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This Was A Disapointing Update. No; This Was An Insulting Update.


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feels like eve online when ccp ran out of ideas, every damned update was just more pointless ships to fly and nothing new to actually do, their tacky bolt-ins no1 bothered using the day after they tried it because they found they were a pointless joke.


and here all we get is also more "weapons or prime frames" which we dont even need, we have too many weapons/frames as it is already, what we need is a goalpost, some endgame, a reason to actually want to use those frames and weapons, ive given up leveling weapons and caring about mastery, its just not fun, it wasnt fun when i hit the MR that mattered (8), now im MR13 and just cent be bothered with the new stuff, ive got everything of worth already, leveling the leftover crap isnt fun, isnt productive, i read the patch notes and see "bo/loki prime now available" and think "well, nothing this patch either then".


Rails?   1/2 a job, waste of time, no challenge, no reason to care, no reason to contest etc

Spectre's?   1/2 an idea, no use whatsoever, buggy ai/pathing issues etc, why do they even exist?  they have no place.

More Weapons?   ive got the ones that matter and are effective (which isnt many), why do i need more?   certainly dont need mastery.

More Prime Frames?   not interested in visual bling.


adding more pointless weapons and frames isnt even useful for new players, theres plenty of rubbish for them to burn time on as it is, so who exactly is all this new stuff targeted at exactly?


more ChatFrame till future patches/major version updates it seems, as with eve, every major update seems more of a letdown with mor epointless bloatware being added that doesnt really serve any purpose.

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Agreed with OP. Before I followed everty stream and post on this forum (the ones DE posted in anyway).



Now, I feel like it's barely worth my time. Each new update, i get more disappointments.



Where the hell is the token system? The tables managed to get even worse than before!

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It's beta, it's free, any money you give to it is basically a donation and is your choice, don't expect anything in return. None of you deserve to expect anything yet the majority of you act like it, it's pathetic. Why don't you go make your own F2P game with a huge fan base demanding from you all the time, and see if you can do better. I highly doubt you can. Nah, you'll probably just sit around calling DE criminals for being hard-working people who disappointed you. 

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It's beta, it's free, any money you give to it is basically a donation and is your choice, don't expect anything in return. None of you deserve to expect anything yet the majority of you act like it, it's pathetic. Why don't you go make your own F2P game with a huge fan base demanding from you all the time, and see if you can do better. I highly doubt you can. Nah, you'll probably just sit around calling DE criminals for being hard-working people who disappointed you. 


the problem most will have is probably the fact that since i started in U10, theres no difference between then and now gameplay wise except the addition of interception and revamped rescue missions, pretty much every addition after that tho has little to no impact.  (countless un-needed weapons, rails, extractors, spectre's etc etc etc, they add far too little to gameplay)


compare footage of U10 to U13 and its the same old drills, thats most likely why the older playerbase are bored, likely more bored than me, will be the even older players that started way before U10.

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Also, don't game developers usually listen to their beta testers and incorporate their suggestions?


"the customer is always right"...........but with the playerbase we have, its safe to say that the vast majority of those "customers" are wrong.


games like WOW, STO and Eve Online have historically been ruined by the screaming carebear masses instead of the minority few who didnt want their fave games ruined, yet they ended up a trainwreck, usually because the ££/$$ from those majority idiots spoke louder or through numbers alone.

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T4  keys were by and far needed for people at the cap. Most my weapons have 4 or more formas. This will help with dilution in the future as more is added, and while it still doesn't have the difficulty I want, not by far, but the new Vor is very very fun. Oh and BO prime is really damn cool and really damn good.


Best update since melee 2.0

Except that T4 keys drop only in interception missions and a lot of us dont like interception hence wont see T4. For me its like T4 doesnt exisit. In a game im not gonna do a mission I dont enjoy.

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Th "beta" excuse is indeed wearing a bit thin as it doesn't even really seem to apply to this game. As I saw another forum poster put it: Warframe is a Alpha game, labeled as a Beta, and sold as a completed.

This has SERIOUSLY bugged me for a long time, not just about warframe, its now a trend in gaming. Game companies release a game, charge you money and then say its in beta we'll fix it up as we go.... If you charge money, you shouldn't be allowed to call it beta. 

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How would you propose a system that prevented people from blowing through all new content in 1 hour and then complaining that there is nothing that takes time to get and that everything is so &!$$ easy to get like you want it to be?

Because that's all a token system would do.  It would only change the complaints, not get rid of them.


