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Am I The Only One Around Here That Spams E For Almost Every Melee Weapon?


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Most combos just arent worth trying to pull off VS E spam


The only ones i like are that low tier whip stance that has wide AoE and noticeably higher dmg and tranquil cleaves stabbing thing because thats actually a noticeable damage dealer



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Thats all I ever do. I can't find any good stance mods so I spam E all the time. I do have the whip stance but I hate the whip so that doesn't really help me. There really isn't any reason to try to pull off the combos when just hitting E puts enemies in a stun lock and does just as much damage without having to pause or hold down the melee key.

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they consist of spamming E anyways...


I find myself pulling the 'combos' off randomly by spamming E. It's kinda sad and silly at the same time.


Mashing one button (E) is not a combo I'm sorry. They could have done a cool light attack-heavy attack system with the channeling or kept charge attacks for when your melee isn't pulled out or something, but no. Now instead of holding E, we're just mashing the E key and I'm afraid it's gonna break on me at some point.


Melee 2.0 is a snorefest and all the weapons in a category behave the same now thanks to 'stances.' Preferred the old system greatly, especially that old Jat Kittag charge animation. Old melee wasn't exactly great but I certainly preferred it.

Edited by Diarist
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Considering the vast amount of players, just from a statistical standpoint it is highly improbable that anything you do in game, will have you as the only one doing it. It is quite simple.....

Edited by Xirka
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I do combos to amuse myself, but if I wasn't playing a game to see things happen on-screen, I'd just mash melee while holding down charge (mouse 2 & mouse 1, respectively, for me) when not using a firearm.

Edited by Novocrane
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Depends on stance. Iron Phoenix and Burning Wasp EEE combos are slash, slash and then a long stab. Much longer ranges on Burning Wasp but a similar move set. The both have EE, pause, combos that maintain AoE and are much better for crowds and just keep doing AoE hits so as I play I keep choosing continue vs pause at that third step. It's not chess on crack, but it's enough to keep me interested and not feel like I'm grinding.


I think Swirling Tiger is also E spam vs EE pause but I think I always use the EE pause combo over and over.


Sundering Weave has a really nice combo on EEE pause E, but I can't master the timing. I always just end up resetting the default combo or continuing the default combo. Same with EEEEE, hold E, I just can't do it on command. Block + E spam seems to be the best combo for fighting through a crowd anyway though, and I don't use it for DPS, so I've never needed to try that hard and it's probably my own fault for changing the build around all the time so my swing speed changes.


I hate all the Nikana stances. The animations look beautiful, but they suck in combat. I spent some time using them (they're easy) after the hotfix that give some new Nikana combos, but just couldn't get into them. I don't particularly like their executions either, while I -LOVE- the longsword execution.

Edited by VKhaun
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Well if combos didn't feel so clunky, had a noticeable target option than I'd definitely use combos. But I just hate using combos and this guy just runs fast enough to miss me. Combos are although cool still needs to be tweaked

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I also spam E more often than not. Most combos aren't really worth using. Then there are the stances where there's a combo which involves E-forward-E that ends up going off most of the time since you tend to be moving a lot while using melee. Stalking Fan has a nice combo of this type that chains well but Crossing Snakes is pretty much unusable for me because the combo there is slow and includes a pause in the end.

Edited by NDroid
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nah I go for fullon combos, they might deal the same amount of damage as just spamming E*cough* gnashing pyrana *cough* but I think they all look really cool and theyre FUN to use.
sometimes I just go for "fun" over damage weird isnt it?
even though some of the comobs are stupidly hard to pull of and serve no purpose ;P

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I try combos but I am not really thinking about what the combo brings to the situation I am in. DE said that certain attacks in combos do things, e.g. AOE, or a knock-down or heavy damage. However it is impossible to know what they are doing. 


The combo page needs to explain what each combo does not just the overall stance.


"Smack down stabs" = Six strike combo that has several quick attacks but the last strike does double damage and an front facing AOE attack that knocks down.  


"Flowing beat down" = Seven strike combo that has a knock down on the forth move allowing you to pummel one target relentlessly or swap targets mid combo to take on a new threat.


You could say its down to the player to find out but the game does a terrible job of feeding back to me what I have just done. Maybe if we had some target dummies/ shooting gallery/ training room where we could get some feedback it would be useful. 

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