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How Would You Feel If Warframe Had A Cover System?


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Warframe isn't the kind of game that would benefit from a cover system. It's not a tactical shooter, it's a hack n slash shooter. Cover based mechanics would only slow down the game.


This. Cover shooters are a lot slower then the pace Warframe wants to set. Rather then a cover system, we'd benefit from more maneuverability options.

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Personally I dislike sticky cover systems, however I would like to see more static cover worked into new environments. Sticky cover systems tend to slow down gameplay in my experience, but the lack of cover in some maps makes very little sense in a game like this one.

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Hrm, a soft cover might work, where you aren't 'locked' or stuck to anything. If it instead just made your model shift his stance slightly when at some 'cover'. such as changing the posture of a crouch if the player is pressing themselves to a crate or low barrier.


But a sticky system, that would likely ruin the faster pace that the game is more geared towards.

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Hard cover, bad.


Soft cover, pretty good. I'd love to see contextual animations when you press up against walls and low barriers when you approach them.




But in response to the original post, I would like it. Sometimes crouching just doesn't do the job. Improved cover detection for hits and such aaaand a soft cover system (as proposed above) would be great additions in my opinion. No hard cover system that uses a dedicated key or anything

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I remember one game in which they had a soft cover mechanic in which you just crouch behind cover but you can easily just move directly out of the way by just moving away from it.


No button for cover.


That'd be quite interesting in warframe for things like in endless defense.

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I remember one game in which they had a soft cover mechanic in which you just crouch behind cover but you can easily just move directly out of the way by just moving away from it.


No button for cover.


That'd be quite interesting in warframe for things like in endless defense.


I would like to see something like this.


Stick-to-the-wall-type is no-no.

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Warframe isn't the kind of game that would benefit from a cover system. It's not a tactical shooter, it's a hack n slash shooter. Cover based mechanics would only slow down the game.


That's why they decided to remove Frost from the game.

Oh wait.

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Warframe isn't the kind of game that would benefit from a cover system. It's not a tactical shooter, it's a hack n slash shooter. Cover based mechanics would only slow down the game.



I'm the guy who loved the quad damage alerts and I actually use the cover we have now. Many players refer to me as one of those 'tactical shooter' types even though I'm no where near it and I end up rezzing them when they rush headlong into a room like a lemming... but there's no way I want anything more than what we have. The cover already works great and the maps are clearly designed for it with space on either side of all doorways on all tile sets and cover in every room, even partial cover in hallways. People just don't appreciate it right now because it's so rare that enemies are a real threat in the immediate sense like they were in those alerts.


The game is way too fast, even for someone who plays it relatively slowly, to be messing with interactive cover.

Edited by VKhaun
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One issue may be that many tiles have a lack of things to hide behind.  I mean, there's things you can pretend to hide behind, but when they're only waist-high and all you do is lean down, they don't protect you.

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We know how well "Stay close to the wall" works for the Grineer, right? ;)


Like a few above mentioned, I'd like more context-based animations. Leaning against a wall a la Sam Fisher/ Adam Jensen and have the camera automagically shift to that side, rather than still staring at a wall would be super.

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Better than the current "cover" system aka hiding your character behind a wall and using the top notch hitscan-from-the-camera game mechanics.


Wouldn't need it to be mandatory since this is a fast paced game and all but it would definitely fill a few gaps(for the occasional high level alert solos where you don't feel like spamming 4 and your shields actually go down sometimes).

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 I guess I wouldn't hate a cover system, but I don't really think the game needs one either.


 The Tenno are juggernauts. All of them. Even the ones with low defensive stats are still walking meat grinders when it comes to dishing out the pain. I think that Tenno are more likely to just ignore a bullet or dodge said bullet then they are  to press up against the wall and come to a total halt.


 I'd love to see the dodge roll evolve into a sort of forward or backward lunge. I'd love to see a strafing dodge added to the game. Basically - tools meant to be used to evade enemy punishment using the Tenno's superior strength or speed. Warframe has the skeleton of a parkour system all set and ready to go. Just build on that instead of worrying about getting a cover-centric sort of combat going.

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