I would get to work on True enemy AI, Improving their squad tactics, flanking, use of high ground and utility items like grenades and melee attacks. Add emphasis on soft spot strikes while toning down ridiculously strong guns. Making a proper aim and movement more rewarding. Enemy AI would scale instead of cheap armor scaling. I would add dangerous offensive flying units to all factions while giving mini bosses more tenno-like abilities as mob lvl increased. As far as itemizing I would make the known garbage items more competitive with the known good items making less of a "well crap" situation when you get a certain roll. Making use of different weapons more of a preference and style over an obviously superior weapons vs garbage. I would also add actual weapon modification drops instead of solving all situations through mod slots. I personally don't have a problem with an RNG loot system, it simply needs to scale with Risk vs Reward. This new setup sorta does that but also acknowledges that some items aren't wanted while others are.


In short I would scale the actual difficulty of a mission with level instead of slapping more armor and damage on the same staple unit. I don't mind dying when Ive been properly shot down but leaving a mission cuz I'm shooting a wall of an enemy is just dumb.


And to the few people who used the beta excuse or what I like to call ( Baaahta ) When you release a product to the public you undertake certain responsibilities for your product. Using an excuse won't always work when your product does not fully function or lacks certain expected features. Other than outside funding I don't see any reason a passionate developer would ever want people to see their creation unpolished.


It's also been over a year.

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"the customer is always right"...........but with the playerbase we have, its safe to say that the vast majority of those "customers" are wrong.


games like WOW, STO and Eve Online have historically been ruined by the screaming carebear masses instead of the minority few who didnt want their fave games ruined, yet they ended up a trainwreck, usually because the ££/$$ from those majority idiots spoke louder or through numbers alone.


Unfortunately one of the downsides of Subscription and F2P games is that the majority speakers are also the majority of the money coming in. So in the end all of these types will buckle for the sake of a paycheck. It's only a matter of time. And you're right the majority don't know how to develop or create a good game and should have no voice in it at all. But that's how it is... for now at least.

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"the customer is always right"...........but with the playerbase we have, its safe to say that the vast majority of those "customers" are wrong.


games like WOW, STO and Eve Online have historically been ruined by the screaming carebear masses instead of the minority few who didnt want their fave games ruined, yet they ended up a trainwreck, usually because the ££/$$ from those majority idiots spoke louder or through numbers alone.

Unfortunately one of the downsides of Subscription and F2P games is that the majority speakers are also the majority of the money coming in. So in the end all of these types will buckle for the sake of a paycheck. It's only a matter of time. And you're right the majority don't know how to develop or create a good game and should have no voice in it at all. But that's how it is... for now at least.

Boo to the ya. +1

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Am I alone in likeing this update?


loki and wyrm primes = prime versions of my first frame and sentinel


what is there to hate?


stop rushing to get the newest gear and enjoy the grinding for it.


im not big on rushing to get what i basically already have.

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Wow, just wow.


I thought I saw tears in the EVE Online forums when they first nerfed the Drake, or even when - shock horror - they made massive changes to Marauders, but this is worse.


All this complaints over ONE patch on a free to play Ninja-Trackmania hybrid? Seriously? Did you pump money each month for years in order to get enough skill points for a ship that got "nerfed" the day before you skilled to use it? Did you login one day and found that your home station with 10 billion in assets is locked out to you permanently?


What the hell do you people want exactly? How about you harden the frak up a little.


This is a GAME. You play it for entertainment purposes.


The Warframe community is so far the most friendly one I have ever met. I have swapped Prime parts with alliance players for free, I've been taxied around, I've been let into long waves defence games to help level brand new gear and frames ... in most of the other games I have you get kicked if you don't bring ultra-leet gear or don't get into teams unless you can show 2:1 kill ratios or have a killboard full of dead targets.


If your primary goal here is not the community, and not just the coop social aspect of jumping on games and just playing for the hell of it, I can't for the life of me understand why you are here. No one is forcing you to grind, no one is forcing you to uber your gear, or to collect everything. Most other games with clans will kick you and get angry at you unless you "pull your weight", and this does not happen here, as there is no weight to be pulled, and clans are just to share in the experience, and to help you along in the game.


The only thing even remotely relevant to the "power creep" and "balance" arguments will be when proper PvP is introduced, and even then, I'm pretty sure that we will probably have some point system to frames/gear so that it wont be just down to who shoved more Forma in all their stuff, so until that point, try to remember that at heart, Warframe is a coop game, not a competitive one - and most importantly FREE - so most arguments about balance are rather pointless.

i agree with you 1000%

the most mature aproach


to you all go play Ghost Recons Phantoms online the definition of P2W and the most unfriendly community

and devs in mastery to milk the cow

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the problem most will have is probably the fact that since i started in U10, theres no difference between then and now gameplay wise except the addition of interception and revamped rescue missions, pretty much every addition after that tho has little to no impact.  (countless un-needed weapons, rails, extractors, spectre's etc etc etc, they add far too little to gameplay)


compare footage of U10 to U13 and its the same old drills, thats most likely why the older playerbase are bored, likely more bored than me, will be the even older players that started way before U10.

