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In 3 Years....


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Probably about the same place we are now. It sounds like a long time, but is it really? Remember when they said 2014 was the year of Warframe 2.0? Well we're more than halfway through that year, and how close do you think we've come to Warframe 2.0?

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It will be the omnipresent king of all games. DE has risen up and absorbed all other game studios. Warframe itself is now an open Universe simulator with theoretically infinite procedurally generated worlds, weapons and Warframes. It makes anyone who plays it into a real Tenno but it enslaves them to it.


It will be perfect. Because the Lotus wills it to be so.

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It will be the omnipresent king of all games. DE has risen up and absorbed all other game studios. Warframe itself is now an open Universe simulator with theoretically infinite procedurally generated worlds, weapons and Warframes. It makes anyone who plays it into a real Tenno but it enslaves them to it.


It will be perfect. Because the Lotus wills it to be so.


In bizarro world maybe.

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more than likely it will still be going, and look very little like what it does today.

DE has been around for a very long time in terms of game development.

warframe seems like their sandbox project for concepts. 

less like a game and more like a "project" to develop engine / system / game design for other, more static, projects.


this is a double-edged sword. but it means that they're not afraid to take risks. which should be applauded.

it's far from perfect, and i can absolutely guarantee that regardless of where it is by then, it still won't be perfect.


but as with most of the DE games i've played in the last 20 years, i'll probably still have fun with it.

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It will be the omnipresent king of all games. DE has risen up and absorbed all other game studios. Warframe itself is now an open Universe simulator with theoretically infinite procedurally generated worlds, weapons and Warframes. It makes anyone who plays it into a real Tenno but it enslaves them to it.


It will be perfect. Because the Lotus wills it to be so.


In bizarro world maybe.

In my world maybe. 0.0 I dream of a place such as this. Immersive everchanging worlds utilizing your senses. True alternate reality.

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Facts - More grinding, more boredom events and similar gameplay. Almost every chance which can a bit help to be interesting is dropped into trash or throw out of window. This game have still potential but need a massiv rethink about gameplay and what this game can give.


Hopes - (better physics "engine", more customization, player made contents, rangom "random" maps, skill tree, improved AI and balanced pvp for pvp players.)


- This just was a suggestion but I think this won't happen soon.

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It will be the omnipresent king of all games. DE has risen up and absorbed all other game studios. Warframe itself is now an open Universe simulator with theoretically infinite procedurally generated worlds, weapons and Warframes. It makes anyone who plays it into a real Tenno but it enslaves them to it.


It will be perfect. Because the Lotus wills it to be so.

In Soviet Warframe, Warframe plays you...

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I'm thinking we'll continue to attract and entertain players. I see people saying "we're losing playerbase!" and I have to say: okay, so some people have left, but we're still massive. Are we as massive as, say, World of Warcraft? No. But, then again, few people (if any) are.


We're not going to have a minute fanbase, and we're CERTAINLY not going to be dead. Warframe will continue. Why? Because it's fun. You can talk about grindfest and RNGesus all you want, but, in the end of the day, nothing beats crushing waves of Grineer or Corpus or Infested in Defense, Survival, or even going after a boss or two. It is still fun.

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Probably about the same place we are now. It sounds like a long time, but is it really? Remember when they said 2014 was the year of Warframe 2.0? Well we're more than halfway through that year, and how close do you think we've come to Warframe 2.0?

We already have Damage, HUD and Melee 2.0. Player Ships (Menu 2.0) is RightAroundTheCorner™. Assuming a major update comes once every 2.5 months with six months left to go there's 2-3 more 2.0's we can fit. Parkour / Movement 2.0, Enemies / AI 2.0, Lore / Story 2.0?


I believe in DE. They're not perfect but they go where their ideas take them instead of feeding us the same recycled bullS#&$ all "AAA" games do. They deserve credit at least for that.


Anyway, to answer OP:


Hopefully it'll stay fun at core while expanding on additional features and polishing existing ones. That's all I want.

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A total and complete grindfest. 

Most of the playerbase has left. Only wallet warriors and elitists remain, cause they skip the grind by buying the content. 

I don't get why people constantly think that DE only knows grinding is the ONLY way for people to get stuff.

DE aren't idiots.


In my opinion, warframe will undergo a massive change and will then be out of "open beta".

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