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New Warframe Confirmed (Mirage) Megathread


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Probably it is Nova, i say why.

Two devstreams ago, they said that they are going to re-design two characters: Nova & Oberon.

It´s probably that they release the new design of Nova in the next update and here is how she looks like.

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There seems to be no gold. It seems to be specifically an infested type of Warframe. Saryn, on the other hand, is Toxic.

 Maybe we are facing a new concept of warframes? i mean, we got primed ones, now we can get infected ones o/

 And some warframes cant have prime so... its fun that way :D



Probably it is Nova, i say why.

Two devstreams ago, they said that they are going to re-design two characters: Nova & Oberon.

It´s probably that they release the new design of Nova in the next update and here is how she looks like.

 Well, maybe they say this, but why on the world they are going to change Nova ( bcs i think shes dam sexy, and thats why i have her ) and second, shes an molecular atomic star of death, theres no way she get this new concept like infested... one have nothing to be like the other in terms of powers...

 Im sure this is a new warframe or an existing but infested version like primes. That will make sense and be more fun, otherwise they will lose all the nova lovers :T

Edited by 087SE-Miykhail
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Probably it is Nova, i say why.

Two devstreams ago, they said that they are going to re-design two characters: Nova & Oberon.

It´s probably that they release the new design of Nova in the next update and here is how she looks like.


You, didn't understand a single of what said in that stream.


They'were talking about balancing powers, not visual aspect of warframes.




The design council chose several months ago, that the next frame would be an earth frame. Here it is...

Edited by HurricaneBones
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Might be another Alad V Experimentation - ''Infested Breeding Project''



If i understood this scenario correctly...



Back then, 

Alad V was doing unregistered shipments - Possibly captured warframes on which to use his infested virus?

Or instead was trying to smuggle those infested  virus?


And now in actual event ...

Alad V probably succeed (or will succeed if considering this as a teaser) to mutate some warframes with this Infested thing - 

Is using Infested Virus to corrupt Planets and Ships, since it succeed to mutate ''that'' warframe?


I suspect, as Alad V is trying to bend this warframe to his will.... Either Warframe commandos will rescue her (again), or will turn into rebellion against Alad V.


Yet...thats just my speculation.

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I can't really tell for sure but it might be an unmodified Valkyr, which would make sense if Alad V had kept cryopods in reserve. Also if you look at the skin design on the chest it looks very similar to Valkyr who is a stripped down version of her former self. Additionally I believe it was said her original power set was plant based (earth?).

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Might be another Alad V Experimentation - ''Infested Breeding Project''



If i understood this scenario correctly...



Back then, 

Alad V was doing unregistered shipments - Possibly captured warframes on which to use his infested virus?

Or instead was trying to smuggle those infested  virus?


And now in actual event ...

Alad V probably succeed (or will succeed if considering this as a teaser) to mutate some warframes with this Infested thing - 

Is using Infested Virus to corrupt Planets and Ships, since it succeed to mutate ''that'' warframe?


I suspect, as Alad V is trying to bend this warframe to his will.... Either Warframe commandos will rescue her (again), or will turn into rebellion against Alad V.


Yet...thats just my speculation.

 ^ This man, im on your boat.

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I can't really tell for sure but it might be an unmodified Valkyr, which would make sense if Alad V had kept cryopods in reserve. Also if you look at the skin design on the chest it looks very similar to Valkyr who is a stripped down version of her former self. Additionally I believe it was said her original power set was plant based (earth?).

I can actually see this in the less-armored parts of her body. Also, a Kara helmet would fit nicely under the jester-styled helmet here.

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I thought it was an evolved Saryn at first but :


Saryn = poison =/= infested

current event = infested

Valkyr & Zephyr (2 of the most recent) = corpus so faction-based frame

new frame = faction-based so most likely infested frame...


Edit : after hearing about one of her abilities : Loki will maybe get a female counterpart, and stealth players will perhaps enjoy her!

I'll just take a look to her abilities(hope that these aren't other existing abilities copycats) & her second helmet before farming for another frame slot...

I also hope that it doesn't put Typhus,Myst, Dragon or other awesome community suggestions to the bin. I really hope it won't...

Wait & see.

Edited by unknow99
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Saryn is reptilian? She's more of a growth than anything else.


Her default helmet resembles a snake or horned lizard head, she has scales along her neck and ridges on her shoulder. Her arms also follow a reptialian skin pattern.


The only growth part is the thing on her leg and her "skirt".


Also one of her ability is to shed skin. Sounds snakey to me.


Though perhaps she is just a combination of everything poisenous so she has plant and lizard elements.

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Add the new Armor set to her and you will get a Fish Warframe~


then one of her abilities will be swimming in Hydroid puddle~ xD


Here fishy fishy~


btw, if not mistaken wasn't there a boss (forgot which boss) mention about warframe doesn't have eyes.. But this FIsh warframe has eyes tho..

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