I started in U7 ish but it's hard for me to say I'm bored, I mean I get bouts of needing to space out from the game sometimes, but other than that, I can't really put the game down.  


All in all, I think people need to just accept the fact that stuff like the prime gear and powerful items aren't going to come easy to them. It makes sense given the game's lore, it makes sense because you're trying to find Apex equipment, idk, they don't give out that stuff easy in any games that I've played. So why should they do it here? The only justification people really have is that they have to do the same stuff over and over again, but you could argue that that is the player's fault and imo it is. So many people go out grab Rhino and Boltor Primes/Somas and just lay waste to everything with these items, just Invuln, and W+M1 through their foes. They don't mix it up, they don't try a new frame cause dear god if they have to sacrifice their DPS and security. That's why so many people are bored, they restrict themselves to one or two windows out of the several they have to pick from. Then *@##$ about doing the same thing over and over. 

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I started the thread and I use every frame. I also use a variety of weapons and I'm at mastery rank 12. I'm complaining because DE's strategy for game development seems to be "tack on more grind" before "fix gameplay issues" and it's clearly not something that's working. You who simply bought prime access has no right to speak about how grinding is fine. 

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Kind of makes me think they need a PTS for future updates so that more people can give them a try and point out the issues with them before they are forced upon the entire community ending with S#&$ results.


That or simply release the patch and make the use of it optional for a couple weeks. Each time an update comes out there is a week or two where things are just broken.


It makes me glad I have been playing Watch Dogs and waiting for the usual post patch fallout.

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stop rushing to get the newest gear and enjoy the grinding for it.

"Enjoy" and "Grinding" do not belong in the same sentence together without a negation.


I started in U7 ish but it's hard for me to say I'm bored, I mean I get bouts of needing to space out from the game sometimes, but other than that, I can't really put the game down.  


All in all, I think people need to just accept the fact that stuff like the prime gear and powerful items aren't going to come easy to them.

I don't expect it to come easy to me. However, I also don't like it when they go in and repeatedly crank up the grind (and it's not even proper grinding, because there's no sense of progression), dilute the drop tables with worthless crap like fusion cores and keys and with duplicates (and don't just parrot their excuse about reducing it, 80% of the non-Forma items in the void drop table are duplicates) and allocate massively inhomogeneous probability distributions to the various items within drop tables (example: in 94 reward ticks from T3 survival in 13.0-13.6, there were 13 boar prime BP, 15 rare 5 core and 0 rhino prime chassis, among other stuff).


This is the first time I've ever looked at Warframe and said "I'm not interested any more". Ask me a week ago if I had any regrets and it would be that I never got the grand master pack and can't complete the full prime starter loadout (excal, braton, lato, skana). Ask me now, and I regret getting the founder pack in the first place (plus about 1k platinum later on).

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DE did screw the pooch, but this is nothing new.  Why are you people spewing out so much vitriol?  This is seriously not worth it, no matter how badly DE messed up.  Although I admit that making the game even more tedious and grindy was, as mistakes go, quite a big one.

Straw, camel back, etc, etc.


Personally, I've gotten numb to this.  It's...  Par for the course.  I'll stick to Jupiter max and ignore everything else after.

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I started in U7 ish but it's hard for me to say I'm bored, I mean I get bouts of needing to space out from the game sometimes, but other than that, I can't really put the game down.  


All in all, I think people need to just accept the fact that stuff like the prime gear and powerful items aren't going to come easy to them. It makes sense given the game's lore, it makes sense because you're trying to find Apex equipment, idk, they don't give out that stuff easy in any games that I've played. So why should they do it here? The only justification people really have is that they have to do the same stuff over and over again, but you could argue that that is the player's fault and imo it is. So many people go out grab Rhino and Boltor Primes/Somas and just lay waste to everything with these items, just Invuln, and W+M1 through their foes. They don't mix it up, they don't try a new frame cause dear god if they have to sacrifice their DPS and security. That's why so many people are bored, they restrict themselves to one or two windows out of the several they have to pick from. Then $#*(@ about doing the same thing over and over. 


dunno about others but racing for primes does even interest me, ive got plenty of them, esp ones that count, the rest hold no interest, many arent even worth the inventory slot, mastery has no value or purpose and "restricting" yourself to certain frames isnt even a factor in boredom.


in my case real boredom is because ive got every frame type, all the weapons that count and are effective but theres nothing to actually use them on, starmap is ofc clear, and replaying the same old thing for seemingly no reason is why im bored, ive got kickass frames, modded to the back teeth with loads of 5-6x forma'd weapons and absolutely nowhere with no reason to use them.


so currently when we get a patch giving us more weapons (that i dont even need) and not even a new frame but a primed frame (which brings nothing new) i have to ask myself, why would this interest me.


^ thats the cause of my boredom, sounds like your not as bad as me and thats a fair one, but i cant feel that im alone on this.

Edited by Methanoid
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