one out there  bad guys try to kill him ..

Invisibility>> need a 400% damage buff to melee  while being undetected there you go

Switch teleport >> put decoy out of the way and switch away .team mate getting ganged up on? go invisible switch and melee bad guys  or  reviving team  mates without having to worry about being downed yourself

Radial Disarm>>  what to make everyone on the map stop shooting at you and your team mates press 4 "warning  lv 100 and above will give you the pimp smack of death if not careful


Loki is on the short list of frames that have all 4 ability's that are 100% useful and you can tell that as you get higher in game play ..


Do not underestimate my little bro Loki will always be The #1 battlefield Troll .   
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I don't understand the purpose of this thread.


OP makes blanket statements about Loki players and asks for a civil discussion then threatens to report 2 people. Then proceeds to not elaborate beyond his opening post.



Edited by Ionus
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Loki's abilities are spammable, which makes the game easy. Therefore I still don't know why he's masterrace....

Wut. Casting another decoy just kills off the last one.

Invis can't be spammed

Who would spam switch teleport

Radial Disarm is useless to be spammed in the same crowd

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Wut. Casting another decoy just kills off the last one.

Invis can't be spammed

Who would spam switch teleport

Radial Disarm is useless to be spammed in the same crowd

Radial Disarm stuns all disarmed targets again.

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Ik that but for a split second. What's the point of wasting energy just for that. And don't tell me you use RD just for that

Of course I don't use it for just that but that it's longer than split second and actually helps VERY much while you're disarming new targets. If needed, it can be used as radial blind lite.

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So much Hype for his Prime. So many claims of him being this "Master Race" (as in the best Frame in the game). Well, i'm about to potentially upset Loki fans by breaking down his abilitites, so leave now if you don't want that.


Loki is fragile as can be, with and without redirection/vitality. That's already a major downside compared to other frames.


While fragile he has a higher energy base and speed in order to utilize his abilities more often and also move out of danger. The speed letting him be offensive and take a good position, as well as defensive and get away. Loki does have some more armor than other frames too, but it's not really anything that matters that much.


Let's look at decoy. It "distracts" enemies into shooting a decoy, but does not mean they won't attack real Tenno who get near them. That's as mediocre as crowd controlling gets. Excalibur, Vauban, Nekros, Nyx, Rhino's post-stomp effect and quite a few other frames do a much better job at crowd controlling than Loki could ever hope to do.


The decoy as many have stated complements the low health/shields. If fewer, or noone shoots at you, you won't need as much health/shields. That would possibly make him too powerful.

 Excalibur has a fantastic 2:nd CC-ability letting other benefit from higher melee dam, he however won't redirect the AI pathing in the same way and it might be a playstyle choice. Decoy has less energy cost though, and it can even be equiped with no "mod energy points".

Vaubans Bastille, Vortex and even Bounce are powerful too, compared to these Decoy can be less useful in some situations. Combined with these Decoy is fantastic though.

Nekros first knocks down enemies and while I personally like it alot its arguably not quite as useful for pure CC. Terrify sends enemies running in all directions and lowers their armor - it's on cooldown though and this can result in you getting swarmed anyway. SotD is pretty good at stopping enemies, it is however a huge difference in energy cost and it has a major cast time. A good skill for the right moment but needs to be compared for what it is.

Nyxs Mindcontrol can give you control of an opponent which is rather powerful - ancient healer being a good example. Chaos can turn the battlefield into a mess, it however shares similar mechanics with decoy in not being a 100% sure "hit someone else"-ability.

Rhinos "suspend enemies in air" is very powerful as it renders enemies helpless. It is however also an ultimate skill. His first skill - Rhino Charge can knock down enemies in a line and also serve as a pretty damn good movement skill + do damage. It won't redirect pathing.

All in all - different skills have different applications.


Let's look at invisibility. So, you can one-shot enemies with your melee? Cute. So can I with my Paris Prime, Dead, Brakk, Boar Prime, etc, etc. The difference being that I don't have to waste time getting within melee range to land my one-hit kill. Running around invisible doesn't help anyone. You're better off using your weapon instead of trying to melee every mob of enemies in the room.


What is to stop a Loki from using a Paris Prims, Dread or any other of those guns while being invisible? Slap on a "silencer"-mod and you'll pull 0 agro.

Running invisible helps alot as you wont be targetted - leaving you free to roam as you please. Get to an ally, not getting hit while reviving, survive while on low hp/shields (another frame with the same amount of hp/shields left not having invisibility will be targetted if no other cc is in effect), hack doors or just snipe of some larger threats with pin point shots - remain at a dangerous location withot facing the same amount of danger. "Go behind enemy lines".

Using ranged melee with Loki isn't locked so you can also do that to get whitin reach.


Switch Teleport. The good old trolling ability. I see nothing good in this ability. You want to get behind that group of enemies? Thanks for teleporting that Napalm behind me to move over there. Need to catch up? Thanks for swapping places with me all the way back to the bottom of the room. There's also that infamous teleport people through elevators and break their mission. For example, this is what happened when a troll playing Loki used switch teleport on me in an elevator during a Corpus alert


Just as you'd use any other movement ability this is a tool some use offensivly, defensivly or just for fun/usefullness in catching up. It's a way to reposition yourself. If you want you can confuse enemies with the "stun" they recieve after being teleported. This skill is just the old "with great power...", trolls will be trolls, and if we let them run our game in deciding what you can and can't do we will just watch a movie in the end.

Used this skill alot to get into the void loot rooms back in the day.


Radial Disarm. Not much to say about this. You disarmed that group of heavies? Thanks, Now I just got instantly downed from a melee gang bang from every direction. The only time this is even slightly good is when you manage to pair it with a decoy, but that almost always ends up being short-lived, and ultimately a waste of time and energy.


Effectively stops all ranged damage, leaving you with extra time to kill alot of units. Also clumps enemies up for AoE weaponry/punch through/skills.

Not sure, but I think the damage from their melee weapons is actually lower as well? Combined with Decoy or/and invisibility you get enemies drawn to a place you want and you are free to slay them in rapid succession.

This skill also does miniscule damage to infested, and has a short initial stun.


tl;dr Loki is a fragile frame with mediocre abilitites that is inferior to most other Warframes with similar abilitites, in my opinion.


My opinion is that Loki has a good set of utility-skills that works very well in most situations. He is a frame that is not suited for the frontline-tankyness of others but as is implied a "trickster". Some other frames have powerful skills too, but this doesn't make Loki inferior.


I might have Loki as my avatar, but that is more because of looks - I've played every frame in the game and I believe that most of my hours is actually on Volt if that says anything.


Hope I didn't offend anyone by this, thx for reading.


Edited by Lactamid
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If you need to use Radial Disarm a second time to deal with lots of Prodmen, you're doing things VERY wrong....


Decoy - Invis - Switch Tele - Radial Disarm - Switch Tele - Shoot from afar


This thread has hit page 5, and the OP is still wrong.



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I'm not mad in the slightest. I stated my opinion about his mediocre abilities, and provided a picture as an example to back up my opinion. I know the truth hurts, but try to adapt to it. There's no hatred. Just my honest opinion.

There is no truth to wut you said. its all bias.

Lets go down a T3 DEF. you can use your  op weapons and ill only use loki and a melee weapon. first  person to be downed loses. .

don't talk smack  and not expect backlash if you can't deal with it/ going to be  immature and be a child about it.

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I don't understand the purpose of this thread.


OP makes blanket statements about Loki players and asks for a civil discussion then threatens to report 2 people. Then proceeds to not elaborate beyond his opening post.



 lol threatened?  haha.

I already reported him. he  soo passive agressive. promoting disscussion but not at the same time. WTF. inserts gif here*

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There is no truth to wut you said. its all bias.

Lets go down a T3 DEF. you can use your  op weapons and ill only use loki and a melee weapon. first  person to be downed loses. .

don't talk smack  and not expect backlash if you can't deal with it/ going to be  immature and be a child about it.

He's not immature. We're just 'uncivilized' for him. *sigh* guess he can't appreciate the only frame in the game that doesn't have a single damage dealing ability
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#1 - No, no, the good thing about this skill is that it's extremely cheap and has no side effects to draw aggro. Any enemy in the range of the Decoy will not attack Tenno, as the Decoy's threat level is considered higher. It's your fault for staying away from the Decoy.. and besides, you can just turn invisible.

#2 - Did you forget that this ability completely removes aggro from Loki? If enemies are not attacking you, you are effectively invincible, unless you get in the away of an attack on someone/something else. The melee damage boost is more of a wonderful side-effect.

#3 - I agree with you. A Loki who trolls will use this to troll, and one who doesn't will probably keep this ability off. It's only good point is for relocating a dude in a crowd to a sniper position.

#4 - No, no, melee gangbangs only happen if you're stupid. Ranged weapons trump melee enemies in all circumstances. Now feel relieved that the nearby Loki just nullified all the damn Napalms and Parasitic Eximus'.


That's what I think. I like Lokis, as long as they aren't trolling.

I have  to disagree with N°4 ,

You should always use a decoy and go invis before using it = maximum melee carnage and combo meter rise

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Offesinve switch teleport = invis - switch tele to a crowd of badass mobs - radial disarm. And if you your team can't kill the one lonely dude that was switched, switch tele him again. For me Loki is a terrific team player. Reviving and life support duty in high survival mission is unparalleled.

Loki is a great frame, but the pilot needs to be creative and I see you aren't one. But I agree on thing, he's fragile.

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Offesinve switch teleport = invis - switch tele to a crowd of badass mobs - radial disarm. And if you your team can't kill the one lonely dude that was switched, switch tele him again. For me Loki is a terrific team player. Reviving and life support duty in high survival mission is unparalleled.

Loki is a great frame, but the pilot needs to be creative and I see you aren't one. But I agree on thing, he's fragile.

Ah ah. But he's the fastest.

Faster speed lower shield:Loki

Slower speed higher shield:Frost

I think Nekros has the LS thing down though.

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I agree with this, loki is a terrible frame for anything but being a scared player who can't face on targets straight on.

You're so right :D. Because Radial Disarm makes the targets come to you :D. Anyway have fun with that Iron Skin bubble of yours

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